This is RPGCodex's GOTY list for the past 2 years

This is RPGCodex's GOTY list for the past 2 years


>Age of Decadence in second place
That's even more laughable than The Witcher 3 in first. I seriously don't get the love for AoD. I played over a dozen RPGs released within the past five years and Age of Decadence is very easily at the very bottom.

You can either play it as a boring not particularly well written CYOA adventure that basically plays itself or you can go full combat, where the A.I. is fucking retarded and you spam bolas to win. You were incentivized to stat hoard and there were way too many instances of dead ends or the game just teleporting you. Some of the quest lines were way more boring than others. It has reactivity, I'll give it that, but it's just so bad in every other department.

Oh, yeah, and it looks like fucking dogshit

alternatives, great combat especially if you play dungeon rats spinoff

AoD has a pretty great art direction.

i remember trying the AoD demo and the soldier guy i made was stabbed to death by two hobos with rusty knives in a house.

i tried to poison the bandits to clear them out of the thing they were occupying, and all that did was piss them all the fuck off and they murdered me since apparently by "poison" it meant "i gave them a mildly uncomfortable case of diarrhea"

then i did a talky merchant guy and breezed through

so, basically, AoD devs intended you to play through as the talky manipulative guy and anything else was noobtrap.

I think the developer of the game has been a member of that forum for a long time, so that explains the weird dick-sucking they give it.

don't they have Obsidian devs that post there? They shit on Obsidian a lot, don't they?

There wasn't a single good RPG in the last 2 years anyway

>Dragon's Dogma
>anywhere near Top 10

Holy fuck am I glad I don't visit the codex anymore

you retards wouldnt recognice a good rpg even if it fucks you in the ass


Holy fuck am i glad no one asks you for your shitty opinion

I'm just glad that Divinity: Original Sin is so high. Fantastic game.

There is a strong hipster presence in the Codex.
The quality of a game is in direct inversion to how popular it is.

They are the ones who post the Underrail threads and used to pump the gas on AoD.

>for the past 2 years
>list goes to 2012
alright then

If Enderal counts I would put it just below Shadowrun Dragonfall.

No other game has a comparably branching plot as AoD. And when it comes to making character builds in terms of stats/skills meaningful, AoD is pretty unique too.

AoD is a game that doesn't just copy RPG mechanics as we've seen them before, but it actually takes the development to its conclusion. This doesn't always work out - the stat hoarding element is completely true, but I would argue that this is more a psychological thing than an actual gameplay element. The game is far more forgiving than people give it credit, the problem is that the player wants to get most out of the game as he possibly can, so he won't live with failure and thus hoards stats rather than face failure and live with his decisions.

Despite that - or rather: because of that - AoD is one of the most important RPG titles of the past 15 years.

>Despite that - or rather: because of that - AoD is one of the most important RPG titles of the past 15 years.
In addendum: I think it's particular important because the problem is yet unsolved.

If you don't go the AoD way you end up with the casual RPGs of today where everyone can do everything and the character build becomes meaningless and the game pointless to complete multiple times. If you go the AoD way, you end up inviting stat hoarding or frustrate players because they have to face that their characters can't do everything.

This is quite the dilemma, I don't think anyone has yet found a mechanical solution to this issue.

>bae average
sounds like the codex

It's fairly easy to play a fully combat oriented character though. Only hybrid builds can be tricky (but still well possible).

I want to kill rpg codex
Sensuki will pay

Show GOTY list for past 2 years too pls

Back in my day only western RPGs were allowed to be discussed in the Codex.
Seeing all those JRPGs in that list is kind of weird.

>Witcher 3 that high
>Divinity Original Sin that high high
>Dark souls 2 and 3 that

Don't forget about FTL even being on the list.
Apparently action games and roguelikes are today's "RPG"s.

da2 was the best in the series though

Haven't played AoD, what do you mean by stat hoarding?

This is actually a pretty good list.

Wow, surprisingly not normy-trash.
Today, normies weren't embarrassing faggots.

low-effort bait

Try something like
>Actually, the ME3 ending (pre-patch) was underappreciated and not as bad as literally everyone said. You just need to "understand" it to get it. No I can't explain it, lol.

It's not terrible, it still has WTF shit in there, just much less than most lists.

when i posted that i turned to my fiance and said "watch someone is going to accuse me of baiting"

da1 is ugly and boring and da3 is a shitty, poorly-written mess

da2 at 4k looked nice and was still fairly fun

oh and the way ME3 turned out is something i will never forgive

Fuck off normie or post her dick

Your taste is objectively garbage.
DA2 has copy pasted dungeons, shitty story and far, FAR worse combat mechanics. They cut out like half of the spells and stopped giving a fuck about party control and synergy between classes. It's obvious that it was only designed as a third person action rpg with party members on AI instead of manual control.

