Tom Clancy Ghost Recon Wildlands

So, this game came out and nobody is talking about it. Is it shit?

I take it you didn't play the open beta. It's turbo shit.

Yeah, couldn't get in. I assumed it's shit because it's Ubisoft but a naive part of me wanted to believe it was decent so i could play with my friends.

It's pretty fun. I've been playing it all day. It's not exactly the next Arma, but it's fun tacticool action with good customisation. It feels like a -slightly- more serious Far Cry with a similar progression but better gameplay.

It's great if you're playing with friends, a legitimately really good game. It's still alright if you play solo but relying on the AI is kind of painful at times. Play on the higher difficulties and you'll enjoy it since it forces you to plan before you move in.


Did they fix the horrendous vehicle controls and handling?

It's pretty decent, it can be boring as fuck to raid bases though since it feels just like capturing outposts in FarCry and becomes a chore sometimes. Though some bases are mixed up which is nice, for example, some will use jammers that force you to go in blind at times since you can't rely on your drone to get information from the inside.

Playing semi-stealthy and tacticool with friends is a great experience too.

Buy it from 45 dollars from GreenManGaming or some shit.

Everybody is talking about that stupid waifu game. With thier stupid waifu and that fake ass butt of her. Real niggaz play Ghost Recon ya feel me?

It's Division levels of mediocre

>Buy it from 45 dollars from GreenManGaming or some shit.
yes, do that. but in a few months when all is patched, optimized and fixed. now, it is not worth it.

I wouldn't exactly describe it as good but it's better than it was. Bikes feel pretty nice and you find plenty around. Cars are floaty and have shitty physics but they work. You can always just fast travel if you hate long distance travel that much, then call in a bike or something for the mid-short distances before you move in on foot.

Interesting. What about helicopters? Can you actually use the guns on them, or does Ubisoft still not know what a pitch is?

It's another open world sandbox shooter paying lipservice to the Tom Clancy legacy. You know what you're getting. Nothing to talk about.

They changed a lot since beta.

Thay said, its still inherently boring, vehicles are still shit, and its lacking in solo content. Its not bad, its just mediocre.

can you do missions solo or do you always have to take a squad of guys

Yeah you can use the guns on the helicopters.

You will have a squad of AI when doing things solo. They range from okay to completely braindead at times.

I suck at controlling helicopters but guys I've been playing with online have had no problems and have been aiming fine while flying. I don't like how much they try to correct themselves midair, you feel like you're fighting against it but other people are fine so it's either me being shit or it just takes practice. Plenty of content though so I'll have time to improve. I've been playing pretty much all day and I've done about half of one of the 21 areas, most of that collecting supplies and upgrading my guy.

It's far cry but worse in every way.

6/10 buy for 20 $

You always have your AI guys there, but you can tell them to hold and it's basically like playing solo, what I've been doing. I recon with the drone, find a vantage point and tell them to wait there, then they can assist with sync shots if I need them to without them getting in my way. They have great accuracy with sync shots so it's worth using them for that.

The driving in this game is ass, who the fuck playtested this for pc?

ok. thanks for the info anons

>no cowboy boots

>no beret
>no trenchcoat

Well there goes my MGSV gimmick idea.

Just go full Murrica.

what did they change?

>can't customize ai buddies
Was it really too much to ask?

Looks like you went full Cuba.

>tfw there's a beret in the rebel leader outfit but you have to wear the entire thing at once

There's cowboy boots atleast.

you just have to buy them

>the city of Ubisoft

There's also tactical kneepads. Can't fault them for including tactical kneepads.

It's a game for tacticool mall ninjas who like to say, "Tango down" and "Oscar mike". The story is so fucking uninteresting and the base capturing gets stale by the 3rd time you do it. Other than that you just fly around in a helicopter and kill dudes. The drone is neat, but that's it. It's just neat. The game is more enjoyable with friends, but that's a stupid fucking thing to say because that's true of literally every game on the planet. And that's not even counting Ubisofts retarded Open - Moderate - Strict bullshit which will keep you from playing with at least one of your friends anyways. The game is mediocre at best and will only hold your attention if you're a special ops wannabe.

It's a really terrible game, streamers weren't even playing it during the open beta. Even Lirik quit playing it after about two hours, yet he's on the front page of Twitch right now streaming it because Ubisoft paid him.

Terribly unfinished, unpolished, underdeveloped game. Vanilla driving,shooting, flying.

