Street fighter V

Do you still play?

If so what's your rank?

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lol no that game sucks


I just want to get
Gold for the trophy!!!!! But I fucking can't because I main Gief and I suck at playing him!!!! Please, oh lord in the sky, just let me get to Gold and I'll stop playing!!! I just need that trophy and then I can platinum it!!! Please!!!

>because I main Gief and I suck at playing him
Well, change your main.



Is this futa?

It's always futa

fuck this shit game and just post more of that

You never know with Juri

Tried reverse image searching and nothing came up. Need sauce. Please.


I wish. Sometimes it's vanilla trash though.

Does this artist literally resculpt and subdivide, and retexutre all those models to make them look like that?

Just go to gelbooru and type in street fighter niggas


I legit laughed


Made my night.

super/ultra plat, but I'm occupied with Zelda now.

Just post the rest of it you fucking mong.

>tfw people are more interested in a good futa dicking then SFV

You know what's sad

There's rare any good futa on female anal dicking.

The intimacy and dominance of female anal is under appreciated in futa on female

>Do you still play?
>If so what's your rank?
Platinum/Super Platinum.

I hope they make the next patch filled with even more juggles, it actually makes it more fun.

just play ryu or dhalsim

you have to do _ and not space

>no balrog
>no Dudley
>no sean
What is the point?


There isn't enough SFV Juri porn

Don't bullshit me.

Dhalsim takes a bit more skill than Zangief, however if you're in Gold choosing Ryu won't help much as that's when you start fighting Balrog/Urien/Laura/Guile/Cammy players.

I'm not saying Ryu is garbage but when you start to face those certain characters, it tends to be a bit more difficult to win.

SFV is a fucking garbage man, you couldn't pay me to play that shit.

I feel you breh, You gotta look for that rare good good.

>TFW I've been playing this game since it came out
>Still can't get past super bronze
Welp looks like I'm gonna be a scrub forever
And I've been playing fighting games for over twenty years

Have we been bamboozled?


I tried street fighter black people and street fighter african americans just in case but nothing worked.

Everybody can make it out of bronze, you need to change your approach.

There's a gazillion people who claim they've been playing fighters since SF2, but all they do is jumpin HK into sweep because thats what they ever learned.

Take a step back and look at what you're doing.
Anti airing alone will carry you to Gold.

No I already uninstalled this piece of shit loading simulator. It only made me feel shit. Videogames are supposed to be fun, Capcom. Not tryhard esports.

Why is this on hanamura point B

Yeah I still play, hit Gold in the first month and just stick to casuals now.

>Plays a top tier
>Can't go to gold
Oh am I laffin @ u

super silver
every now and then I'll just say to myself "I'm good enough for the next rank" and just keep playing ranked until I get there
I played Balrog when he released because he was my main in 4, but before that I picked up Birdie, and going back to Birdie just feels like such a breath of fresh air, I love it. I really want to play Vega too but he's just not in a playable state right now

Anybody up for a couple matches?

sure, set it up

I chuckled. early boyz

Fuck, I forgot the servers were down. I guess I'll just record some setups for newbies.

Thatta boy. Go all in, or go home.

ah fuck you're right, damn it. Any news on that new update that's supposedly coming this month? Doesn't the cpt start soon? Wouldn't they want to do it before that starts?

Yes. Super platinum Karin main.

Remove Laura, Balrog and Urien. Especially Laura.

>it isn't futa
There is a merciful God out there.

>Still no source

Super platinum Akuma. On the road to Diamond.

Yeah, they're going to release sometime in March, the only question is when.

Knowing Capcom it'll be March 31st.

>check your blacklist


>hating rog
I always figured that matchup was in her favor, partly because her sweep is ridiculous

God doesn't cater to faggots like you mejt

Balrog of all people can most definitely punish it with dashpunches.

That character was always best at punishing mistakes.

Servers ain't even online, nigga.

Rog can play footsies with her easily and the amount of damage he does on top of his mix-ups multiplies the punishment Karin gets from mistakes. She doesn't do nearly enough damage off confirms to really outpace Balrog. You have to outplay the Balrog quite a bit.

If anything it's slightly out of her favor at best.


>check your blacklist

>it's not futa

No reason to stay here then.

>Do you still play?

I wish alex had an air-to-air powerbomb

To be fair, Sup Forums is gayer than /lgbt/ and /fit/ combined. Of course they like dick.