>Bayesian average


rpg codex is less normie than this board. Anything anyone on this board says about normies holds no weight.


and yet it somehow managed to be more fun than da1. weird

The Witcher 3 is a casual choice, but not unexpected. AoD on 2 isn't unexpected either because the Codex has been shilling that game hard since before it was released.

What is surprising is seeing them both on the same list. Pretty much everything that's good about the Witcher is bad about AoD and vice versa, and seeing the same crowd dickride both of those games is a bit confusing.

A place like the Codex putting stuff like Dark Souls and Valkyria Chronicles on the list is odd as wlel. Not because they're bad games, but because they lack almost everything the Codex claims to value in games.

Finally, putting garbage like NEO Scavenger on the a list like this is just retarded.

RPGCodex is anything but normalfags.

>Witcher 3 on #1
>not normy-trash

It's the highest quality game on that list. It's objectively the best game on that list. Thinking that game should be anywhere other than #1 is a hipster mentality for normalfaggots like the people on this website.

Unsurprising that a faggot would like DA2

buzzword overload + pretending to have shit taste = too obvious of a bait
try harder

Sawyer posts there, yeah.

IIRC someone asked him a while back what he thought about all the Codex hate, and he was like "some of it is useful criticism, some of it is pointless autism, and some of it is plain bullshit". Not in those words obviously, but that's more or less what it came down to.

You're a normalfaggot, dude. Most of the games on that list aren't even RPGs. Half of them are ARPGs and most of them are low budget or hurried and unfinished. You don't even know basic definitions though so anything you say can't be trusted.

sorry i have good taste and you don't

It's the game with the best graphics and production values on the list.
It's also a generic garbage dodge simulator action game with detective vision + map marker quests. Gameplay is pure trash.

In AoD the stats/skill checks can be quite unforgiving so people tend to save experience to spend them on the skills when they need them in order to pass a certain check.

Do you only have 1 character?
In games like this you're supposed to have multiple party members with different specializations.

AoD is inspired by Fallout in that regard, so you don't.

>In games like this
>Haven't played AoD
What did he mean by this?

The Witcher 3 is the most normalfag game of all time, on par with Call of Duties and FIFAs.

Sounds like the kind of skill checks that I absolutely can't stand.
If I'll play the game I'll definitely use cheat engine or something to double my skill points, then play on the hardest difficulty to compensate. Probably it will be playable like that.

He's right

The game will always lock you out from content because it's not just a matter of skill check but also a matter of choice, i.e. if you join one faction you cannot complete some quests. On the other hand, failing some of the checks opens up other opportunities, e.g. if you want to get the opportunity to kill Lord Gaelius you need to fail a quest for the Assassin's Guild.

>not going all in on your combat stats
What do you need perception for? Whar are you, casul

It allows dor roleplay instead of W3

Don't forget multi-track drifting by betraying your starting faction and joining a different faction. It is impossible not to get an erection while betraying the thieves guild and becoming a praetor.

That's actually a pretty good power-gaming option. I often join the merchants guild first just to gain a bit of extra experience and training from Zenon, only to fail their quest and join someone else instead.

That sounds more reasonable. So you don't just fail a quest, but it has an effect on the game.

>it costed money to make and looks pretty
>GoT tier story
>very limited character building and customisation options in an rpg
>bad real time combat system in an arpg that's neither tactical nor requires skill

Wide as an ocean deep as a puddle

>Witcher 3 on #1
>Dark Souls 2 even being there at all
>Dev shill circlejerk apparent when both Age of Decadence and Underrail are in the top 4
>bunch of other weeb games like Valkyria Chronicles and Dragon's Dogma added for good measure

Why should I listen to these people's opinion

Most of the time you do just fail, or at least get a suboptimal outcome. But for some quests, failing unlocks new options.

IMO the worst thing about the game is how you can sometimes get stuck in an impossible situation. Like if you're on one of the longer missions and you get thrown into a fight with multiple enemies because you missed a skill check, but you're not built for fighting so you simply can't win. And in some situations this can be after you're already halfway finished the quest and successfully passed several skill checks. So you'd better hope you have an old save available from before you started that mission, because otherwise you're permanently fucked.

To be fair, Underrail legitimately deserves it. It's a great game. Age of Decadence is trash, though.

I want to hear your list

Occasionally failure is just failure, but sometimes it has other consequences. In that particular instance you are tasked with bringing back Lord Gaelius' gold from Levir, the head of the Thieves Guild. If you have a high enough perception you can spot a hidden door. If you're then strong enough, if you're smart enough, or if you're good with explosives you can get the gold out - otherwise you have the option to make a deal with Levir, owing him a favour (which will later involve betraying your guild).

i'll fix that list.