>yet he's on the front page of Twitch right now streaming it because Ubisoft paid him.
Same for these threads, game is shit. The only sales are going to come from advertisement hype. In a week's time the only people still playing this game on Twitch will be streamerhouse. Ubisoft owns their fucking souls with contracts.

The original ghost recon games were more fun to coop.

LOL this game, $60 for some shitty ass sandbox shooter with a $40 season pass.

this game looks like arma. is that what it's turning into? I think it'd be a good thing. going back to the roots of ghost recon.

It's more of a Far Cry with an Arma coat of paint. It's really fun but pretty arcadey. Arcadey doesn't necessarily mean easy or that you can just charge in, try that and you'll get fucked up fast. It's easy to get pulled into the gameplay loop, satisfying to slowly build up your guy and perfect strategies. Play without the HUD and on extreme difficulty, and you have a 90% Arma experience.

This. Even GRAW had some fun coop.

>This is what ubisoft idiots actually think

I don't get what kind of tone this game is going for. It's just all over the map. You have this big marketing push and dramatic leadup about how big and bad and evil the Cartel are, but in the game they really don't do anything scary or unusual, they just exist to carry around guns and get shot at. Occasionally you'll find them pestering a civilian but that seems to be the limit of their evil. Then you have these wisecracking AI teammates, there's "funny" radio hosts/programs straight out of GTA/Saint's Row, the civilians are constantly spouting quips that are meant to be humorous, and it's like ah- we're going after a guy who butchers civilians and melts them in acid, could you guys take this a little more seriously?

IRL cartels are the most brutal and vicious people on the planet, easily ISIS-level, but in this game they're completely toothless. It's like they wanted to make a sincere, dark game about a (somewhat) real-life criminal underworld, but also wanted a light-hearted goofy military action game a'la Mercenaries. Like, is this supposed to be taken seriously or is it not? I'm no SJW, it's fine if you want to make a 80s-style-action-movie-style game where it's not meant to be taken seriously, but like... Could you at least present and market it like that? Could you at least do some kind of "Oh No You DIDN'T" gag song, or something?

My honest opinion, and this is probably one of the only games I'd EVER say this for: It should be way more grim and way more dark. They should have cut the light-hearted stuff entirely, gone all out and made the repugnant and controversial game they could. There should be enemies raping people, cutting open pregnant women and dumping the remains in the town square, hijacking busses and leading the people in them out into a field and making them slaughter each other for fun, torturing via amputation, etc. They should have gone for an AO rating. You want us to go kill a guy who butchers people and melts them in acid, that's cool, but could you at least SHOW him doing that and not just having the player read about it in some ancillary intel thing? I want a game that really represents how much of a bunch of vile pieces of shit cartel members are. Instead of the bland, uninspired generic bad guys we got. At least that game would be memorable. This is going to be forgotten very soon.

I'd play Sicario: the game

I bought a copy for me and a copy for my bro, we played it for like 7 hours last night. Shits fun if you have fun with it. Tracked down the EBR and the MP7, scopes and mags for both. Now we're tooled up and ready to push some cartel shit in. Fucking beaners.

AO rating is death for sales.

You know this.

But I liked beta. It was very fun (for free test). But my GTX960 got raped by it (just like in real cartel shit right?).

I just want to know does it run better? Or did beta give the real answer to that?

>tfw they decided to make another open world outpost capturing shitfest instead of the next Splinter Cell

>sold more than expected due to AO

This lol

Do you drive with on/off steering inputs? You sound like you drive with a keyboard. Drive with a controller, and don't go WOT everywhere to avoid smashing into rocks, everything feels smooth as fuck. Ditch hook like fucking WRC boss

Why are you so angry, son?

Can you fucking imagine the reaction from news, social media, etc. if such a game was made by a AAA developer? It'd probably break even, at least.

do people still play the division, it looked comfy as fuck, and I just want to camp out and roam around being all carefull like

>comparing a game by an obscure developer specifically meant to be edgy to a Tom Clancy title by one of the biggest developers in business

This is a retarded fallacy based on absence of evidence. Hollywood spent years crying that nobody would watch R rated movies and then Deadpool blew them all the fuck out.

Should I get this, Horizon, or Nier? Have a $50 gift card and already decided against ME:A. I didn't think the combat was engaging or fun in the Nier demo, that's what's keepiNG me from picking it up over anything else.

Most retailers won't even pick up AO games. I heard consoles don't allow AO titles either.


See While an R rating cuts off a portion of your audience, theaters still have no problems showing R rated movies. When it comes to games, it's hard to even release it.

