Is skyrim worth it...

Is skyrim worth it? I am one who trys to 100% games and I happen to really loves sword games and knights and armor and all that shit. Just finished all 3 dark souls so figured id try something new out. That or shadow of mordor.

WIth mods it's well worth it

>I am one who trys to 100% games
How autistic are you? Because the radiant Quests might very well drive you insane if you're autistic about cleaning your Questlog and stuff.

Anyway it might be worth one playthrough, maybe two if you do one vanilla and one heavily modded playthrough.
Besides that's it's really only worth it for the sexmods.

Skyrim has bad sword combat, especially two handed swords and any other melee weapons. Sword and shield is a little more involved because of blocking and bashing perks but to make Skyrim bearable you have to do magic and/or sneaky alchemist archer.

It's fun to explore and complete quests and mod the visuals and unlock perks but that's about it. If you want engaging combat play something else.

it's fun for 15 hours or so until it hits you just how shallow the game is

what games would you recomend then?

Here's how I look at it. It was the precursor and 'inspiration' looked at when making the worst fallout game to date. If you want a less bad and prettier version of fallout 4 go for it.

For massive world exploration, decent character progression, and MUH IMMERSION:
>Witcher 3

For good combat:
>Dark Souls 1-3
>Demons Souls
>NieR Automata
>Metal Gear Rising

For shitty dull casual open-world experience that gets boring after 1 hour
>Witcher 3


On console it's utter trash. Graphics are borderline ps2 quality, quests are boring, characters are lifeless, animations are janky and the combat is completely weightless and unsatisfying.

On PC it's still shit, but you can at least do some neat stuff with mods.

It honestly is pretty fun but only if you're into getting really immersed in games. I mean like full on roleplaying and using your imagination because the gameplay is really not that fun. I just turn the difficulty down to easy so I can just sit back and explore without having to worry about dying. I usually like really difficult games but games like this where the combat does nothing but break your immersion I can't stand even having to go into the menu to use potions. It also helps to shmoke weed. Also, don't fall for the "modding makes the graphics hella good" meme. The remastered version has a nice aesthetic that is completely shit on by any graphics mod including lighting and weather. Some of the gameplay and immersion mods are chill though.

I wish I could play Skyrim for the first time again.
Put in hundreds and hundreds of hours.

Except skyrim is one of the least immersive games ever made.

>walk into capital """""city"""""
>12 buildings and 15 NPCs

>exploring the wilderness
>"random event" out of nowhere that makes no sense whatsoever


>The remastered version has a nice aesthetic
>piss filter and some half-assed tacked on lighting effects on top of still horrible textured and no distant LOD



Put enough mods on it and it's good.

>Put enough mods on it and it looks good.


The special edition has better LOD out of the box as well as better reflection distance on water. Either way it's been modded to shit so that if you feel like it you can turn it into lewd eyecandy suited to your autistic graphical needs.

>better LOD out of the box as well as better reflection distance on water.

Which still look better modded.

>if you feel like it you can turn it into lewd eye candy

Nigger I hate people who turn skyrim into a bimbo show. That's beside the point though.

>suited to your autistic graphical needs.
>expecting graphics to be on par with the current gen is autistic


Sup Forums hates Skyrim, but yes, it's an amazing game with a lot of replay value. Only real complaints are that magic builds aren't viable since Destruction magic is terrible and the quests aren't quite as good as in Oblivion.

>no stats
>no major/minor skills
>boring as fuck main quest
>you can learn any skills to 100 at the same pace

How the fuck does that have replayability?

>This game isn't exactly like previous games so it's bad in every regard.
Quod erat demonstrandum.

>dark souls 1-3
>good combat

Not a bad game but it's just bland, I honestly can't stand playing for more then a few hours even with mods.

>deliberate removal of RPG elements
>it's just different!

I really don't understand the complaints about the textures. Yeah they are low resolution but they are well done. I tried a high res texture set and the game lost its atmosphere immediately. They aren't the highest fidelity graphics but that has nothing to do with the aesthetic and atmosphere the game has. What game is more immersive to you? The atmosphere is what does it for me. The mechanics are kinda shitty I already admitted that. And yeah I take a puff of weed when I play. OMG MEMES LOL.

Skyrim is good if you plan on getting into Elder Scrolls as a whole. Elder Scrolls lore is incredibly deep and complicated. Skyrim is a mediocre game on its own, but it's definitely great with mods on PC. Why PC specifically? Because of certain mods that change the combat itself and add unique game mechanics to the entire game that may not be ever possible of adding to the console version. If you plan on just buying to play then get Shadow of Mordor. A sequel is coming soon as well.

If you like dumb shallow games designed for casuals you'll probably like it

It is varied, customizable, fair, and fun. Your opinion is shit and you are a shit person.

get ready for a bunch of people telling you that the best skyrim game is morrowind.

morrowind is the game with the least personality in the series. if you want to play a good one play oblivion

>Yeah they are low resolution but they are well done.

That's a fucking oxymoron. Textures aren't "well done" when a brick wall looks like vomit and "leather" looks like smeared shit and trees look like big brown blobs. And that's exactly what ruins the atmosphere for me. Sure things might look decent from a distance but the second you get close it's jarring.

Not to even mention the meshes. Shit like literally 2d "ropes" is even worse.

If you want swords and knights and armor then get it on PC and download the Enderal mod. Skyrim is more aimed at scratching a viking/norse itch than a knight itch, but Enderal is a completely new world that's a little more medieval western Europe with castles and shit.

I bet you think dark souls is a dumb casual game too don't you.

Dunno haven't played it

You're autistic my dude. Lower res graphics can't ever be well done? The vanilla textures in the SE look 1 million times better than the modded shit does from a reasonable distance. The textures also aren't as "realistic" as the modded ones but who gives a fuck about realism in a high fantasy game. If a blurry texture ruins your immersion then you have no imagination. Sorry bro but rpgs that focus on roleplaying and immersion aren't for you. I will admit that I replaced the snow texture with the noble skyrim snow because I like the vibrancy of it. Also I'm okay with the improved static meshes mod or whatever its called.

Now that it's coming to the Switch it's one of the best games ever