Sounds like artificial difficulty

Sounds like artificial difficulty.

The first Styx was pretty good, this one looks good as well.

Sounds tedious as fuck.

I liked the first one except for all the bugs. I'll probably get this when it goeso n sale, but the first one wasn't worth anywhere near it's full asking price.

>Trailer full of memes

Styx is the true stealth game in recent years

Any word on the level count?

I'm hyped because of the co-op

>no save points
Oh fuck no.
Stealth games take too much patience and time to move through to have quicksaves disabled.

Styx was the last true stealth game in a while, shit was fun af on hardest difficulty except the horrific final boss fight, powers and level design was nice as well, solid 8/10 for me
If this game improves on the last game's mistakes then should b pretty gud

styx was fanfucking tastic

Theses are literally the difficulties in Thief.
You underage faggots.

The only thing I ask is they fix the jank from the first. Other than that the game was fucking GOOD as fuck, and long too.

But thats what makes it fun user.

Styx is pretty much a calling of what stealth games were. It through me for a loop at first too because I was so used to casualized shit but quickly got my footing again. Just have fun and don't rush, and don't reload after every fuck up. Fucking up is what makes memorable moments in these kind of games.

Fucking up just breaks immersion because the AI usually just goes back to their old routine even after you alerted everyone in the area and successfully hid from your pursuers.

I'm enjoying the first one so far but good god i hate the automatic lockpicking. Every dev just have to dumb something down, don't they.

Nah man it's the opposite for me. Reloading constantly after every fuck up just ruins it because it feels scummy and ends up ruining the adrenaline pumping for me to get the fuck out of there and hide. I have so many memories of fucking up HARD in Thief 1/2 that made the game fucking amazing for me, especially when I got good and was able to ghost missions. If it weren't for me fucking up I would have never fallen into a hole and found a man on fire running at me with the speed of a thousands suns and killing me instantly in Thief 1. Shit is just fun to fail sometimes given the constant pressure of perfection these games want you to have.

I remember I could beat wraiths in a swordfight on Expert difficulty when I was in my prime at this game. I haven't played Styx yet so maybe you're exaggerating, but if you litterally can't win a fight on the highest difficulty, be it nigh impossible or not, I'm not sure it's a good thing.

Lockpicking minigames are retarded and played out. I'd rather not.

Well you're a goblin and the game treats goblins as lesser beings. Sure you character can get around and shit but he's no match with anyone on a 1v1 fight because of his stature and physical abilities. It makes sense in the game world given you're come across trained guards and elves which are OP as fuck.


I fucking hate minigames of any kind, I'd rather games just take the MGSV route where you just tap the button faster for a faster pick. I never liked lockpicking minigames because they never really serve a point, because once you master it it becomes easy mode and becomes pointless.

Not interested in the game and genre at all but I like the environments.

>you're a goblin
Just saying this makes me want to play the game even more, but I still remember being seriously disappointed by Of Orcs and Men. Shame because I could see the gigantic potential beneath it all, but it ended up meh. I'll end up giving the game a try, your arguments make sense.

Haven't pkay Styx but Sniper Elite 3 is crazy hard on It's hardest difficulty.
It also has the of you die on a mission you start at the beginning.

The environment artist is a pretty cool dude, he hopped in a stream of someone playing styx 1 once, and was talking about inspirations and shit.

I want to fuck Styx

>actual video game discussion
>thread is almost dead

What was your favorite mission and aspect from the first game? It's honestly really hard to pick for me because each level was FUCK huge and had multiple parts to it, but I think I enjoyed the 2nd level the most. After the prologue they just dump you into a massive mission and you can go any direction you want and carve your own path, which is also my favorite aspect of the game. It just lets you play and doesn't stop you from doing so.

It really is a good stealth game. Not even "good for an AA", just good good.
Have you tried Cyanide's Game of Thrones? It's still not a great game, but it does improve on a lot of Of Orcs flaws. The story is good enough to make it worth a playthrough if your backlog is cleared.

This was pretty good if you dont mind isometric cameras.

I went for a nonlethal playthrough the whole way but from what I remember you had to kill 2 guards with a chandelier in one of the last missions. Is it possible to not kill them? Did I fuck up?

hahaha damn this is a shill thread if I ever saw one, looks like bad version of assassin's creed with cringy voice acting.

you're trying too hard to get your thread bumped.

What makes it good? I've been kind of interested for a while

Stealth is a fucking boring genre, man.

For you


The fun part is the waiting and trying not to get caught. I can understand why they died out because everyone has severe ADD now because of games giving you instant gratification now. Actually happened to me before I stopped playing shitty new games and started playing older games.

I've only recently gotten into the stealth genre and it almost feels like a puzzle game. Found it off putting at first because I was so used to the constant reactive gameplay of action games.

Fact of the matter is I spend a lot of time in stealth games with a controller in hand waiting for an opening in stealth games but its so much more rewarding when you can just absolutely ghost through stuff without ever being noticed and without ever killing anyone.

Don't really understand the non-lethal meme in the stealth games tho

It is when there are no consequences, like Dishonored.

the darkmod does it better and it's free.

I'm glad it's getting a physical version.

play stealth games procedurally where you do what you have to do to get by. going completely non-lethal is fun but can be annoying because thats a lot of trial and error if you're bad at them like me

Like all stealth games, mostly level design. Maps are very large and vertical giving you a lot of freedom in picking your approach.

Been playing through the game. I'm on the apartments level right now and I really don't get this feeling. It feels less like there are multiple paths and more like there are correct paths.

>New room
>Can either sneak around on floor level and likely get seen but some troll enemy placed off camera
>Or go in through the roofs where you're pretty much safe from vision


>Path opens and you can either break your balls trying to work your way through it
>or just take the other path that drops you down the side of the exterior of the building so you can skip all the bullshit.



The first Styx controlled like shit. Aragami was more simplistic but it was still a neat twist on the genre.

Quicksaves are what ruined the first game. You're tempted to save every 2 min just to avoid silly mistakes.
I think part of the fun in these games is improvising.

>The first Styx controlled like shit.
maybe if you had autism

>Trying to hang off an edge
>Styx just walks off and dies like a retard

so press the hang button.

Hanging off an edge was a fucking casual filter


I got the first game for free on PS+, the controls were so shit I lost interest after the first 2 levels.

Is this the birth of an epic new dark souls esque series?

The game is 4 years old.

i liked the first one a lot until they started reusing levels

Cant do muffled kills on wall grabs so they heard him scream

Now if only I could find someone to play a stealth game with me.