Its p2w day1 dlc, full of microtransactions and ubi bullshit. Series went to ass anyway so who cares?

Uplay: DisneySecurity

Let's group up and take out the brown scourge. For Trump and country.

Think about the Division and Just Cause 1.

Now make it way worse.

That's Wildlands.


In a few months this game will be 50% off.

>the opinion of retards

>it ain't me starts playing

The game is ruined by your magic wallhack that just makes the enemies even dumber than they already are.

If anyone wants to play this with me on Xbox my tag is Type2Beetus.

Playing right now, still in the first zone. Promise I'm not an edgy teen or meme-spouting autist.

>considerable change to the vehicle handling between both betas
>vehicles are at an acceptable arcade handling

the fact that no one even brings this up reinforces that Sup Forums is a bunch of faggots who think its cool to hate everything

I'd love to be playing it. But the fucking game keeps freezing my pc so hard I have to manually reset. I don't know what changed from the beta, that ran great on ultra (minus some lighting issues) but this one just freezes hard during loading or character creation.

I had fun but I'm currently balls deep in Zelda. I haven't touched my PS4 in days.

Several lore bits ingame pretty much humanize your enemies, making them not as evil as they seem at first.

It's pretty funny that it stays positive, considering most just give it negative reviews because >ubisoft or >denuvo

>implying I buy Ubishit games

Anyone have any experience running this on a GTX 980? How is it?

Waiting for more reviews. If it keeps an average score greater than 8 out of 10 and nvidia's drivers unfuck its shitty performance then I'll buy it.

>shitting on a game that he probably hasnt even played

Sup Forums

Christ, what the fuck.

You realize there was an open """"""""beta""""""""?

>being a complete moron

Sup Forums

Not outright shit, but painfully average.

It looks pretty and has some neat ideas but I just can't get into it, currently being only co-op vs AI kills the fun. I can only get so much enjoyment out of shooting AI in a FPS/TPS game.

I've been playing it all day and desu I'm having fun with it. I haven't even tried co-op yet either.

>mfw operating operationally

I mean, you know a game is pretty bad when STREAMERS are getting paid to play a game. Especially when the streamers start goofing around in the game and the bugs are fucking obvious. Also, these bugs are 1 day from launch, the more you know.

Look at Zelda for a recent example of a great game. Didn't NEED to pay anyone to play it, heck, reviewers were begging for a copy.

It feels really satisfying clearing a 20+ outpost without alerting a single enemy.

>mfw the only way to make use of your AI squadmates in defense is to get into a car with a mounted weapon

The activity of streamers has nothing to do with the quality of a game. I don't know where you got that idea.

Zelda could be complete shit and people would still love it. The name carries more weight than the actual quality of the game.

They get paid to play something, that doesn't seem like a red flag? Not even a bit? Witcher 3 didn't need to sponsor players.

>realizing changes were made

>changing the point

Also I don't give a fuck. Maybe you should've made those changes BEFORE releasing the demo for everyone to try. I will not buy your shit game hoping you maybe make it less shit later because I'm a fucking idiot like all your BBBBUT IT'S A BETA drones.

I've been playing the game. My first hand enjoyment of the game matters a lot more to me than Ubisoft's marketing strategy. I'd recommend you play the game yourself and form your own opinion.

Only real complaint so far is that they put some pretty cool guns behind microtransactions
Oh and unidad patrols appearing out of thin air

Microtransactions? Which ones?

i thought the whisper was the only gun that could only be obtained via micro stransactions

I'm hearing that it's much more well optimized (compared to the beta), but if you're just slightly above the minimum requirements you're gonna have a bad time.

2 Unique shotguns, a Lever action rifle, and some other shit is behind a paywall.

My complaint is if you get on a roof you can't peek over railing. It's fucking 2017 and you can't properly use cover in this game.

>slowly build up your guy
>5% hipfire accuracy
>5% less scope sway
>sprint a few seconds longer
>use drone for few more seconds
>prolong the already laughably long bleedout timer
>more zoom for binoculars
I'm trying to give this game a chance and thankfully this doesn't directly ruin the whole thing, but holy fucking shit this must be the most disappointing and flaccid upgrade tree I have ever seen in a video game.

You can buy weapon packs, outfits, etc with money

Are the rest just unique combinations? They looked like totally different guns. Only pack I'm interested im would be the one with whisper anyways.

When you're in an open firefight, you have to open the order wheel and tell them to fire (top left.) Stupid shit, I know, but that's how it works.

>My complaint is if you get on a roof you can't peek over railing
I think it works if you use the railing as cover