This is Garrus Vakarian. Say something nice to him!

This is Garrus Vakarian. Say something nice to him!
Also post how you think the new game's going to be

Garrus was a great bro.

Andromeda is going to be incredibly mediocre and the only people who are going to praise it are going to be from Kotaku and Polygon.


It'll be fun at first, full of mystery and neat little shit that'll pull you in. Then you'll start noticing problems, get tired of the story, and bored with the characters and how you interact with them. It'll be ME3 and DA:I all over again.

Fuck me I love Garrus tho. New turian squaddie won't live up to him; I already know it.

Good at calibrations.

ME3 wasn't that good and neither was DAI, I see nothing that indicates the new Mass Effect will be any less dissapointing.

I want it to be good since I like Mass Effect, but I'm doubtful.

Garrus is best bro

Andromeda will he shit but I'm buying it anyway just to spite Sup Forums

Garrus is iwishiwasgoodenoughtofantasiseaboutholdinghishand/10

Garrus was ok, but wound up being a weak bitch.

ME:A combat looks fun, but the story, VO and animations look like hot garbage.

i hope female garrus will be a good enough replacement.

who else Garrus+Tali in all 3 games?

You sick fuck.
I'd hang out with him, help him with calibrations, and play vidya with him.
What vidya would he play anyway?

They're the only good squadmates besides Wrex, Legion and Thane.
Mordin is cool too, but he doesn't feel like a combat squadmate, more like a doctor who's your friend.

Thanks for the calibrations, bruh.

Andromeda looks to be boring as fuck, but I'll probably pirate it so I can bone the Turian chick.

>New turian squaddie won't live up to him; I already know it.
Vetra seems like she's gonna be like Shadow Broker Liara. Seemingly super business-like with all those connections and surprisingly dark pragmatism, but turns all shy and nerdy the moment you suggest giving her the shep-dick. Or in this case, the Rydick.

it wasn't your fault bioware hasn't made a decent game since that EA logo started appearing. Fucking sellouts.

I just want to have a beer with him and shoot cans with a sniper rifle

>Mordin is cool too, but he doesn't feel like a combat squadmate
Mordin himself points out that this is why he gets the upper hand in a lot of confrontations.
>Advantage of being Salarian. Turians, Krogan, Vorcha: all obvious threats.
>Never see me coming.

Im sorry but did you completely miss his introduction shooting people on Omega? Mordin is a black ops tactical killer

Apparently people who played it said she's a mix of Zaeed with Tali, always cheerful but sometimes kind of an hard ass due to living one step ahead of the law throughout her entire life.

Silent scope series

Like any good Turian, anything war and strategy related. All of our WW2 games would probably be a Turian wet dream.

Garrus is best squadmate, along with Wrex

I was stoked once I learned Andromeda would focus on the exploration since that was my favorite part of the first game, but the recent gameplay has left me lukewarm at best. Animations, characters, and stories all seem like dogshit.