Rly made me think

rly made me think

>he didnt have 100 Omni-gel

ur poor

u cant affoerd stuff

>he can't solve a simple tower of hanoi puzzle

who dusnt hav 100 omnigel?

i wipe my ass w 100 omnigel

It's one of the easiest puzzles ever.
It's given for small children to solve.

>he struggled with this
>god only knows how he handled the elevators


>"oh a puzzle"
>spend 30 minutes trying to solve it by myself
>give up
>"let me check how to solve this... it must be super easy, I will probably feel super stupid"
>its full bullshit mode
>this shit is in a BioCuck game

Literally nobody ever figured it out.
Its either pay omnigel or check how to solve it.

>wasting expensive items for omnigel instead of selling them and amassing a fortune to import to ME2

What elevators?

shut ur hoel

The shitastic faggot elevators on the same planet (Noveria iirc). You'd get on them and shit would lock up, forcing you to revert to last save unless you had the foresight to enable console mode.

Fun fact, this puzzle so was popular, Bisexware decided to put the exact same one in DAI.

dude towers of hanoi is one of the easiest puzzles out there


I think I know what you're talking about. It's was quite bullshit. But it's not really something you need "to handle", as you said in your previous post. You miss out on some items and maybe dialogue, but the game proceeds normally anyway.


This wasn't even the first Bioware game to have this puzzle.

Kotor had it too.

This tomb is literally hell

What are you talking about? The elevators would just trap you in it with no way out.

To make things worse the last autosave is quite some time ago as I remember.

What other puzzles are fairly popular?

The "I got 10 matchsticks and we take turns taking 1-3"
The "You got two vessels, one for 5 units and one for 3"

OK, then we're not talking about the same thing.
I do not remember a bug like that, sorry. I played a PC version patched to the latest version, with both DLC packs. Maybe the bug was fixed along the way, and you played an older version, or on a console.

You miss out on the rest of the game, my dude. The very first elevator in the rachni section is the main culprit. There's no fast travel, so being trapped in an elevator leaves you with the options I described.

Speak of the devil

did this go on sale or something
this is like the third thread about this I've seen today

I liked it better when they did it in KOTOR.

MEA is like 1 week away from release. Everybody's replaying the trilogy

That's the only puzzle bioware know how to implement in sci-fi game, there is literally exactly the same shit in kotor. Which is kinda funny in a way
Well at least riddles in baldur's gate are cool

>He's too stupid to solve Tower of Hanoi with the minimum number of moves
>He's too stupid to solve Tower of Hanoi at all
There is literally no excuse for needing more than 15 moves to solve this.

So was I.

It wasn't something that happened 100% of the time.
I think I played through ME1 10 times and encountered it three times.

I played the game around 6 times, I think, and never encountered this bug. Eh, got lucky, I guess.

swkotor one had the whole moving 5 gallons of water with 2 jugs shit too.

>t. retard

>it must be super easy
>I will probably feel super stupid
It actually is super easy and you absolutely should feel super stupid for not being able to solve this. With just 4 parts you can actually easily solve it without even knowing what you are doing. Maybe you should try for longer than 5-10 minutes next time before losing patience and even after looking it up you didn't even bother to understand how it works. Pathetic.

>not omnigelling almost everything at the beginning because of imminent weapon cost powercreep that allows to make hundreds of thousands per weapon in the latter parts of the game

I don't understand how somebody over the age of 5 years old, who isn't certified as clinically retarded, would have trouble with a puzzle like this. It's literally a puzzle for small children.

You're getting too worked up over this brother

Omnigel is actually pretty useful as a thing to wipe your ass with.

Gets into all the fine areas, provides a soothing sensation.

You SHOULD feel super stupid.

How would a child comprehend the rules of the puzzle, tho?

I mean, he can understand the goal of transfering the pyramid to another stick, but would he really be capable of following the "bigger pieces can't go on top of smaller pieces" rule? I doubt it.

Not saying this puzzle isn't easy as fuck, just that it might be hard for small kids.

I can see where he's coming from. This is like somebody complaining that the "puzzle" of pressing the start button on a "Press start" screen is too hard for them.

Welcome to Sup Forums.

>With just 4 parts you can actually easily solve it without even knowing what you are doing

This is what happened to me. Was moving shit randomly to see what the puzzle is about but i was done before that.

Kids are smarter than you give them credit for.

A 5 year old is easily able to understand "the bigger one cant go on top of the smaller one". It's a pretty simple idea. This isn't rocket science here. It's also pretty easy to brute-force the puzzle by just flipping stuff around randomly

really activates my almonds

What's with this quality? Is this a VCR recording of a 480p YouTube video?

it's "first result on google image search" quality

This thread just made me realize how fucking stupid the people I argue daily with truly are.

Sup Forums always surprises me.
Every day more people reveal how fucking retarded they really are.

Now realize that intelligence-wise, you're still talking to people vastly superior to everyday normies with Facebook and Instagram accounts. And they compose the majority of your society.
They vote, too.

I'm pretty sure the people ITT saying they had a hard time are merely pretending

>machinima will never be this good again

at least 3d porn is good now. Thanks, steam film maker

>rly made me think
It's almost as if OP was being sarcastic.