1. exp: conquistador
2. dungeon rats
3. age of decadence
4. underrail

rest are action games or shit

Witcher 3 sold very, very, very well and was incredibly popular.

Maybe you think it's a great game and that's fine, but it IS normie bait.

This sounds more like the typical Codex "if it's not a zero-budget indie game it's shit" mentality I'm used to than the OP.

>if you want to get the opportunity to kill Lord Gaelius you need to fail a quest for the Assassin's Guild
I loved that choice actually.
Hamza boss fight in the next hub is probably the hardest in entire game.

To be fair: the game usually autosaves before you go on lengthy missions and if you're familiar with non-modern RPGs you should have plenty of backup save-games anyway.

Age of Decadence is rather straightforward, telling you right away whether your build works or doesn't, and due to how short the game is you can make up for it right away.

I found Underrail in comparison a lot more treacherous, where you might notice only after lots of hours in the game that a build is not working out because you bet on the wrong horse and the skills which worked out in the beginning don't work out in the end any more.

Age of Decadence and Dungeon Rats are trash. Fuck off.

Not him, but they're actually pretty good. Maybe you just have shit taste.

That's a pretty good list other than having Underrail on it.


>Valkyria Chronicles
>GOTY on anything
List discarded

Dungeon rats and Underrail are both trash.

So like Sup Forums?

> Ds3 higher than Ds2

where's fallout 4?

As I said: the problem seems to be your own shit taste.

I just realized Sup Forums has all of the elitism of a high quality board but none of the quality

all the japanese games are added so the list wouldnt be "racist" or something

dragons dogma was absolute shit
only sony shills online and neogaf/v/ would shill this

dark souls was medicore as fuck too
and valkyria chronicles was dumb

>Age of Decadence is rather straightforward, telling you right away whether your build works or doesn't
Only if by telling you right away, you mean it tells you the moment you really need a certain skill and not a moment before.

And for some skills you can't even reasonably anticipate when they're going to be used. Like how "Trade" might as well be renamed "Bribe" for how much use most classes get out of it.

Ds2 was shit.

I can agree on Underrail but Dungeon Rats is videogaming excellence.

Or it would be if they spent a bit more effort on it. I still had fun since I like AoD's combat mechanics but they should have made it less bountiful. Too easy to be too well equipped.

Seriously AoD is not a good game, at all. There are tons of RPGs that are better done.

Nah, the shit taste is all yours.

I once went to rpgcodex and the majority of people there think SS1 is better than 2. That's all i needed to know about that shithole

If you don't make a combat character you pretty much play in auto pilot. Hell to enjoy the game in any capacity you have to avoid persuation, because the game is poorly written.

If you play a combat focussed character the skills you need are pretty straightforward, and if you play a talker, then the skills you need are pretty straightforward too. With hybrid builds it gets more complicated, but you shouldn't really play those when you're new to the game. Play them after you've beaten the game both as a talker and a fighter in order to reach maximum completion. I completely see the problem of failing a check resulting in death, but this is a problem that is mechanically inherent. Either you make checks unforgiving and let unique builds stand out, or you make checks easy that any build can pass them - but then the builds become pointless and you end up with something like Bethesda games where everyone can do everything and the choice is merely a flavour choice rather than dependent on your character's abilities.

Completely arbitrary skill checks aren't any better than Skyrim's "everything works" approach.

I don't think so. The game has plenty of options for creative betrayal - in particular for talkers. And occasionally you need to be quite careful, e.g. during the merchant's guild quest-line where having Cado solve the Mercato issue for you results in disastrous failure.

SS1 is the better game, and not just by a small margin. Sounds like the people there know what's up.

Man, these past years have been shitty

Good thing 2017 is looking great

Game was made by 1 really OK guy who invested 10? years or so AFAIK?!
Music is above average(in a old school way) and them path's.
Don't shit on AOD

Irrelevant. I review the product. The conditions in which it was made don't change its quality. It may be a very impressive achievement, but it sucks as a game.

Name 10 that did choices and consequences better

The skill checks aren't arbitrary though. They are clearly tied to certain skills. If you play a talker and spend your points foremost on streetwise, persuasion and trade you will be able to talk your way out of pretty much everything. If your character also has high charisma this is a non-issue.

I really don't see your issue. Playing a pure talker is the easiest thing you could do because you have a million xp to spend which you never ever need because a skill of 6 already allows you to pass most checks in the game, with the highest I've encountered requiring 8.

Personally, I suspect you tried to build a hybrid character jack of all trades.