What is it about breath of the wild that attracts so much desperate, salty, butthurt shitposting? I've never seen one half of Sup Forums love a game so much and the other lose their shit that hard.
I legit feel like some people are crying tears of rage when trying to shittalk the game.
Like what is even happening here?
Lincoln Diaz
Success breeds jealousy.
Evan Edwards
this x100
Eli Walker
Blake Lee
Even for Sup Forums standards there is an unhealthy and obsessive ammount of rage and jellly involved in the shitposting about zelda. Like more than usual, which is already a lot.
Benjamin Morgan
>t.nintendo fantard
Aiden Bell
Fanboys, happens with every Zelda game
The funny bit is they think everybody agaisnt them is a Sony or a PC fan
Luke Gonzalez
A...significant portion of Sup Forums has lost all ability to enjoy games and are easily angered by people who still can. Normally not a problem because most new releases are shit, but when an actually good game slips by you can expect to see some breakdowns.
Ethan Watson
I think it is magnified because people keep defending the game so the shitposters never feel like they've changed the consensus and don't feel satisfied. So they just keep hitting their heads against the wall.
Jayden Cruz
Well i'm broke so can't get the game I might as well shitpost, if the game is so good you guys wouldn't mind anyway
Wyatt Phillips
Sonyga/v/ is upset that nintendo released a good game and a console combining the strengths of what they're going at. This is incredibly triggering to sonyga/v/
Lincoln Collins
The legend of Zelda BOTW is an amazing game but not the best game ever, it has flaws and all you do is ignore them.
Jonathan Hernandez
When something is branded "the best game ever made" it opens itself to criticism for the most minor things. Take this logic and apply it to the Last of Us and Bloodborne, do you maintain your opinion?
Bentley Williams
>What is it about breath of the wild that attracts so much desperate, salty, butthurt shitposting?
It´s a Nintendo exclusive.
That´s pretty much it.
Jayden Turner
fuck you m8 I hate all fanboys Fuck Nintendo Fuck Sony Fuck PC Fuck you
Camden Roberts
Because you aren't allowed to like things on Sup Forums
Not coming here is the best thing to do if you want to actually enjoy video games.
Ryan Cooper
its just proving once again that Sonybros are depraved of good gameplay
Gabriel Mitchell
>Come on kid give me the fucking sword or I'll punch you in the face you little piece of shit.
Benjamin Anderson
Nolan Evans
The shitposters have poisoned the well when it comes to discussion. Even when somebody might try to critique the game there is mistrust and the shitposters rush in immediately.
Jace Hughes
interesting that most of these people are Sonybros
Evan Hughes
I don't agree with games getting 10/10 scores when they have glaring flaws
I did the same thing for The Last of US I did the same thing with Gone Home (everyone did) I did the same thing for Undertale I'll do the same thing for BotW
Carson Williams
Fuck off child. Shouldn't you be getting ready for school?
Elijah Peterson
Anthony Anderson
paid reviews
Nintenbros love to cheer every time Nintendo bribes reviewers even when their game doesn't sell as well as brand new Sony IPs and Steam games.
I have not lost the ability to have fun. I have maintained the ability to smell shit.
Evan Gray
because it's barely a zelda game, I mean it tries to hard to attract the normies and muh skyrim audience that fails to accomplish what a zelda game should accomplish. And I really hate to say it because i have been a fan of the tloz since OoT but I cant agree with BoTW, im sorry its just boring and empty, nothing feels like a zelda game
John Ortiz
Could you tell me the glaring flaws of BotW?
Lincoln Bennett
the real question is what is it about zelda and mario that attracts so much shill?
Ryan Scott
No way that personal opinion warrants the absolute fever dream this board has been going through Don't even bother with this guy, he should try harder
Ryder Wright
It's not success that pisses me off
It's the review scores. It suggests the entire industry is still corrupt
Henry Powell
What's wrong with the game then?
Juan Hall
>Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda this century
That is not an untrue statement.
Joseph Perry
>dungeons are potentially the worst in the series >durability was handled poorly but can be improved by an update adding an NPC with a repair option >Shrines are spread out to pad as content rather than being condense to fix the game's current problem (shitty dungeons) >Voice acting is sub par >FPS drops are a common complaint
Robert Price
That's literally what we mean with the 'success'
Cameron Wood
Logan Clark
>The legend of Zelda BOTW is an amazing game but not the best game ever That is such a childish point to make for butthurt aneurism inducing shitposting. Best game ever is such a subjective thing. To me breath of the wild is pretty much the best game ever made and I started playing on the NES before I moved onto psx during the 32 bit era.
