"The Switch version is almost identical to the PS3"


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>It seems many of the assets used on the Switch are pulled from the PS3 version

Wat game

>Switch gets PS3 version of FIFA
>Switch gets PS3 version of Dragon Quest Heroes
>Switch gets PS3 version of Skyrim

O I'm laffin

God it must be so embarrassing to own a switch

Nice smooth 20fps only on Switch

check this v&

Vita means life!

At least is stable!


>the Switch is portable and more powerful than the PS3

>the most powerful handheld to date


Keep trying Sonybros

wow a handheld does not have PS4 power

who would have guessed

>"The Switch version is almost identical to the PS3"
>almost identical to the PS3

Are you sure that's not a typo? There's no fucking way the Switch version is being compared to the PS3 version.


Switch has fewer grass, a little less AA, but the stuff in the background isn't washed out in that muted vaseline fog shit.

Is anyone surprised? The Switch is literally just a portable Wii U. The trend of Nintendo getting gimped, shittier versions of multiplats will continue until they stop making consoles entirely.

Fucking kek my man.

It's not a hanheld.
Nintendo doesn't market it as a handheld.
Stop moving fucking goalposts.

Actually no. It's almost identical to the fucking PS3.

>Switch gets PS3 version of Skyrim

Is this true?

The Switch is such a piece of shit console. Can't even get decent build quality

Sounds like switch is gonna get a choppy version of DQXI. Sucks, guess ill stick with the ps4 one

>in age of mobile gaming
you're doing it wrong

Nintendo had the prime opportunity to shit on Sony and Microsofy's low-end machines with something insanely strong.

What do they do? Create one of the weakest consoles ever.

>Nintendo doesn't market it as a handheld.
Who fucking cares.
Technology doesn't care, it's objectively a handheld.

It doesn't matter what nintendo fucking says, we both know the switch has handlheld technology.
But of course, you just want to shitpost.

Vita being a better designed handheld is now confirmed

No, I mean why in the blinking fuck is the Switch version being compared to an 11 year old console?

Is it 2011?

>rocks actually look better on the Switch

Is everyone else blind?

Switch version looks unplayable.

Honestly, I don't think the Switch will be getting a port of the PS4 version. I honestly think we're going to get an upgraded version of that 3DS looking one. That way the game will run longer in portable mode.

it doesn't matter how it's marketed, it IS a handheld. The entire system is build behind the screen, with no power in the dock.

Some reports claim that the Skyrim is not the Remastered version found on PS4/Xbox

because DF said some of the assets found on the Switch comes from the PS3 version

It's a shame the frame rate is so poor on switch. Looks like a bad rush job.

You think that looks bad, go look up videos comparing the 4 versions of the game.

Switch and PS3 versions are goddamn slideshows.

>It's not a hanheld.

You are correct. It is actually a *handheld. Pic related, it's someone playing the Switch as a handheld.

It's a hybrid of Special Edition and Vanilla.

Handheld gaming isn't relevant anymore, it's better idea to just make those tablet or phone games

is the VIta seriously fucking stronger than the Switch?

The Switch runs at 20 FPS and also looks much worse.

Actually looks worse

Switch has better aesthetics.

In handheld mode it runs even worse.

Looking at the framerate issues of various issues, it seems less of a rush job and more of a problem with the hardware itself. Devs are being over ambitious for hardware with only 352 Gflops of performance docked.

It runs at a lower resolution

>Nintendo doesn't market it as a handheld
No one would buy this shit if Nintendo wasn't specifically obtuse with the marketing and trying to paint it as a competent home console just because it has HDMI out lol

The "console" part is why anyone is even buying it, when it's not a console and just a slightly-beyond-vita-tier handheld. No one would say "The PSP is a console just like the Xbox 360 because it has AV out!" you mong.

Like I just said, is it 2011? Look at the sales for 3DS games and look at all the people complaining about a game being $10 on iOS.


No. Go look at a video of the Vita version. It looks fucking terrible.

>>the most powerful handheld to date

>implying that's some kind of achievement

Uh, what? Switch looks better in this comparison.

