Breath of the Wild thread.
Breath of the Wild thread
Any hints to finding more.great.fairy fountains?
>yfw seeing the blood moon for the first time
I think somethings wrong with my switch.
All I'm getting is a blank screen.
Where does one find cane sugar?
Rupees seem to lose all value once you buy the house. But I'm happy rupees were useful in a game for once. Arrows, insects, a house, furniture, and fashionable armor gave it weight.
The Gorons and Rito sell them
cakes are not worth it
rupees were sort of useful in alboo
>mfw I get bloodmoon in the middle of the day and again at night then the day after as well
I swear this shit is fucking broken
This second gate boss is very annoying with his AoE and arrow attacks. Is there a definite way to dodge both?
>Sneaking behind a Guardian
>After many tries I'm almost done killing it
>a fucking skeleton slaps my back and killed me
I talked to Kass for the first time!
He gave me the same boring cutscene that Impa gave me except the exposition rhymed. You lied, this isn't Kass's game!
when will they learn?
git gud
>trying to find the last memory in hyrule castle
>Fight way in through dozens of guardians
>fight way up to location
>turn around and blood moon
Stasis > Cryonisis > Magnesis > Square bomb > Bomb > camera
blocks ur path
He also has a wife and kids.
they're all near major population centers
>Cryonisis that far up in the chain
Explain yourself.
I want to FUCK Fi
God damn I can't wait till I can play this on my PC
I want to remove Fi from existence.
Nice spear bro, where'd you get it? I want to peg one at a Lynal.
Fuck you, I love my camera!
It's just annoying when he gets me with it. I get one shot cause I went straight to Hyrule Castle once I got off the plateau.
>Camera not first
Though they do need to swap the cancel and selfie buttons.
Electric > Bomb> Ice > Fire (weapons/arrows)
>shooting a flying guardian with a bomb arrow from a 5-shot bow
A joyous experience
How do you ironically play a game?
I forget where I got it, it's pretty bad ass though. I barely want to use it.
>labyrinth shrine wants me to go through some fuck off maze to get to the exit
>climb all the way to the top of the maze wall
>hop over and right onto the exit
>mass replying
>blatant shitposting
End yourself.
>giving him a (you)
Weapon Spawn Locations I know of:
Ancient stump in hyrule field - flaming greatsword
On top of the skull covering the woodlands tower - royal claymore
Shrine near that one island in the southeast - major test of strength that can be completed each bloodmoon, giving you the three guardian ++ weapons
In front of the cliffside shrine directly to the west of the aforementioned shrine - bokoblin camp that has three blue bokoblins carrying knights broadswords (to note, depending on how many enemies you have killed, the bokoblins may be stronger variants which may also carry better weapons)
Behind a waterfall by the twin bridge under a boulder you can blow up - flaming broadsword
coliseum ruins - a lot of enemies, including one lynel, almost all of which have really good weapons (mainly the elemental swords)
(not sure on this one) the trial in the lost woods where you have to make it to the shrine with the wooden weapons not breaking can be redone for 20 rupees - you get a forest dwellers sword, a forest dwellers shield and a forest dwellers bow (not a bad deal)
Anyone think of any others, trying to stamp all these thing on my map
So, you don't want to play the game?
>Displaying any weapons besides the Guardian ones
"Haha lets make anothee thread because there aren't 6 others up right now! "
"Wow what a great idea!"
>its ok to like a game but if you spam this shit more and more people will hate it
>he's a stasis faggot
Camera (Scan) > Cryosis > Magnet > Bombs > Stasis
Dude the amount of questions I see in this thread that are answered by simply looking at the data book is fucking comical.
Ya'all niggas better be bustin out those polaroids.
where i can get the hylian shield in hyrule castle?
>not displaying the weapons you get from freeing the spirits
They look cooler to me than the guardian ones.
I just wanna see if I can do it.
Mods plz ban shitposters.
Thank you
Friendly reminder at this point
Truly the greatest video game ever made
What stamps do you use for what?
I use a star for the Great Fairy and for any sidequests I'm currently doing and I use a leaf for any Koroks I having solved.
I use Skulls for any shrines I didn't beat yet.
reminder to not respond to the shitposting and samefagging
Low cooldown, easy cover, shallow water everywhere.
One of my new favorite things to do is put one right under an enemy so they'll be on top when its finished growing and then delete it so they fall down.
I've also gotten really good at spamming it so I can practically walk across water now.
Gaytip: when you're on a boat you can put the ice right under one of the edges and the boat will slip off and get a speed boost. It has a lot of retarded applications if you just pay attention
>he hasn't gotten the stasis upgrade
Oh. Jesus Christ. That's what I meant. I'm freaking stupid. Sorry.