For someone else it might be peggle.
Objectively botw is one of the highest ratet games ever already. So why be so butthurt about it? Go play something else if you're so bothered by it.
Matthew Thomas
>adding an NPC with a repair option
Christian Young
I'm sick of all you fanboys from whatever site you came from coming onto this board and filling it with shit, we have another board called /vg/ for generals.
Not just nintendo any fanboy who insists their company is better than another.
Don't get me wrong I love this game but the community, you guys have been ruining it, all I can do is hate this game every time I see it now.
It has flaws yes no game is perfect but all you do is insist its not and not listen to reason.
I can't wait for this month to end you guys leave.
Levi Adams
>When something is branded "the best game ever made" it opens itself to criticism for the most minor things. Honestly I think that's a good way to put it. It's one of the reasons why Undertale was praised for so long but then after a while its minor flaws became apparent, lowering its overall score.
Isaiah Butler
Why not? A lot of bitching and gripe would simply vanish if another simple rupee sink were added to the game
Cooper Harris
Alright. Well 98 just suggests we're back to good old bullshit days of GTA4 and Super Mario Galaxy 2 which everyone can confidently say were not 98s
Brandon Long
haha Xbox wins again !
Charles Ward
Because that completely invalidates the item system the game already has.
Jackson Mitchell
It's a legendary game that will go down as many peoples' favorite game of all time, and will be looked upon as one of gaming's greats.
It's already going down in my top 5 honestly. Every game has flaws. Even my other top 4 games (Metroid Prime, Shadow of Chernobyl, Deus Ex, Fallout New Vegas) have tons of flaws to them, but I still consider them all to be masterpieces.
Jacob Moore
>that shit taste
Tyler Lewis
how much did nintendo pay you to type that post? be honest here
Hunter Edwards
I'm annoyed because you guys don't listen to reason when others explain its flaws. Also we have /vg/ for a reason Sup Forums is over run with these threads.
Isaiah Bell
>hurr >durrr >shill
not an argument, unfortunately
Jason Hughes
Better taste than your taste buds, regularly accustomed to garbage.
>mommy the user's opinions hurt me :( pls make him delet this >dear god pls delet the 98 zelda has on metacritic it's not fair bros
Juan Ross
Isaiah Nelson
usually people posting lists of "flaws" are just personal subjective changes they'd make to the game, which is okay, except they act all butthurt about it and expect everyone else to too.
Disagreeing with your opinion is not ignoring reason
Oliver Harris
nice screenshots
Chase Jones
They just have a yen to do so. No conspiracy.
Matthew Foster
i dont see how shit framerate and empty open world and shitty fighting system are subjective
Colton Rogers
You realize that fans are just as annoyed when people explain why, in spite of its flaws, they still see it as a fantastic game / revolutionary.
Isaac Diaz
>caring about reviews shot yourself in the foot there
Review scores don't matter. They don't change the game in any way. Judge the game by itself and stop caring about what IGN or shitposting anons say. This goes for both high/low review scores.
Ask someone you trust about their opinion, not some idiots on the internet (i.e. Sup Forums and game journalists)
Connor Harris
There's a difference between disagreeing with something like the art style is shit and the frame rate has issues.
You can disagree with the first but most arguments for the second are just throwing a curveball to other games that have framerate issues.
Brandon Gomez
framerate aside, those are called "opinions", sweetheart.
Benjamin Hughes
If you could buy a 98 on metracritic, why are there only 4 games with the score in the last 20 years?
Asher Scott
Reviews are important to make me bother with a game in the first place because there are too many alternatives
Mason Cook
I dont understand the issue with durabilty. Weapons are fucking everywhere and in abundance.
Jonathan Parker
right but occasional framerate dips aren't the end of the world my man
Mason Adams
Nintendo attracts a lot of help from poor people because they only have a PC or PS4 and now they feel it's unfair they can't play GOAT games. Seriously, that's all it is. The amount of excuses people make up to NOT play a game even when they have the money is ridiculous. People will WATCH people play botw so they don't have to pay for it but where's the fun in that? Ooooh, he's climbing. The entire point in botw is fucking exploration and people watch others make all the choices. It's just stupid. Not to mention the amount of shitposting and clickbait in generates. Watch anything and you'll see negative comments/videos attract more attention. And when a GOAT game like botw is generates much more hype so it attracts much more haters, especially if it's Nintendo. If Sony created BotW you fucking know they would shitpost about it endlessly. I think it also has to deal with the fact tons of people misunderstand what a review is, saying shit like "no game deserves a 10/10" or they don't think it's a masterpiece or don't think it's perfect. Shit, I've been playing the game for days now and I'm having more fun than any other game I've played. To me it's more or less perfect but people have a problem with that words like perfect. It's even more funny when they like tasteless shit like Horizon and say it's on par with Breath of the Wild. The best way I can put it is this, a game should be, mostly, about fun, gameplay, entertainment. How it achieves those things are different. Breath of the Wild set out to be an open world action adventure game, all about exploration and it fucking nailed it and people are just going to say it's because of nostalgia DESPITE critics who said they've never even played a Zelda game before.
