Which will drop out of the gaming industry first?

Which will drop out of the gaming industry first?


Hard to tell! But probably Xbox. Sucks, really, because they scared the fuck out of Sony at one point and made them try harder. We need another electronics giant to replace the dying Xbox.

Probably Microsoft. Then Nintendo. Then Sony.

Regardless of having more money than Sony and Nintendo combined, they aren't putting much effort into Xbox anymore. They'll convert it into a Steam-like service and bring it exclusively to PC in the near future.
Maybe Sega will make a comeback and fill their place?

Nintendo obviously, if things really got that bad. Microsoft has enough OS money to fund whatever it wanted. Of course that's not happening to either of them

But you probably MEANT console market in which case... well Nintendo too, if they need to downsize they could just go third party and become a Sega with franchises on multiple consoles. Might fit their situation better, honestly. People enjoy their first parties.

MS, definitely

Microsoft guaranteed. Nintendo dropping out of the gaming industry means that they completely go bankrupt. Microsoft just needs some motivation in the form of profit loss to drop out of gaming and focus on PC sales and software.

Why would they though? Actually, in general what is the advantage of being the hardware company?


What will happen to xbox live accounts if Microsoft stops making xbox systems?



Sony are continuing to dominate

Microsoft are getting rekt by Sony but they're still in a comfortable 2nd place

Nintendo are completely JUST tier

>They'll convert it into a Steam-like service
this has already started with games being Win10/Xbox compatible. Xbox Live will just be Steam, soon. Maybe they will try to sell profitable hardware to run Win10 and play those games with some native console-like setups.



MS can easily keep on going for years and years, despite what people shitpost on here, MS are doing pretty comfortable sales wise for the Xbone.

>still this mad that Sony single handedly swept the console market right from under Nintendo

They will probably start selling a really cheap "gaming pc" soon to replace it. AI the Scorpio.

If I had to pick one, Microsoft. Gaming is all Nintendo has. Gaming is a large part of Sony. For Microsoft, it appears to be an afterthought and they don't seem to give much of a shit.

I seriously think this might be Microsoft's last year. We'll see what happens at E3.

>Sony are continuing to dominate
>What is Vita
>What is VR
>What is PS4pro

pfffffffffthahahahahahah, in the moment that one of their home consoles fails they're fucking doomed.

>Maybe Sega will make a comeback and fill their place?
Most likely not. The actual people who made Sega consoles (CSK) sold the company to Sammy after the Dreamcast failed.

Nintendo has been failing hard at every opportunity. but they have a small but strong fanbase of people who buy every single product they put out regardless of quality.
Eventually the people will stop enjoying the 1 or 2 decent games nintendo makes per decade and just give up on them.

Nintendo needs a nice console, no gimmicks, no handhelds, no motion control shit. but a straight up good console with real games

nintendo will survive to make one more console then we get mario on pc baybee

>the number one will drop out first


You wish, faglord.

In your dreams, drone.

And they are also a bigger company than both of the others combined. Even if they stop making hardware, they will likely produce PC software for years to come.

Nintendoomed, the mark of the true mental midget.

I just bought an Xbox and am wondering what you guys problem is?

Xbox has

>Shooters: Halo and Gears
>Racing: Forza

What does Playstation have?

>Action Adventures: Uncharted, The Last of Us, Horizon, God of War

If you like shooters you always will go for Xbox.

Plus Xbox has a 4k Blu-ray drive.

The Xbone beated the Wii U's sales in japan last week or something! That's a win

>he pfffffffthahaha on the internet
kys my negro

How is that dropping out of the industry? They'll still be directly involved.

People always say this but I don't think it's true. If people liked Nintendo games they'd buy them. The fact the Wii U only sold 13M units is indicative of the fact that people don't really like Nintendo games.

>buying a console for X games

It's at the end of its lifespan and has 2 dozen Nintendo titles on it and it's still not selling. Maybe back in the day people liked Nintendo's IP, but now I don't think that's the case.

>shooter with a controler
lmao my pleb

The switch sold 350k systems in the past week in japan.

The only one of those that's a failure is the vita you idiot

Microsoft first due to low effort going into Xbox One. They'll convert Xbox Live into a PC service exclusively, and they'll compete against Steam and GOG.com. Xbox One has had a more disappointing run than the 360 regardless of the initial outpacing in hardware sales.

