Playing pic related for the first time. Is there anything I should know to not fuck up my first playthrough?

Playing pic related for the first time. Is there anything I should know to not fuck up my first playthrough?
Does killing the guy outside the asylum do anything??

I don't know who you're talking about but it's generally a good idea not to kill non hostile NPCs.

don't put any points into resistance.

yeah don't kill any NPCs. this will ruin a few sidequests.

don't look up any walkthrough if possible. beat the game on your own even if it means missing out on shit.

Don't use firekeeper souls. You can have other people buff your estus flask with them.

You'll meet a dude called Solaire. He pretends to be a nice guy but he's pretty much the exception to the 'do not kill NPCs' rule, since he ends up betraying you later. once you get the soapstone fom him, kill him. he's not very tough, so you should be ok

Stream it, gaylord.

Just play the game, don't kill NPCs


Don't wear really heavy armor. I didn't realize at first that encumbrance affects rolling, so I did retarded rolls until I figured this out.

>Does killing the guy outside the asylum do anything??
Please do not be an asshole and kill NPC unless they start attacking you, most of them do not respawn once killed.

try to stay below 25% weight so you can dodge properly
keep a high poise/armor set incase you find a difficult enemy so you can fight without being staggered so you can heal (don't expect to dodge/ run fast though)

Put that child's toy away and play a real man's game instead.

This user is lying, Solaire's a summonable for boss fights

>most of them do not respawn

which one do respawn? unless you mean the generic enemies

I wonder what this game is like if you kill every single npc

Stay out of the graveyard in the first area of the game until you level up a bit. (Unless you are trying to get some treasures)

Dying is good, don't let it get to you. Learn from your mistakes.

Weapons are more important to level up than armor

Yes, you have a shield. It's somewhat useful in combat but learning properly timed rolls is key especially in boss battles. Many monsters will be able to fuck your shield right up though.

Don't hurt/kill NPC's, especially blacksmiths and solaire

And of course, *DONT FORGET TO LOCK ON* I've seen dozens of new players forget to do this and it makes the game a lot harder.

Oops sorry didn't realize I was sageing
>make up bumper

Dont go to the graveyard until you finish Anor Londo and have the silver knight spear +4 at least

Drop your shield

Nvm no NPCs respawn in the first game.

Oh yeah and what said, resistance is a waste of a level.
First time players will want to put points in dex or strength to improve your damage. Mage builds (INT) aren't ideal for first timers imo

Also stamina is really important if you want to wield more heavier items and plus makes the game easier just because almost everything you do uses up stamina.

Try beanpole

>outdated game that barely anyone has played

This is why people think Sup Forums is full of a bunch of hipster faggots

Skeleton Land is not for adventure past the visible items.

Liar ahead.

Kill the dogs first.

Become Giant.

Git gud.

Resist leveling resistance.

Don't attack if they talk to you.

Don't go up the stairs into the castle town yet, you're supposed to head down first and then head up later for the lategame

Either go down the elevator below firelink or into the graveyard, it's optional

>outdated game that barely anyone has played
>barely anyone has played

Underage, please. Everything about Souls is based on the popularity of the KF series. Entire characters and items are cut-and-paste from the game, including Guyra and the Moonlight Sword.

Not him, are the games easier than the souls games. I been meaning to play them.

Have elementary character building knowledge. Play however you want.
That's it, have fun

Tips for shields/blocking:
>Blocking attacks drains stamina.
>If you have low stamina and you try to block an attack, your guard will break staggering you. Also, damage will "spill over" and reduce your HP as if you didn't block.
>Having your guard up slows stamina regeneration. Because of this, it's best to drop your guard in between attacks in order to regenerate your stamina.

>There are two kinds of humanity, "soft" and "hard" humanity.
>Soft humanity is tracked in the numbers next to your health and stamina bars.
>The more soft humanity you have increases your item discovery and your curse resistance.
>Soft humanity can be spent at bonfires to "reverse hollowing" to make you human.
>When human, you can spend soft humanity at a bonfire to "kindle" it in order to increase how many Estus flasks you gain by 5 whenever you rest there.
>Hard humanity refers to the "humanity" item that you find in the world and goes into your inventory.

>When you die drop your souls and your soft humanity in the spot where you were killed.
>There will be a green "mist" at the spot you died and you can interact with it to regain all your souls and your soft humanity.
>If you die a second time before your recover your souls/humanity, they are lost forever.
>If you are human and die, you become Hollow. Recovering your lost souls does not make you become human again. Humanity must be spent to do it.
>Rings of Sacrifice can be worn to negate the effects of dying - preventing the loss of souls and humanity.

>are the games easier than the souls games

No. Death forfeits all your progress and drops you into a new game at level 1 with no items. Your character has super drowning skills, so one misstep off the side of a ledge sends you straight to a watery death.

You can more comfortably approach the game after you've done a lot of grinding, but it's a slog to start out. The game world is very open, and doesn't make any effort to point you in the least lethal path for a character who is just starting out. Expect to see late-game caverns and bosses just a few yards away from the game's starting point.

>Spoon-feedingshit that the game spoon-feeds you already
calm down user

Liar ahead. Town furst, rest later.

Going back and playing kings Field 1-4 with no prior knowledge of the games and no looking up a walk through is so satisfying. It's like playing souls for the first time again.

This is way too much information.

>stand under boss
>walk right constantly (or left if you're a hipster)
>after the boss swings his weapon, stab him in the dick a couple times
>put up shield when the boss attacks (sometimes the boss will actually hit you even if you're circling around him, this is a bug)
>roll away when he uses his unblockable attack (either the jump, the lunge or the explosion, depending on the boss; look it up on gamefaqs beforehand)
>repeat 20 times because every boss has nearly identical move lists
>you did not die!

Especially for those parts of the level design that require blind leaps of faith.

I remember emerging from the crypt only to find an obvious path leading to an ostensibly bottomless pit below. Turns out you have to walk off the edge and plummet several stories to reach the other side of the island, which of course shaves off most of your health.

Heh. And all the times you get stranded in one-way regions. Better make good use of those teleport sigils.
