Left or Right?
Left or Right?
>one country vs the world
Why is this allowed?
It's funny how that one country still wins.
Some personal notes for newfags:
Sniper elite sucks
Wildlands is unfinished and For Honor died 1 week after released
That said all other games on the east side are good games.
The usual
>GR has lower scores than ubisoft shovelware
That's why posting a IGN, Gamespot, destructoid, etc reviews should be banned from Sup Forums
JP by a mile
I'm only interested in 3 games from the left and 1 from the right. Video games are shit.
>Japan finally decides to make a few games this generation
>they single-handedly save an entire console generation from being irredeemable shit
>in just three months
I'm planning to buy all games from the left side in the next 2 months
Plus: Toukiden 2, Dragon Heroes 2 and perhaps Persona.
What went right Sup Forums?
Fucking weeb
Also, OP you forgot to include Kingdom hearts 2.8 I hate the fact Sup Forums acts like KH series are bad.
how did nier get a 90? that game is some journalist mangina's sexist clickbait wet dream
Thank you based Japan
I'm not. I played Persona 3 only, I don't like SMT games and I rarely play FF games.
fuck you op
When a game is good and journalists don't understand the story they are afraid of giving bad scores otherwise they would be exposed
t. worked for IGN Spain for 8 months.
Why are the Japs suddenly making a huge comeback on console?
Kingdom Hearts is bad. It has always been bad. You have awful taste. Please understand this.
>a bunch of good games, BOTW and Future Tone
>a bunch of boring games and For Honor
there is a Brianna Wu inside of me waiting for the next sexist asshole to tell that KH is bad
I will fucking sue you and file a report for threats
I hope by that you mean that Future Tone is a great game, not just good
>yfw Japan saved gaming once again
It feels so good bros.
Obviously left.
Whoever is still mostly a fan of western games is underage or a massive retard.
The rare decent western game like Titanfall2 is alright to enjoy, but if all you play is AAA western shit, indie western shit and MOBA/CSGO/nu-Blizzard shit then I feel so very sorry for you.
>cherrypicked images on both sides
No thanks, the composition of your image leads me to believe you don't know much about video games at all.
>tfw you're a weeb and can enjoy japshit without getting triggered
Born into the masterrace, I pity westacucks.
Why is the American flag on there at all? Bioware is Canadian.
1) More attention-grabbing, no one cares about Canada
2) Symbolises "western game design" the best, even though EU is also included in that shit show
3) Gets free (You)'s from people like you
4) Plenty of USA developers are in the team
5) EA, the publisher, obviously has a lot of oversight and control over the project all the way down to core design, especially now that most of the core Bioware team is long gone. Much like MS, EA sends their higher-up suits over to the studio to make various retarded demands. EA is USA.
Hope that is a sufficient explanation.
>i am unironic fantard the post
this is some impressive autism
Oh yeah western vidya is so much better.
ForHonor was AMAZING and I can't wait for MasseffectAndromeda, haha a new galaxy so cool!
>inb4 all the good examples of western video games are from years past (even decades ago) and Witcher3
Bioware is canadian? I knew there was something wrong other than the ordinary wrong
Never, ever, even if they give a game I like a good score. The entire place could go up in flames and I'd not even shrug.
Context. the top is Sonic Boom, even given it's messy nature, bugs, textures missing, large pop-in, etc. It got a fucking 5. Bottom is DoAX3 which was given a 1.5 because it hurt the SJW feelings, funny shit is they imported a copy (something they've never done for a game before) just to shit on it.
>top and bottom
Fuck me, flip those two.
>video games are shit
ohh never change Sup Forums
Giving 1.5 to Dead or Alive is just outrageous. They should be banned from Metacritic.
This post was not troll by the way
I hate destructoid. It sounded like a SJW speaking though
It was. They were triggered by the Play-Asia tweet, it's the only reason they bothered reviewing it. The author even stated in the first version of the article that "that all the women were white" as well as other claims that made it obvious he barely touched the game.
Wait, is Horizon seriously highest rated western game so far?
Japs and their small dicks are actually stepping up this year
Persona will get ~94 average like Golden and continue the tradition of blowing the west the fuck out. This year western games are particularly bad.
I really liked Hitman last year though.
you're dumb mate, lol
>always thought weebs are brain dead retards
>tried a jap game
>was actually good
what was i missing
>tfw i lived long enough to see the japanese retake the gaming industry
>every western nation combined still can't beat japan in terms of quality
pretty pathetic tbqh
Other than Miku's ear piercing vocaloid trash on the left, everything there is good.
The only halfway decent game on the right is Horizon.
>Sniper elite sucks
the first one was pefect, then they took out camo and inserted MK XRAY bullshit and the game became shit
Stay away from cheap cash grab shit like Nep games or Chinese genocide sims and there's some good stuff out there. Keep in mind the console market over in Japan is pretty weak compared to the West and generally they care more about gameplay mechanics than graphics or technical aspects.
Rude, Miku's voice is perfect.
>and generally they care more about gameplay mechanics than graphics or technical aspects
Gee I wonder why their games are the ones not boring people to death.
That's still 4 games though. That's plenty to last a while isn't it? Who has the time or money to play like 12 new games in a month anyways?
She has the problem a lot of Japanese voices have. Really high pitched and screechy at times.
reminder that gravity rush 2 is underrated by reviewers and that they only played until the first credits and not the second.
I still can't believe Nier is getting a 90.
Even with platinum, I thought it'd get 85 at most, with all the weird Taro shit in it.
Not liking SMT and liking Persona makes you a weeb you retard.
>Horizon: Zero Dawn at 89
I got that game at a redbox and still brought it back a day early because of how bland it is. What the hell?
>literally all of those games except Zelda and Halo Wars 2 (lel) are available on PS4
An yet NintendoGAF will continue to use the "no games" meme.
>trying to turn a East vs West thread into a console war cuck thread
No, fuck off
How the fuck can you call it bland? The robot fights are fucking great.
Tales of Bersaria a shit.
left, not even contest. the right doesnt even have one single interesting game.