Nintendo may go handheld-only considering that, despite the Switch being their fastest selling launch ever, the Switch is also their most rushed & most poorly developed Nintendo console ever which is shocking considering Nintendo hardware is usually the most durable, but the Switch is one of the sloppiest consoles ever made thus far. There'll be a drop in 3rd party support similar to the Wii U as well as constant hardware issues throughout its lifespan coupled with overpriced crap, shitty online services, and dedication as a Nintendo-only machine for the billionth time in a row. Basically, they learned something from the Wii U's mistakes in terms of marketing, but also learned nothing at all in everything else.

PS4 should be OK for the remainder of the generation, but Sony's bleeding money from every other division, so they may be forced to go PS Now only some day, and no one likes PS Now.

The console market is dying, and all gamers will migrate back to PC gaming inevitably, forcing the big three to eventually converge. Only then will the this non-existent "console war" officially come to end.

I hope it's Nintendo.
Nintendo should have died instead of Sega.

One thing is that this board doesn't seem to like racing games, so Forza doesn't even get brought up. And with Games for Windows I believe all the games you listed are playable on the PC as well.

The current thing everyone is focused on is exclusivity. That is the only thing that matters for a system, and the only reason to talk about a console. People here seem in general to feel that multiplatform releases should default to playing on PC.

Microsoft, if you go into any Xbone threads around here the only support seems to be from brand loyalty. "Yeah I bought the 360 and Xbone so I'll buy the next console 100% even if it's shit" kind of stuff. The thing is not everyone's that brand loyal and Microsoft seems to barely even care about the bone.

Hopefully Nintendo because they have good games on shit hardware

People do like Nintendo games, the fact that the WiiU didn't have a heavy hitting 3D mario or Zelda game (until the end of its life) means that nobody bought the WiiU.

That combined with the absolute marketing failure assured the WiiU to be DOA.

The Switch is already doing better than the WiiU, and this isn't even holiday sales.

>People here seem in general to feel that multiplatform releases should default to playing on PC.
One of the last good things about Sup Forums

>A computer company who makes games on the side versus a company that is exclusively a video game company
That post really got my neurons excited

>How is that dropping out of the industry?
*Console manufacturing.*

never ever pkek

I remember back when Sup Forums said there wouldn't be a PS4

>*Console manufacturing.*

Both are pretty cancerous.

Where the fuck is future tone

The switch is still durable as fuck though. I saw a drop test where it survived like 5 drops on all sides (as long as the joycons were attached) without breaking the screen or anything. It has a good design, it was just executed poorly. All the components are great, but the battery life and sub-par power (even for a handheld) means it won't have staying power or third party support.

Nintendo should have waited and pushed out a more powerful tablet with a battery twice as big.

I'm cautiously optimistic though. If/When Nintendo comes out with the Switch XL I might actually shell out the dosh.

>that one sperglord that poured over Sony financial documents to prove that there was no way Sony could afford to even do R&D for the PS4.

I bet he's killed himself by now.

We all like to shit post against Nintendo every now and again, I get that. I won't pretend I don't do it to.

But do people REALLY think Nintendo has any chance of dropping out? The switch, as far as Nintendo is concerned, was successful and coming off the coat tails of the Wii u, it's the best thing they have made since early Wii. Especially considering breath of the wild

Microsoft on the other hand is already porting some of their system sellers to the PC, they are almost completely out of the public eye gaming wise, and the squorpio has a completely fair chance not selling considering the only people willing to pay a premium price for a pure graphical upgrade are gamers who probably already have a pro. It's a niche demographic they are trying to sell to


This exactly. Sonytard shitposting aside, Nintendo is a pretty good company and knows their demographic pretty well. Microsoft seems to be hanging on to a thread at all times.

Microsoft will probably go third-party to develop games for PC, maybe even for PS4 and Switch. It really comes down to how much of a flop the Scorpio is.

>>What is VR
Actually successful one that sold more HMDs than both PC competitors combined?


so you're telling me it wold more than 0 units
wew, great success I guess

Can youimagine how shit would gaming industry be if there were only PC as gaming option?

I couldn't agree more

Microsoft already gave up by putting the Xbox exclusives on PC. What's even the point of owning an Xbox?

Selling more than extremely expensive competitors is not successful. Successful is hedging more profit than loss.

It'll be interesting to see their long-tail on the system. What I think is most likely is that the system will become progressively more of just a handheld console, with the console mode being largely incidental.

