Game has deep moral choices

>game has deep moral choices

Boobs are fake asses.

Why is there never a choice for pussy?

I mean SMT has 3 fucking choices, why can't we choose between boobs, butts, OR pussy?

Where is the tummy option?

>no feminine penis choice

>ass is currently winning
people with good taste for once

What if I like DFC? Why only boobs?

>Niggers have good taste
You wot mate?

Oh nice CH are making the Keijo game I've been waiting for forever.

You drinking milk out the ass sure would explain why you're such a fucking faggot.

You're obviously mid 20's or lower. One of the signs of reaching actual manhood is realizing tits are overrated and ass is where it's at.


No, I'm pretty sure being a nigger or being retarded is the main requirement for liking asses as evidenced by the fact that it's the dominant fetish only in North America and Africa.

>choice actually matters

take that tumblr is strange

boobs + butt + thighs are all important
anyone who chooses only one is a pleb

>Not counting lips and eyes
Shit taste faggit.

>I'd go deep in her moral choices if you know what I mean

too lewd.

Boobs aren't lewd unless it shows nipple, asses aren't lewd until you show pucker holes

>not the soul

step up eyeboy

>Japs finally realizing the world isn't only about tits

Our little boys are growing....

>Implying souls are real
Nice religion fuccboi.

>soft cushiony skin
>vs wet mucus hole


Eyes are the windows into the soul tho, yall two should be in agreement on this one

the image seems biased towards ass

ass propaganda?

>God gave us freedom of choice!
>B-but you can only choose what he likes or he throws a hissy fit!
Never made sense to me mang.

Compile Heart doesn't cater to faggots, is you're out of luck

Cab we all agree that personality is the true patricians choice?

are balls fake boobs?

Tits > Ass

Only people with shit taste will deny this.

as long as she's not a hamplanet


I was totally on the butt side until you described the alternative as wet mucus hole


You always go for life is not even a question

>Boobs or Butt

>liking ass over boobs



>no results

Butt and flat chest is the best combo.

Shut up Reimu


Ass is objectively more important.

Ass + no tits = good
No ass + tits = bad

Therefore; Ass is more important. Of course, this doesn't mean you have to like ass as much as niggers do, but a cute butt with a flat chest is still good while a cute chest with no butt is not.

Simple logic.

Fucking a vagina feels infinitly better than fucking some tits. Really, a tit job is just a marginally better handjob, vaginas are built to massage dicks to the point of ejaculation.

Neppy isn't flat, she's developing

With that said, ass is clearly superior, and my nep-nep's ass is unbeatable.

Oh good.

I'm all for a mediocre game filled with softcore porn, but the Neptunia series just has too many fucking entries for me to get committed. I want to casually dip my toes in, not commit myself full force.

I mean Fairy Fencer was tempting but everyone said it wasn't so much mediocre as actively painfully mindnumbing to play. Here's hoping they pull this off.

Also ass any day of the week. Boobs are false messiahs, prone to pancaking and other such flaws. An ass is eternal.



even feet are getting too contrarian now

This guy knows what's up.

Red countries are shit countries.

>vocal niggers dying down
>Men; who want to support their strong sons, are coming through to lead with Tits

>Compile Heart isn't making a Genkai Tokki style game about futanari
You could give you girls a tiny feminine penis for more speed, a long slender dick for dexterity, a massive fuck rod for strength, or bigger balls for more SP.

And it's a little behind the times considering that even Senran realized that pudgy bellies are another charm point. Takakai just wants to make his chubby valkyrie game but Marvelous won't let him.

Who /ass/ here?

The greatest country in the world is red though.


>girl with big boobs but no ass
>girl with nice ass but no boobs

its obvious ass is fucking important as fuck, you need ass and boobs hardly change that fact.



> not liking both

>that feel when I'm a butt heathen in my own boob loving country.

This. It's basically the holy trinity. Can't have one without the other.

too offensive for the western world. japan does it again!

I like both but I like tits slightly more.

I'm not a gay so I would prefer to like my're waifu's butthole instead of put my penis in her're nipple to be honest family

>not wanting the complete package

Cause pussy would be such an awful choice no one with a shred of respect for humanity will think anyone will pick

China and Russia are both blue though?

I'm talking about Africa.

> workout
> still have big tits and asses

Boobs is crying for his milkies.


>best anything
Sorry, but flat is the shittiest bust size of them all.

Ever since Order of Ecclesia I've had a fetish for exposed backs

>muscle women

big turn off for me personally

Asses are dirty, poop comes from them, cooties too and gays like gay butt sex.

Boobs are better!!!!


He's talking about best korea.



>Compile Heart doesn't cater to faggots

A girl with no ass and nice tits is much worse than a girl with flat chest and nice ass. That should tell you which is superior.

My man know what's best .

when a girl with a flat chest hugs you, your kokoro's is closer together than when there are two useless lumps in the way. Flat is olev

Hips, thighs and ass and DFC or DSC

All in on TITS.


classic proverb



my nigga knows whats up. girls with no asses are unsalvageable


>no feet

Come on, it's 2017!

Hugging nothing but ribcage isn't fun for anyone. Flat is a dead end and any girl who suffers from this defect should be discarded

No, that just goes to show how superior tits are, they're lovable at all sizes.
While asses are stuck only being likable in one mode

Tits, always.

Why is the reflection going on his hair?

Oh hey Sup Forums. Go fuck yourself.


Boobs and hips,asses are an extra.


Backs are underrated as fuck honestly. Shoulders and backs get like no love but both can be so goddamn sexy on the right women.

Real talk, a girl having a good figure (wide hips, narrow waist) is more important than anything. A girl with a 10/10 set of tits on a fridge body is below a women with meh tits and ass but with good curves.