What do you want to see in Resident Evil 8?
What do you want to see in Resident Evil 8?
First person rock punching
They failed on 5, 6 and 7.
The series is now officially a dead meme
zombies. less enemies, tougher enemies, scarcer ammo, no random herb/ammo/material crates. and no fucking photorealism.
Unrelated RE crap like we had in RE4, 5, 6 and 7
Claire being cucked again.
quit memeing you nostalgiafag. re7 sold over 4 million lmao.
I want Rebecca.
>mundane civilian protag
>mundane civilian setting
>camp melodrama
>passable schlock-y voice acting
>ammo, herbs and emblem keys
>no slow, unskippable walk/talk-y gameplay sections
>dodging enemies is tricky but efficient
>at least one qt for butcha-u to draw lewds of
The player character.
so like i want Leon to start smoking weed, and i want himand like veronica to have babbies together but one is like half zombie but its cool cause hes not like a mean babbie zomby.
i think it would be cool if like the wester guy cme back and pulled more shit on the people. like maybe the wester could like i dont know... kidnap babbie. and make evil versions of zomby babbie.
also more tits and dicks on the zombies. i mean lets get realistic here... zombies clothes like fall off. they should have tits and dicks ya know?
oh also they should make a resident evil movie already. how has there not been one yet?
I hope you DID watch Wesker's movie user. If you didn't, he's gonna saturate you.
Jill's ass
the official tie-in to dino crisis
>Underworld game when
Nothing. It's been shit since RE1.
Isometric real time tactics game
Chris dying
Ada or Leon dying
Most of the rest of the old characters retiring
New characters that aren't experienced and trained operators that can deal with typical RE shit
More puzzles, harder puzzles
claire x ada
I just want to see Leon finally lose his virginity. Always when I feel bad about being 20 years old virgin I remember Leon and feel a bit better
I want R3make.
Milla Jovovich roundhouse kicking zombies in slow motion.
A relentless almost invicible enemy that never stops looking for you
much appreciated medical service provider
I'd rather not see it at all, RE7 was better than 6, but still reeks of mediocrity.
If anything I want to see how's the REmake 2 progress is going.
This and roudhousing
So what basically what RE7 should've been with Jack. There's so much more they could've done with him.
If Liv Tyler didn't exist, Mila Jovovich would be the most beautiful woman alive.
a scene where a boulder chases the main character and maybe crushes him as revenge
gimme that
They could make a Resident Evil that is just REmake-Jill doing common day-to-day stuff and I'd buy it in a second.
Chris is all rage, but Leon's just wondering if he left the stove on. Stuff like that happens to Leon twice a week.
I'd rather get zombies and BOWs, molded was ok, but there were literally 2 enemy types in the whole fucking game
I'd like a game that explains how Jill managed to get into Delta Force. Given the competency level at STARS, she's probably just a hooker that liked her way in. Would explain her clothes in RE3.
Also, she has to be constantly upstaging fan favorites and have lots of really flattering one-sided fight scenes to establish how much of a fucking flawless god empress she is.
Also, multiple indulgent nude scenes in spotless white lab settings and have it be directed by her husando.
More RE7.
What are you talking about? STARS had a comprehensive recruiting and training program that ensured only the most skilled candidates were selected.
How many times do you think Leon has had to dive through windows butt naked?
Honestly don't know. Rather have an Outbreak File #3
Julia Voth Jill
The rest of the game could be dog ass and I wouldn't care.
I wonder why that mode was in Rebecca's game...
jill is an electronics/bomb defusal expert who trained alongside delta in a program, she never was IN delta
Wesker hired staff members with his dick, doesn't it state somewhere that Barry and the leader of Bravo force fight with him over and over cause of this
resident evil operation raccoon city but actually good
like you know, enemies actually respond to getting shot at and the guns do not feel like paintball poppers.
Molded felt too detached from the Bakers desu. All it would've took was have them running around in the pet collars from the shopping list and they would've been 10x creepier.
On one hand this would be great now that online multi is common on the other you would get paired with retards
Would you let a mad scientist turn you into Ada?
You can rebel and kill him, but only after he fucked you once
The manual for RE3 says otherwise. Probably been retconned, but still.
Damn it Leon not again.