Is this what people are reduced to now?

The lighting is different. Wow.

Phone and tablet games are all about microtransactions, not about p2p

>2.5 hours battery life
>Size of a small tablet

Go tell Nintendo that. It's a home console until they state otherwise.

It doesn't have the battery life to be considered a mobile device.

They know their drones will provide them with a decent chunk of change even if they cut corners in every way imaginable and sell them a defective overpriced $300 chinese tablet, so why would they even bother with the mere idea of selling the console at a loss to provide customers with a better product and provide more incentive to buy one?

all of them do so who fucking cares

>1080p 20 FPS
I'll be playing it on PC anyways.

switch has less grass but everything else looks better

Which is why they're all shit and the people who play them are turbo casuals.


What about the 3ds sales? They're low for a handheld


Still would rather play on a portable no matter that graphics distance.

The android / ipod app store apps are not videogames, but pay to win feces.

Just because you were born after Y2K and grew up with this garbage doesn't mean it's good or represents the future of gaming.

kys you dumb baby

>Less Polygons
>Worse Textures
It ain't just the lighting

>same battery than your beautiful psvita and the 3ds
>same size of a 3ds xl, thats pretty much the only version of 3ds that sells

I bet PS3 runs it stably though

imagine being this delusional

>It's a home console
>a handheld having HDMI out means it's a home console
>when it runs games WORSE through HDMI out
It doesn't have good battery life because they know you retards will buy it anyway, lol.

Doesn't matter who is casual, gaming industry is business, and handhelds don't make money anymore. Weebs are also turbo casuals if you think about it

>b-b-but its portable!

Is there a more pathetic excuse?

All battles in Dragon Quest II will be 20~25 fps on Switch


it doesnt matter how shit graffics it has

nintendo will sell because m-muh marjo and z-zeruda

Right, those game sales aren't money. The Vita selling better than the PS4 in Japan isn't money.

>game looks worse on the strongest home console out there than on a new handheld

Sony is done

>wanted H1 and 2 for switch
>literelly runs worst than the vita

Im lost for words

>Vita was released like 6 years ago and actually was the most powerful handheld to date
>Nintendo makes an upgraded version years later and sells it
The mere fact that it's even comparable to the Vita is hilarious. It should be drastically more powerful but they cheaped out on every aspect lol

Switch version will sell more.

Japan is very small market compared to rest of the world

Data, please deactivate your emotion chip. The captain is a Nintendo-fag.

What is Sup Forums's obsession with sucking black dick?

Vita version is a blurry mess though. What are basing it off that it look/runs better?

>too big for a pocket
>too fragile to bring anywhere

Am I a drone or what? But the Switch version really looks better for me. But who cares I still won´t buy the game.

Look at the end of the video in portable mode it runs even worse.

This. Japan doesn't care about graphics. And Nintendo is unstoppable over there with their handhelds.

My fucking phone is more powerful.

You're just blind.

>Performance in portable mode is 20fps never reaching 30fps


What did they do to the lighting on PS4? It looks worse than on the Switch/PS3.

>current gen games look acceptable on handheld
how will sony recover

Remember, a Switch is almost double the PS4 price.

okay to people who bought the switch, what are your thoughts on:

your console running an garbage graphics anime game at 1/3rd the frame rate(WHILE DOCKED) of PS4 while using PS3 assets?

and the portable mode running at like 15fps

Why does it matter what japan does? I doubt vast majority of the world cares for jrpgs that much


can you give a link to the damn vidoe you are referencing, faggot?

>op image is almost identical to PS4 version other than some shrubbery
>Op: "hahahahaha it's the ps3 version"

Excuse me?

No it isn't.

No way it's the PS3 version of Skyrim. There's no reason they would port the old version onto a system with a completely different architecture. My guess is that it will be based on the Special Edition, but with worse graphics and no modding.

>Am I a drone or what?
Yes, you are. It objectively looks worse on the Switch version and I can't believe anyone genuinely preferring something that looks shittier for no reason. Although I know the reason is because you are a corporate Nintendo cocksucker.