Mass Effect: Andromeda

Can you resist buying it and miss a comfy sci fi action game with hilarious animations?

Other urls found in this thread:[]=43#job-listings

I'll just pirate it.

Yeah, I can. Might've bought it if it looked at least somewhat decent, but this is a fucking wreck.


Probably won't buy anything until I get a job. I might consider getting it if I get a job though. I love the Mass Effect setting, the gameplay of 3 was fun, I kind of liked the Crucible and flee tbuilding from 3 and that seems to be returning, in the form of the Nexus, and I doubt they will repeat the fuck up that was the ending of 3 especially given that they will probably milk this new series for all it's worth.

>pirating an online only game even though it's single player focused

That's Bioware and EA for you.

Nothing about this game so far looks comfy.

Stop using words you do not understand.

At least pirate it if you can't calm your shit taste.
Just stop giving them money and encouraging them from making more games.

>online only
Why, because it's on origin?

That's not what online only means you cretin.

IDK, Mass Effect in general seems kind of like an homage to a lot of old school science fiction. The music especially sounds pretty 80's science fictiony.

It's Inquisition in space. Complete with the same mechanics and everything.

I'd buy it if I had something to play it on.

Literally the only reason why I haven't bought this shit is because we don't know a full list of who c an fuck what unlike all previous releases.

>Why, because it's on origin?
Do assume that's what I meant you kike.

No, it means it needs a constant online connection to Bioware's servers to be played.

The bad animations don't give it character or make it any more fun to play. Especially if it is anything as bad as Inquisition.

>Bioware's Ian Frazier has confirmed that Mass Effect: Andromeda will be playable offline in single-player mode

So your source was your ass?
No thanks

It doesn't.

>Nexus is just like the Inquisitors base.

>The crew you awaken are just like the three tech trees you unlock for passive bonuses.

DA:I getting shilled and praised as GOTY just cemented to Bioware that their direction was right.

There's a pretty big gap between "bad animations" and "first ever SFM animation" but bioware. Bioware somehow managed to cross that gap

I have never and will never buy a game that uses Denuvo.

Oh christ. I won't even pirate this garbage

Nope. I preordered the deluxe edition, no fucks given

So do we still think EA is evil incarnate?

What's wrong with that? It's a female krogan

The premise sounds interesting and the Star Trek feel is goodl but I'll need way more info than this to get my interest.

Bioware has a lengthy record of letting people down.

It looks comfy, deal with it.

just a shit developer m8

>Watch some videos on jewtube
>Game looks like it's several months away from release at best
>Release is within a few days
What is Bioware doing?

Yes, unless I missed a secret club meeting.

EA doesn't develop the game. EA is just a production company

Supposedly working on a big day 1 patch

Can you resist buying Curry Thunder game Sup Forums?

Have you seen all the videos released recently? Should give enough info

>caring about the political views of some lowly code monkey

just make the multiplayer f2p already

it runs on microtransactions anyway

I'm going to pirate it and not even play it just to spite Bioware.

I'm in the process of watching everything but I wanted something like pure gameplay straight out of the game, no "pre-release footage" with journalists narrating or anything.

I guess I'll get that with the 10h Origin Access Trial thing come March 16th so I'll wait until then.

I'm gonna buy it and not play it to spite Sup Forums

I've ordered 14 copies, just to spite Sup Forums. Going to be GLORIOUS. Already taken off work and stocked up on Doritos, Mountain Dew, and Depends. GIGGLESQUEE.


Post the fucking webm

holy fuck that pic is real!

So glad IMDB deleted the forums because nobody will go there now

It looks comfy

no u

Those fucking facial animations. What the hell.


>Can you resist buying ME:A
Is this even a real question

Lookin' good.

>can't pirate the game because my computer hasn't been upgraded in years

How long do you think it will take for a used copy to arrive at GameStop? or Disc Replay?


The other webm

After watching I'm buying Horizon Zero Dawn instead

>It's Inquisition in space.
Say no more.


Already pre ordered

The only game I really want to play.

I love ME1 2 and 3 and even with SJW cucks this game will be great.

It is Star Wars done right. Every Star Wars shit like the Jedi bullshit is not there. As I played the Shadow Broker DLC I was sometimes not sure if I played Star Wars or Mass Effect and I loved it.

I actually have it pre ordered.