Swords for any weapon caches I find
where are the mazes to get ?
That's not how you greentext user. Also stop being retarded, there are always a flood of threads for every new game release and this is a fucking Zelda game release. They usually die off after a few weeks, if you don't like it you can filter them, stop trying to be a backseat mod.
>coliseum ruins - a lot of enemies, including one lynel, almost all of which have really good weapons
How far into the game were you when you found this out? That place scales somehow and all I've got are like soldiers weapons atm.
Do you remember how many hearts/shrines/blood moons/main quests parts you had done'? Rough guess?
Heart container or stamina vessel first?
It's from the Spring of Courage
does this game even have textures
Less than a week that it's been out. New releases are always like this and by your botched link I can tell you're a bab who never saw Pokemon consume the board to the point that /vp/ was created.
Complete the game first, learn the quirks then increase the challenge.
You're complaining the game is too hard but you don't know how to play and you haven't invested any time in to upgrades.
It's ma land noonga white fulla
>when you're on a boat you can put the ice right under one of the edges and the boat will slip off and get a speed boost. It has a lot of retarded applications if you just pay attention
Interdasting, I'll have to try that out thanks user
As you can see in my screenshot, I only got Mipha's so far and I lost it almost instantly. I can rebuild it, but some autist earlier said he ended up reloading a save because he couldn't handle it being a different name or something.
>I use Skulls for any shrines I didn't beat yet.
You know the icon for the shrines you havent beat is different than ones you have right? Theres orange in the middle of the ones you havent beat.
unless you are super great at parrying and dodging you arent going to defeat shit. You have to fight a boss rush gauntlet before you even get to ganon if you go straight there.
I didn't mean to complain too hard. I was just a bit aggravated.
>No boomerang suit to become a living boomerang
0/10 shit game.
I said FRIENDLY reminder you fucking spaming shitposting autist
>assuming my faggotry matches yours and I use stasis on enemies
>assuming I don't know what the upgrade does in the first place
Come on, man. Embarrassing.
What's a blood moon?
If you zoom the map in on the highest setting there actually already is a mark for Koroks you got.
Leafs for places I KNOW there's a Korok but can't figure out how to get him out.
Post more best girl.
I'm doing my second dungeon and I feel like I still have no idea how to fight. I just run up to the enemy and hoping mashing X staggers them while I eat food every time I get smacked. I feel like one of those Dark Souls kiddies that cheese through the game with estus flasks. :(
How the fuck do you guys make money? I just got to Rito Village and the Snowquill set is over 2,000 Rupees.
Heart everytime from then
I've been playing blind but this is driving me crazy
Where is the Gerudo Secret Club?
How do I open the Stone doors by the snowboarding course?
>complete labyrinth
>exiting the shrine notice at section of floor has opened up
>jump down
>the bottom has a large room with no cover and a dozen shut down guardians and a treasure chest in front of where i landed
>Chest contains a ringlet which give +2 ancient defense
>close menu, guardians wake up
sometimes i hate this shit...
Keep playing.
Kill a lot of Taluses, they drop a ton of gems.
Don't own a switch.
Depends on how early you want the Master Sword. If you have problem climbing a tower with less stamina cook
>implying you don't want to be Rolo/Dio/Homura
Now that's really embarassing
>thinking this all one person
>first one isn't about the game and is just using the title to show up in search results
>second one is about a game from 2011
And I'm calling your reminder retarded. Fuck off.
I mine luminous stone. Mark every source I find on the map, wait for Blood Moon and read the crop. You can also set you sheikah slate to detect ore mounds, using the camera. Then cruise around Death Mountain finding tons of minerals.
Neither do I.
what did she mean by this?
How do I get the Goron blacksmith to talk to me?
It's the fucking worst thing in the world.
Remember all those enemies you killed, they not dead now... in fact some of them might have been upgraded.
>tfw got Fish Waifu's trident, but too reluctant to use it
I want the Master Sword already, but I only have 5 hearts and 7 orbs currently.
Earlier I accidentally wiped a Lynel from existance with an Ancient Arrow, what happens if these things are shot at field bosses?
By the way, is it safe to sell amber? The description mentions crafting, so I haven't sold any yet.
why are there two threads up?
>(not sure on this one) the trial in the lost woods where you have to make it to the shrine with the wooden weapons not breaking can be redone for 20 rupees - you get a forest dwellers sword, a forest dwellers shield and a forest dwellers bow (not a bad deal)
If you try to do the trial again after the first time, he only rents out the weapons to you. You don't end up receiving a new set
The Zora and Gerudo lolis are seriously 10/10, I think this game might have my favorite Zelda NPCs though.
best girl indeed
I almost shit myself
>he doesn't carry like 15 fairies