You underestimate how shitty PC gaming is. There are legitimate reasons why people aren't switching over to the "master race"

My friend was visiting me last weekend and we both played gta online. I played it on my ps4 and he played it on his laptop. it only took about an hour for him to get frustrated and drop out, due to cheaters in races and invincibility in free mode.

way back when I got Doom 2 for the PC. and I remember it being so impossibly complicated to install that I never played it. and the same thing happened later with gta 4.

also people spending 600 dollars on a brand new PC and not being able to run games at all because it had X brand video card.

It costs over 500 dollars right now to build a desktop that can barely play games made for the Xbox360. and how many average people know how to BUILD a computer?

PC gaming has a massive filter to keep out children and adults without a tech degree. then if you do manage to get in, everyone is cheating and using mods

Remember when you could just push a cartridge into a system and start playing?

>Microsoft will probably go third-party to develop games for PC


You got to admit that's not saying much, VR was kind of a failure in general.
Too expensive and no titles to make it worth it.

The thing is though, do we really want it to be 2 companies left? Isn't more competition a good thing DESU I really wouldn't want any of them to leave. But I'm not a crazy fanboy.


Games for windows live is still up user, sand the new Microsoft store will let you sign into them on pc

Xbox hands down, nintendo has a small european nation's GDP in toy sales and wii surplus cash while microsoft is already porting all their new games to Win10
sony coasts on exclusives and being the only non-nintendo gaming system in japan (aside from PC but only for VNs, browser games, and h-games) so they seem safe as well

Holy shit you're so delusional it hurts

Mircosoft. Nintendo has twice as much in assets

They probably out last Sony, not because they care about gaming, but through spite and the fact they can afford to


Implying you aren't underage trying to stir shit.

I think they are planning around that. There are patents that support the theory of a dock peripheral that will ACTUALLY boost the system power. Not to mention a seemingly useless USB port behind the docks flap. It would give more insentive to use docked mode

>500 dollars right now to build a deskto

You can build a gaming PC for even less than that, but keep crying peasant. Your tears are delicious.

t. PCcucks still angry they couldn't play Bloodborne and their petitions were once again useless

Nice sperging Sonybro

>Nintendo dropping out

Yeah let's just ignore that each headline is calling the Switch's launch a massive success.

>(if you don't want to play new games or you will buy used parts)

That hard headed kind of attitude was more Ballmer's style. I wouldn't be if Satya slowly killed it off, either that or puts more competent people in charge.

The one thing I keep wondering about the XBone though is how it is actually doing. I honestly never have a good idea of how much sales is required to be successful.

i love console war threads

they are my favorite and Sup Forums is a good board


That certainly sounds like a Nintendo style plan. They are the company most singly dedicated towards selling the accessories.

Consider the following:
No you fucking can't.

>more competition

They're barely competition though, hell I honestly wouldn't count Nintendo as competition at all. They don't get any of the big third party games which is what mainly drives the majority of the game industry, Nintendo is completely off in their own little world doing whatever they want no matter how shitty of an idea it is.

>tech knowledge barrier
Literally ever kid ever has a shit desktop at home to play league and tf2 on
>my anecdotal evidence of one bad port and my lack of computer knowledge means it's impossible to get into
That's a weak ass point and you know it
>remember when you push in a cartridge and start playing?
You can't do that on consoles kek, and you have to deal with Sony's and MS' terrible ass servers which take hours to download 1 gb.

Xbox as a console wont continue for long, Microsoft are already pulling plugs and they seem to be happy with going for the PC gaming market. For microsoft, the console market is just an alternative path and it doesnt seem to be working for them.

I expect the Switch to sell more than the Xbox One, although I dont see it reaching 3ds levels. Nintendo isnt going anywhere as games is the only thing they make.

The only two exclusives are Horizon, Yakuza, and Nioh. Horizon is fucking trash too.

Don't even try telling me Gran Turismo is still a good series.

Its really funny that this board thinks Bloodborne is some sort of amazing game. I've played it, and compared to the DS games I wasn't impressed. Its just like DS except more fast paced and Britaboo.

Honestly you ps4cucks only have 1 game to cling to, and thats hilarious. PC has hundreds of good games that are exclusive.

The Xbone is selling really well, its already sold more than the 360 was by this time, its just that the PS4 is doing even better.

Never ever.


Its doing shit outside the US. In Japan its dead. Microsoft cant be making much profit on hardware and they are better off taking that ecosystem to PC and Windows gaming

Name them please.

>PC has hundreds of good games that are exclusive.
>thinks MOBAS, RTS, FP2 bullshit or indie walking simulators are good games