I completed Resident Evil 3 as a kid and i didn't even know a single word of english back then.

While most shit didn't take too long with trial and error i do remember some puzzle near the end of the game with a computer and that was the only one i really got stuck on for a long time. Even though it's probably not too bad if you understand the instructions i'm still scared to replay that game because of that.

Kids can get mad at puzzles though so i understand where you are coming from but one in the OP is honestly not that bad. You have all pieces at hand, all you have to do is move them around until it works.

Haha! Great post Sup Forums friend. I award you all the Internetz points XD

There are still some people here who had trouble with it.

I don't want to laugh when watching porn.

I mean, it happens sometimes, but it's not what I'm there for.

>Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

I just always thought we were already below average on Sup Forums.


probability states that even if you're on the smarter side of the average, you're probably so close in intelligence to them that it doesn't make much of a difference.

it's a fun saying but intelligence is not a symmetric bell curve( if you could quantify it at all), so it's technically incorrect.

>only 4 stacks
They even went for an easy, super-retard babby mode version of it.

Check facebook or Sup Forums. That's how stupid the average person is

aren't all averages an intrinsic bell curve? theres only one kind of average, and that's a bell curve.

ah chief, where are you?

a bell curve can be lop-sided. They aren't always a mirror image.

There are FOURTEEN possible combinations to stack those 4 pieces. Anybody who doesn't suffer from extreme ADHD and isn't completely retarded and does the same moves over and over again should be able to solve this. Even the dumbest children will be able to solve this if they are given enough time. I hope that was bait ffs.

I always thought the bell curve was the normal distribution and if it is lop-sided it isn't a bell curve anymore.

Quick rundown on this puzzle?

literal monkeys can solve it

Took me a while but you need to ring the bells in order from left to right the amount listed on the note. Finally a game that respects my intelligence.

couldnt get past this part
nobody knew how to solve
uninstalled the game

>It's a bioware includes a hanoi tower puzzle in their game episode

KOTOR has it, ME has it, and I think jade empire has one as well.

>I think jade empire has one as well
I don't think so, Kotor, ME1 and DA:I have it.

I believe even with maxed out Omni gel when you transfer over into ME2 you only get like 10 or 20k gel transferred over.

ME2 was such a joke

ME3 citadel DLC had a hanoi tower arcade but shepard refuses to approach it, it's there for meme purposes.

So at least they're aware.

>It's a "the puzzle is just a well known puzzle or riddle from real life with a new coat of paint instead of something original" episode
>It's a "push blocks around to solve the puzzle" episode

Which is worse, Sup Forums?

No, If you're holding over a million credits you get 100k more

Doubt it. He probably refused to approach it because it was too hard.

A lop-sided bell curve is considered skewed, but it's still a bell curve. Just not a very good one.

Importing wealth into ME2 never made any sense. Shep died and his ship blew up.

Dragon Age had a gravestone with some text saying the puzzle sucked.

>he thinks shepard just kept his fortune of paper cash in the normandy like some kind of space escobar

This puzzle is so trivial it's used as a “hello world” algorithm for first-year CS.

I just figured this out by looking up a picture for this.

I always just sequenced through all the combinations until it unlocked.

I like the puzzles in Fatal Frame. They're pretty easy but don't feel like they treat me like an idiot.

Puzzles like this shouldn't be in RPG games where stats dictate most things. Not that it's relevant in ME.
But in most RPGs players shouldn't be the ones that have to solve a puzzle to advance because it gets in the way of roleplaying.
How can a character with no INT or WIS even understand the puzzle? Why can't my 20 INT character just solve it with a skill check?
Same with Puzzles in dungeons. If your character is too stupid to even understand that there is a puzzle, well though shit, you either try to bash your way further or get fucked.

Fallout 1 and 2 locking the majority of quests if you were retarded was some of the best shit ever.

You could expand that to any battle strategy. If your character has high enough intelligence, and charisma, then they can organise the party in combat better than you can.
Similarly, if your main character has maximum charisma, but minimum intelligence and wisdom then he should fuck up the battle plan horribly.

You need a little something there for the player.

I remember Kotor 2 doing that a lot.
So many skill checks in that game.

That doesn't prevent you from fighting though. Even animals can bite you, claw you or bash you with their paws. So you being retarded doesn't prevent you from swinging around a stick or biting and punching shit.
Your party members are also capable of thinking for themselves.
What you said could only apply if your party is made only by unthinking robots that only listen to you.

The leader being a moron should mean that either possible party members refuse to join you or don't follow your orders which means you can play however you want.
If RPGs allow you to use the stats and skills of your party members in dialogue too instead of just gameplay than the previous thing I said would be solved.

Cerberus embezzled parts of his inheritance over some fake foundations.

>or don't follow your orders
Didn't they do that in Wasteland 2? If your leadership was too low then party members would ignore you and their AI would take control on their turn.

I'm just a bit wary that RPGs could turn into movies. If the puzzle is done automatically based on character stats, and dialogue maybe done automatically based on character stats then why not everything.
At the start of the game you just select the stats, alignment and personality and just watch the game unfold.
Extreme, maybe, but you've seen the direction vidya has gone.

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>How much new content does Bioware actually make for their games, I wonder?

You nailed it.