My biggest dissapointment with the game I am expecting, is just the MC. I fucking LOVED Shepard, and his asshole tone, and his smug looks. He just fit the space commander type perfectly. Hell, he would even fight with the crew in fist fights for the fuck of it. Not to mention his extreme horny-ness. For what I've seen, Ryder seems nothing like him, and seems too pushover-y if you understand what im saying. He also doesnt seem like Shepard, trying to get into some pants.

I am super excited for the multiplayer, as long as it is like the ME3s one, which I found godly.


>that walk cycle

It's clearly not

>giving money to people who want to see your race wiped off the earth

If it makes you feel better, he's long been gone from Bioware.


Just check his twitter.

>long gone
>game already done

Really formulates brain functions

That just means he's not working on Andromeda anymore, not that he's parted with Bioware.

Scavenger hunt time. Go onto any mass effect video and scroll down the comments enough to find this shill to and I will deposit 00.02 biowar points into your account


Game looks good but they need to hire new:

>3d artists
>story/gameplay designers

and I'm sure other things but those are the main things

Easily. These games went downhill after the first one. Add in Bioware having an amazing ability to pull failure out of easy sucess and you have a game I have no interest in.

Oh fuck is this going to be fallout 4 again

It's so blatant it has to be a joke.

I mean, since he put "Wolfestein" there my guess is that he isn't working for Bioware anymore since you usually don't talk about the competition when you're employed in another company.

Bioware games are the only ones that handle choices right so I'm fine with it. Having a persistent party is what makes choices matter. You build relationships with them through the choices you make

Otherwise you just end up with a rando NPC giving you good boy/bad boy flavor text with each decisions and it has no impact on anything

I'll pirate it to see the train wreck for myself.

I bought Bioshock Infinite just to spite Sup Forums because I didn't belive it was as bad as they said it was. Turns out it was worse.

If I pirate, I'll get to enjoy laughing at the trainwreck without regretting my purchase.

The combat looks fine but the character designers and animators should be shot

>Bioware games are the only ones that handle choices right

Obvious bait, but you'll still get some people.

It's funny how I dream about a Space Opera RPG since I'm a kid and yet I find Ass Effect boring and unappealing.
I honestly don't ask for much, even a Skyrim Space Opera skin would content me.

I'd rather just watch DS9.

>since I'm a kid


It also sounds like there will be a lot of group banter, which was one of the good things in Inquisition.

>reading comprehension

Eh. Mass Effect was pretty good for choices until the very end. The decisions you made in the first game had a real effect on what happened in the last one.

Andromeda and its "companions can't die" shtick seems to be backing away from that though.

>Bioware games are the only ones that handle choices right
oh you[]=43#job-listings
His job title is listed on the openings and he's not pictured in the "meet our team" So I don't think he works there

Sadly probably not. Combat looks fun at least. Unfortunately for a studio that prides themselves on story telling, they haven't told a passable one since DAO. I'm not even talking about SJW-ness like the Qunari going from not even comprehending the concept of female warriors to being trans-friendly progressives, I'm talking about Creative Writing 101 stuff like the dramatic arc and not putting the villain's most threatening moment at the end of Act 1.

Yeah that nigga is gone.

Which fits Bioware Montreal's MO, they don't keep people for long, once a game is over they kick most of the devs off.

Actually, that guy is right. The post implied he was saying he was still a child.

What he really meant to say way
>It's funny how I've dreamt about a Space Opera RPG since was a kid.

Bioware Montreal is the C-team. If you do good work they move you to Austin or Toronto.

Sup Forumsirgins hate it.
I'm sold.
This entire board has autism, and it's collective hate is my personal barometer to a game's greatness.

Seconded. Anything Sup Forums hates is bound to be a fun game

Did you like No Man's Sky and Battleborn?

I'm not paying to demo the multiplayer so yes I can resist it

Third. The amount of tears this game has made is enough for me to get it day one

Impeccable reasoning. Here's another winner to check out.

No, neither of them interested me.

>Sup Forums goes insane about how great Automa will be and what a genus Toro is
>Critics love Automa
>Sup Forums starts bashing Toro, and Automa

Sounds about right

I did check it out because I got it with PS Plus.
Found it boring, but the amount of hate made me bother playing it.

The animations might be shit, but its the space explorer/3rd person shooter Im looking for at the moment. I only pray PeeBee and the other human squad mates can die, because Im sticking with the Turian/Krogan.

it's (sic) collective hate is my personal barometer to a game's greatness
>Anything Sup Forums hates is bound to be a fun game
You're not following your own calculus. How disappointing.