wtf I love closed-source emulation now!
Wtf I love closed-source emulation now!
yes, I do. Deal with it Nintendork
>spend 1500 dollars on toaster
>spend 100 dollars a year on emulator
>still runs worse than the already unstable console itself
Bravo emu fags
>spend 100 dollars a year on emulator
or you could just... not? Because... it's free?
It should be open source but people mostly care about results. The CEMU team get results even if their methods are shady and probably illegal
>Creating a console emulator isn't illegal but distributing roms that contain copyrighted assets and code is illegal
Hmm...interesting. Don't they need to use any Nintendo code to make this thing?
Jesus they're almost up to 8k
>Don't they need to use any Nintendo code to make this thing?
Not at all, but some people suspect they have access to some given the speed at which the emulator has made improvements (unsubstantiated claims though)
More like
>spends $1000 on a PC to run a $250 console
>boast about emulation when it barely runs on par with the system it is emulating
>brag about being able to do things like 60fps/4k, but cannot
In b4 "Hurr I use my PC for more than emulation!" and not listing what those 'things' are.
We'll never know because they don't share their code, it's probably the only reason they don't.
They do deserve to get brutally raped by Nintendo's lawyers though, this was alright when people were doing it slowly, for free but this is something else.
Couldn't it be proven they use copyrighted code once they release it? Nintendo could C&D them to hell and back if this were the case.
>not listing what those 'things' are.
You need someone to spell out and teach you what a PC does?
Forgot it's closed source.
The 60fps/4k meme isn't that forced. You can actually run a handful of games at 4k 60fps just fine, these are also the same handful of games that run at all.
>not listing what those 'things' are
This is an unspeakably retarded post
>still doesn't list anything
Fucking KEK.
Right. No audio, missing/glitchy textures.
How many people are on the CEMU team?
why would you ever trust a closed source illegal software? dolphin is perfect because of its transparency
Is part of your post actually implying that they should get screwed by Nintendo because the emulator has kept up enough to have a new release playable soonish after release?
Were you not around when Skyward Sword released?
>No audio, missing/glitchy textures.
That got fixed a long time ago faggot.
No, I'm not joking
what exactly are you expecting? people will say games and you'll call them all shit ports or crap exclusives, then if non game shit is mentioned you'll complain about how they're not related to games. this song and dance has been done hundreds of times
2 + 15 rogue nintendo software engineers
Is it full-time for them? I'm actually just trying to figure out how much money they make.
I'm pretty sure it is, yeah
Right now they're making almost $8000 per month on patreon (up from $6000 before the BotW preview was posted)
But there's nothing illegal about Cemu itself
That's ~25 bucks an hour then, assuming 4 40-hour work weeks for a month. That's not bad, certainly less than they could make working in the tech industry, but very livable. Presumably they like what they are doing as well.
>They do deserve to get brutally raped by Nintendo's lawyers though
Nintendo lost the legal battle against emulators over a decade ago. Sorry user, it isn't happening.
>Sup Forums is against emulation
Your corporate worship is creepy as shit
Not against emulation, only against for-profit emulators
Can you play Breath of the Wild on an emulator?
>all this emulators
>all this hacking becoming mainstream
The future is gonna be some weird ass cyberpunk shit.
its closed becouse official wiiU dev
As long as these cucks pay for it and not me, I'm fine.
You only proved his point.
>browse the internet
>torrent or rip movies, shows, music
>hosting a media server
>play regular PC games
>edit images, audio files and create webms
>use as tool for hacking consoles
I don't do much Office related work or programming anymore but there's that as well
more like
>spends $1000 on a pc to run 50+ consoles ranging from $250-300 to dead for decades, and games that have been out of print and remaining copies are all collector shit that goes for over $100.
rather than having a ps1, ps2, ps3, nes, snes, gamecube, dreamcast, genesis, saturn, cd-i etc. all hooked up to a tv, and all these systems costing you well over $10k, you do everything in a more compact style and cheaper.
plus you don't have to re-buy the same games over and over when migrating to a new console. imagine if you could still play every single game you own from ps1, ps2 and ps3 on your ps4 whenever you so desired.
You cannot use illegal evidence in court.
The same reason nobody in their right mind would support a torrent site that charges money.
With regard to a cease and desist order, it's not at all relevant whether they're using Nintendo's "copyrighted code". Blizzard shuts down private servers with C&D's regularly, and none of the private servers uses Blizzard's code. It's not an issue of whose code they're using, but whose copyright they're subverting with it.
Yes but with some serious asterisks
>It runs like shit
>Water physics are fucked so you can't leave the starting tutorial area unless you use a save file