Would you play as Byron, Abigail, Satsuki, or (Not) Soki?


Boring picks except for satsuki.

>people still falling for X-Kira "leaks"


Design wise probably only Soki, Abigail is just Birdie but not fat, Satsuki is cool but is also a doll so unless they really make her different from Cammy it'll be shit, and Byron is just plain boring.

Byron is meh, will probably have a command grab
Abigail could be cool if he really is taller than Hugo, kinda ugly tho
Satsuki could be cool if she was a stance character with sword on/off moveset
I have no idea how or why Soki would be in
So far these 'newcomers' are underwhelming

Satsuki for sure! make her Katana a special move, or a Vskill or even a stance, just don`t lock it behind a Vtrigger

Well I already own the game so I guess Id be willing to give Satsuki a chance to impress me but generally eh don't care much

Abigail is not happening, it's obviously Azam, Byron, Satsuki. The only actually uncertain guy is the last one.

Wasn't the silhouette of the next fighter a confirmed Boxer?

Eh, not to interested in any of them honestly

Black guy is whatever, at least he may be a zoner like Guile
I like they are bringing in old characters but I just don't care about Abigail.
I like another doll is in but unless they do something really interesting did two ninjas seems pointless
Soki was cool in TvC I guess

Just don't think the choices are all that good. The risk they took is commendable, I'm sure at least one will end up being a character people really like but their are other characters in the universe I'd have prefered to see added to SF.

I just want a patch to unfuck Alex

Why is Sup Forums so gullible?

Yes user you are so smart and are the only one who figured out that it could likely be fake

No we are just commenting on what we think of this possibility

Bryon is boring design wise. Abigail is alright I guess.
Might play a Satsuki cause her counterhit damage in storymode was pretty memey. But they should give her a big gameplay redesign so she's not just Cammy with a different special.
Would play Soki but I don't think that's him. That last one looks kind of like Violent Ken who I would play although I know people would get mad cause "clone characters REEEE". I wish it was the SNK Violent Ken though.

Personally wish the last one is Garuda.

No. The gloves were an invention of the person who drew that. What they did was overlaid the silhouettes, and then drew on top.

1 Ken in SFV is already bad enough.

I think there's a bigger chance of the last one being Garuda than Violent Ken, unless Violent Ken wears an armor now. Though I still think it's a completely new character.

Shoto army will never die. I'm surprised they haven't introduced a new shoto character yet. Every main game introduces one.

Hope so. Best EX character.

Violent Ken is in USF2, so it couldn't be him, right?

>Akuma and characters no one wanted

S2 was the season to bring back all the old favorites, not to make more new ones.

You mean "shoto" story wise or shoto in gameplay? Because Gouken played nothing like a shoto.

Nah, SFV originally only had 4 original characters, they had to bring more and Season 2 was perfect for it since they got people already satisfied with veterans in Season 1.