Thoughts on this?

Thoughts on this?
I think It sucks we will not see relays reapers And protheans And shephurd

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you expecting a serious thread? and have you missed the daily threads that limit reach?
peebee reminds me of jason bateman and i cant unsee.


I want it to be good but let's be honest.It wont

>Thoughts on this?
I'm excited for the launch.
I'm not going to buy it of course, but it's going to be hilarious to see this shitwreck sink 10 feet out of the harbor.

It's going to be absolute shit and still score 10's across the board.

Who will be the Iron Bull of Androgyna?

Bad animation. Good Environments.
Game will probably be better than average if it's anything close to the others in the series.
Expect some SJW crap shoehorned in but that's easy to look past if you aren't at the high end of the autistic spectrum.

Peebee and Jaal are your bi aliens If that's what you're asking.

Best comment regarding the game I've seen in this board.
Chances ar eif you liked the others this one will be good, it definitely feels like they know their mistakes and have tried to change some things. There will be fucktons of SJW crap all over the characters, though

has been fired

I'm just waiting to see MP footage.
MP was the saving thing about ME3 and I'm expecting that to be the case here to.
Shit multiplayer = no buy


Because he's a code monkey and his job is done, they no longer need him.



They've posted a lot of images in the past week. I think it's playable at Pax too so we should hear something in a few days time.



Is that a class description, or a crew member bio?


Class description. The weapons are only locked for the Pax demo apparently. I don't know if the class descriptions will be a thing in the real game or just for Pax too.

prove it

The game spends half its time on a close up of a talking characters face.

The facial animations are literally the worst I've ever seen in any video game.

Not even going to bother pirating.

Also a sneak peak at character select. This is only Page 1.

Disciple was a sexy shotgun desu senpai

Thansk user, thought it was a class description until it started talking about her feelings.

Are the classes more restricted this time in what weapons they can equip?

>female krogans

The lore rape just never stops does it?

whats next, a fucking vorcha adept?

MP designer said that they're locked at PaX to keep things moving and so people get the playstyle. In game you can swap and change whatever you want like before.

Just when I thought quarians would be safe from this shitstorm.

It hasn't even been released yet and already looks like a massive piece of garbage. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up though, especially after Dragon Age Inquisition

Krogan engineers aren't unprecedented.

>Former Justicar
>Justicar oaths are for life
They really dont care about the actual story or logic, do they? The just saw
>"Justicars are cool, lets make her a justicar so she is cool."
Just like when they said that a human was an asari commando

Fair enough, thanks user.

What do you think of how it's shaping up?

How does a human join an Asari commando unit?

What mentally handicapped Bioware landwhale wrote that description holy shit

There is a Krogan Engineer in ME2 in Tuchanka.

I'm going to reserve judgement until the EA Access demo but it looks like a carbon copy of Mass Effect 3's online which was addictive. They also confirmed that like ME3 any online DLC will be free.

>any online DLC will be free

So they did learn SOMETHING.

But that's fair, user.
Thanks for sharing.

I probably won't play it unless I get a free copy somewhere, these infopics and stuff have put me off a bit more.

>Quitting the Justicars automatically makes you good with a sword
>Female Krogan fighting
>human asari commando

I tried holding myself back, but will probably download this when it gets cracked. I enjoyed Mass Effect 1, 2 and even 3 sometimes.

>learning xir mistakes
sure, shill

I can accept ME:A being a bad came, but it kills me seeing the lore butchered like this

>the lore was always bad
y-you too user )°:

someone's gotta fix the station wagons

I loved ME1.
The world building and lore was enthralling.
Gameplay was eh, but everything else kind of made up for it.
ME2 wasn't anywhere near as good, but ME3's the worst of the lot so far
I couldn't even finish it, it was so broing.

I'm a story/lorefag though, I like to read descriptions and worldbuilding stuff

Female Krogans look like down syndrome male Krogans. I literally laughed out loud when I saw its cartoony face

Nice blogpost fag, I'm sure you'll enjoy the slam poetry, gay relationships, bad animations and terrible gameplay.

ME2>ME1 you cockgurgling mongoloid fuck

>ppl actually think this

I guess it's like with the Orks in W40k:

When engineering helps you to get more killy why not?

Depends what you're into. ME1 was this epic heroic adventure to save the universe. ME2 was about broing it up with your friends and was really comfy.

>Female Krogan fighting
The only valuable ones kept out of combat were the fertile ones

No thoughts, just pictures..

Except Orks don't really 'engineer' shit; they slap stuff together and it works because they believe it will work.

>krogan engineer
>former justicar
>human asari commando

Just fucing die already Bioware.

Dude I know.

They still 'think' they are engineering.

I think the thing I disliked most about ME3 was how it had no meaningful world building. The Reaper invasion was so badly portrayed it killed two games worth of buildup in the first 15 minutes. You never actually get to see the effect that Reapers have on ordinary people, or galactic civilisation as a whole. Everyone on the citadel seems perfectly fine 99% of the time, but will occasionally drop a line about "how bad things have been since the reaper invasion", or "I hope [insert loved one here] is alright." You get nothing even close to ME1's Feros, and the Geth attacks where increadibly minor compared to what the reapers where supposed to be. ME3 spends the whole time telling you how bad the Reaper war is, but never truly shows you.

There was a guy in a thread the other day wishing that we'd see a Female Krogan character. I told them Sup Forums would have a meltdown screaming about either burkas or lore rape. Looks like I was right.