Dominic Miller
Only one company relies on a handful of IP's to exist.
Nolan Sanchez
>Among the second highest rated games of all time >"They hate me cause they ain't me"
Eli Butler
alright but thats just your opinion my opinion states that all of those things are objective what are you going to do now? also my objective opinion is that BOTW is far cry 3 downgrade edition but whatever you faggots think if nintendo made no mans sky it would be another 10/10 game for you
Aaron Gomez
>I'm annoyed because you guys don't listen to reason when others explain its flaws Why should people listen to some 14 year old list completely subjective and partly non existent "flaws" that he picked up in some copypasta or during some twitch stream. People like the game, how about you just deal with it?
Ethan Wright
But a 98 on metacritic would boost sales and name brand to an extreme level, so I'll repeat the question. If you could buy a 98 on metracritic, why are there only 4 games with the score in the last 20 years?
Nolan Rodriguez
>dungeons are potentially the worst in the series
Just beat Vah Naboris and had more fun with it than with most dungeons in Zelda games. It's amazing how confusing it is at first and how everything eventually starts to click in and you get a gripe at how the dungeon works as a whole thing.
Plus the seamless transition between being inside and being outside of the beast is great. Watching how the sun casts lights and shadows inside the beast while it moves around is one of my favourite atmospheric moments in this game.
Isaiah Mitchell
then you're missing out
Oliver Bennett
>empty open world Name one game with a more densely packed open world. I've been playing videogames for more than 2 decades now and I havent played one. Switch is also my first nintendo console in more than 10 years as I was primarily a pc and playstation gamer before I exclusively moved to pc during the ps4 generation.
Christian Morris
No mans sky was created with RNG, there's no solid physics system in NMS, you can't exactly climb, the combat isn't even there, there's no solid crafting mechanic, resources are used for very simple things, the AI is trash, no dynamic weather system, environments all feel samey etc. I get that you're desperate to hate the game because you can't play it, but at least listen to those that can for why they like it.
Jose Moore
Jace Sullivan
I only had a ps3 and pc for the last two generations of gaming and I bought a switch at launch just to play zelda. How can people feel threatened in their "console loyality" by a system thats literally less then a week old. I wanted to play zelda, so I bought the switch. Buying a new phone or hosting a party is more expensive.
Jack Wright
The issue is that they keep breaking and you can't get attached to a weapon or have to stick to a bad weapon if you're out of good ones, sure you can go back and farm it but you just waste time. While most other games you have more durability and can repair them.
Its like a game that lets you save automatically during cutscenes and another that requires you to have to manually go to a point and wait for a full minute to save and reload the game. They both are the same but the second is more annoying.
Connor Brooks
The Gerudo dungeon is one of the best in the series, though yes the Rito dungeon is one of the worst. The other two are pretty fun and good if a bit short. Durability is fine and there's already an npc to rebuy shit that breaks, at least do some fucking research. Shrines are spread out to encourage exploration, as each gives the equivalent of a heart piece. Agreed with VA Semi agreed with FPS drops, only occurs when docked in areas with shit tons of grass typically.
Owen Wilson
You must not have been here when bloodborne released. I don't think I've seen that caliber of shitposting before or since.
Jaxon Rivera
Whats actually upsetting to me is that this is what every Zelda game is going to be like now. This is a good game, but it couldve easily been its own standalone IP, it plays nothing like a Zelda game and is focusing on things that Zelda games are not known for. If this IS the "best game ever made" and developers started ripping it off what exactly would they be ripping of? The graphics and framerate? The combat? The world? The story? The item system? What exactly did this do that other games didnt.
Nathan Wood
>what are you going to do now?
