Redpill me on Shepard's history and psych profile

Redpill me on Shepard's history and psych profile

Shills getting wild af, there are like 20 ME threads on Sup Forums right now, dauyyyyymn they desperate.

Not a shill, though me and my friends did preorder Mass Effect Andromeda to witness the fantastic story and play multiplayer together starting on March 21. (:

ME2 ruined Shepard backstories anyway, so no need to care

Does this choice matter later?

And all of them are either making fun of the new game or discussing the old ones

Shill needs to be filtered

For like one sidequest

In ME1 you get a special mission depending on which one you pick

About as much as any other choice.

2 sidequests based on your background and several main missions reference your background and give special dialogue. doesn't matter in 2 and 3

you get mail from you're mum if you pick spacer, in both ME2 and 3

>Be spacer
>Have low score in ME3
>Destroy ending
>Earth nuked

OPA stronk now!

The new one is good enough for pirating it?

>clean slate background
>only background where Shepard has parents / knows them
>quest in ME1 is about a PTSD war vet that your mother knows

>ex gang member
>grew up in the underground
>parents unknown
>quest is about your gang making contact with you again

>Batarian raid when you were little
>everyone you knew died (parents inlcuded)
>quest involves another survivor from Mindoir (your colony)

war hero
>save Elysium (a colony) from a pirate raid (mostly Batarians)
>bonus to paragon at the beginning
>during "Espionage probe" you get special dialogue, because it involves criminals from said attack

>squad gets wiped out by threser maws (first human to see one)
>bonus to both paragon and renegade
>during "Dead Scientist" you meet one of your former squadmembers (presumed dead)
>find proof in ME3 that Cerberus lured you into a trap

>destroy Torfan, the base of Batarian slavers/pirates (revenge for Elysium)
>you get your whole unit killed
>gunned down criminals as they tried to surrender
>bonus to renegade points
>during "Major Kyle" you meet your commanding officer during the Torfan raid

All those things get mentioned regulary in ME1, get mostly ingnored in ME2 and have a slight comeback in ME3.

Damn that's a pretty detailed rundown bro
So with this information if you don't roll Colonist+Survivor or Ruthless you are playing the game wrong.

Meh, there are some other good combos.

>war hero + colonist
Perfect for a paragon. Tragic background and a hero reputation. Also the background quest in ME1 is really cute if you choose the paragon route.

>earthborn + ruthless
Ex gang member and someone who doens't give a fuck how many people die as long as the goal is reached? Makes perfect sense for a renegade character. Also in this case the specific quest is more fun with renegade solution.


You Mean Earther, Martian, and Belter, non que?

I like the side mission from the colonist background. So colonist. But if you choose Spacer you can talk to mommy Shepard on phone which is Kawaii desu

I remember in ME2 if you were a street kid on the radio that they set up a Shepherd scholarship for street kids which was need.

thats the most retarded term i've heard this week