>Claire will remain a cucked virgin fantasizing about the past forever while the younger women in her life all go on to have boyfriends
Something about this turns me on and I don't know why.
If you played outbreak games offline you're used to playing with retards
Leon, this is going too far. Stop.
What was going through her mind here?
It was. The games were made by nips. They didn't know when they published that that women aren't allowed (and still aren't and probably never will be honestly) to be a part of Delta Force. They changed it to "she trained with them", which if you have military experience you know can mean anything from "she took one test and had 1 day with them where they sort of bullshitted a few lessons while she worked in an admin MOS" to a few weeks of some kind of specialty training.
Even I "trained" with operators, I just didn't do anything special and didn't get anything out of it. A lot of "training" in the military is stupid.
Considering it's a manga and Japan is Japan, I'm surprised she didn't yell KYAAAA BAKA and just kneecaped him.
Hey, if it looks good in the CV...
I had more fun in 5 then anything.
>I-it's finally my turn for a guy?!
>Resident Evil 8
First Person/Survival/Horror
>Resident Evil Revelations 3
Third Person/Action/Mix of RE5/6 controls etc
>Resident Evil Outbreak #3
Online co-op/Survival
>Resident Evil Mercenaries
Standalone Mercenaries/Raid Mode with an entire roster of characters from all the series and maps from each game, level up/skill system etc This is what Umbrella Corps should have been
>RE2/3 Remake
Both in the style of REmake, tributes to the original trilogy.
If Capcom did this for all their upcoming Resident Evil titles it would please every type of RE fan, and each would sell extremely well. I'm also looking forward to RE2 remake, but they better make it in the same style of REmake, not in the new 'RE' Engine like RE7.
Pre-rendered backgrounds.
Static camera angles.
Tank controls.
Limited ammo.
Branching story.
>the failures of the series weren't the bro-fest action games of 5, 6, ORC, etc;
pic related is you and your ilk
he was talking with the other girl tho
>implying Claire would ever get some sweet young numale dick
Yesterday's thread started with a shitpost and was fucking great. This one started with game discussion. Watch as pic related happens.
Sorry I can't tell because they all look the same in that comic.
She's trying to deny how turned on she is by the idea of watching them bang while she sits in the corner and gets nothing.
God bless you user
>I inverted it
It's the other way around.
I want to see your mom in it, will she show up?
This should be Capcom's road map. Why are they such retards?
Actually, the only two STARS members directly recruited and hired by Wesker were Forest and Kenneth. Barry brought in pretty much everyone else.
4.96 million units was insane in the late 90s though. Industry wasn't as big as it is now.
Re2 is a big part of a lot of people's childhood gaming memories.
She was already in it.
I was just about to post the same. Waifu and husbando discussion is peaceful. Game discussion is a mixed.
hopefully zombies, and not this mold shit
>15 years of unrelated RE crap
Will REmake 2 end it?
when will boulder-chan make a comeback?
Take that back!
The franchise has a lot characters. Capcom needs to publish any kind of closure for most of them - not everyone needs to be used, but to keep them in canonical limbo is just so greedy for the future money to be possibly made with shitty games.
Paragraph long epilogues at the very least should be fine.
Hey Leon, Chill out man.
Shut up, Chris! Go find Jill.
>Paragraph long epilogues at the very least should be fine.
True, they really need to retire the majority of the cast. Especially Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire and Barry. I wouldn't even be that mad if they decided to do a RE with Sherry and/or Jake. It's still something new at least.
>a gigantic boulder setup as a trap/barricade for intruders to the village
>even on release it was sorta the RE cheese everyone loves but still was in the realm of possibility
>After numerous ridiculous D-Movie sequences the stealth bomber lands in a fucking ACTIVE VOLCANO
>Characters somehow aren't burned alive
>Main character is so roided up he can somehow PUNCH A FUCKING BOULDER to move it half of it's own circumference
I know you didn't use that image to defend RE5 from RE4 supporters, but they are indeed not the same thing.
>but they are indeed not the same thing.
What did he mean by this?
He abused Sherry.
Yeah because Leon getting chased around by a giant robot Salazar isn't retarded as fuck too.
RE4 was just as stupid as RE5. It was no more grounded.