Nathaniel Diaz
The first one I did was Vah Ruta and that one was a lot of fun to siege and finish. There was some abstract applications of Cryonis and stasis that made the place take me about 45 minutes to complete. I would take more short dungeons like this one instead of the all the padding TP and SS relied upon. I think all the "muh dungeons" whiners are just autists who expected another formulaic boring game and didn't get what they wanted.
Dylan Scott
>The issue is that they keep breaking and you can't get attached to a weapon But thats the point, you autist. If you like the weapon you put it on the weapon rack in link's house.
The game showers you with weapons constantly and its a good way to avoid inventory creep where you got 5000 swords you never use.
I really like the system.
I guess its a subjective point, but its not a "flaw" if the gameplay is designed arround it. And it really is. You find swords everywhere in the world.
Oliver Price
Buying the same semi-shit gear over and over doesn't justify the good weapon I worked hard for breaking after a couple enemies worth of swings
Aaron Cook
>i never played the game: the post there's weapons everywhere so you seldom run out of it. you can argue that you need more inventory space because you can't fit all the flame swords you want in there.
once something breaks, pick up another one from the enemy you just defeated.
Julian Allen
>it's different so it's shit! >only good Zelda is a copy of OOT
Jaxson Smith
I'm not saying it is but it is a flaw along with others.
Jeremiah Morales
>He doesnt remember the month where undertale got viral That was pretty recent too.
Camden Robinson
Nintendo's very existence relies upon americans and europeans buying zelda and mario in particular. Sony and MS don't rely on two IP's to survive. If people stop buying zelda and mario titles then there is no reason to buy their overpriced hardware. If this happens Nintendo is literally finished and bankrupt so of course they are going to "pay" handsomely for over the top reviews. It follows that if Nintendo collapses so does industry advertising revenue - another incentive to massage scores.
Dumbed down enough for you?
Josiah Hernandez
>other flaws ?????
Joseph Torres
>I'm literally incapable of refuting arguments so i'll just call them opinions You people are the worst.
William Nelson
Most people on this board are between the ages of 16 and 23 and live with their parents. I would imagine that a solid chunk, probably around 30% or so, do not have a job.
When people laugh at others not being able to play a game, it's serious. Because yes, 30% of these jobless neet faggots do not have a job so they literally spend hours of their day justifying what few purchases they do make here.
Ruggarell was a prime example for a long time. He's a 22 year old black guy with a small dick (he posted it once) who, for years, defended the PS4 despite not having one because his Mom gave him a very small allowance. He shit on anything Nintendo, PC, or MS related for a decade while defending all things Sony, because it was literally the only thing he could play. He recently got a job at McDonalds and due to that has been buying every PS4 game that comes out, even the really shitty shovelware ones
Andrew Myers
>I worked hard for lol Also if anything the system makes you value your weapons more. You save the ancient weapons to fuck up guardians and you get tons of sicles and that shaolin metal disc from the yiga clan. You make it sound like you grind for 100 hours to get a good sword and then you have to spend 20 hours walking arround with a twig after it breaks. You either havent played the game or you're being a dramatic faggot just to be contrarian.
Juan Smith
So buy that weapon over again if you really like it retard. You're not supposed to be attached to weapons in BOTW though, because they give you so fucking many.
William Ortiz
Well I guess its a good thing weapons on the overworld respawn and the Colosseum right off the plateu is a great place to farm decent weaponry. I just don't get the problem, I never have anything weaker than a 26 weapon in my inventory and most weapons last me about 10 enemies because I use all the tools at my disposal. I'm not rushing in like a tard and slamming a shield damaging my own weapon like in the old games.
Michael Wood
OoT and its clones turned me off zelda big time. This is the first time in 25 years I actually enjoy a zelda game again.
Josiah Ward
Mason Parker
Unlike games like Overwatch where we had trillion threads a day telling people this is the greatest game ever and asking you why you are not playing. Zelda has zero marketing here and is only loved by people who play it. This make the angry PKEK very very angry and since his emulator does not work he can shitpost all day.
Carson Mitchell
Many companies due rely on the success of one game to survive. The Final Fantasy series for example was going to be cancelled if XV didn't profit. A 98 on metacritic would boost sales and name brand to an extreme level, so I'll repeat the question. If you could buy a 98 on metracritic, why are there only 4 games with the score in the last 20 years?
Ayden Lee
donald trump made zelda great again
Cooper Watson
I'm 22 and live with my parents yet earn enough to be an idort, sustain a car and go on a trip twice a year.
How hard can it be? Is it an american thing?
Alexander Barnes
>Link hands BOTW Link the master sword >He breaks it after 10 swings