Actually hard JRPGs

I have been playing the first Fire Emblem and it is fun but way too easy.

This is the only JRPG I have ever seriously played for a while.

Are their any JRPGs that are actually difficult?
Don't suggest garbage like final fantasy which is literally just pressing A and watching animations.

There needs to be actual strategy and thought behind what is going on.

>Easy Fried Embers
>When Cruel/5 star/Insane mode exists.

SMT Nocturne will keep you busy, go play that.

Any Fire Emblem with difficulty selection on the hardest one.

Most Final Fantasy games in the postgame.

That one Squenix RPG no one played that must be played with a wiki open at all times if you don't want to screw yourself over.

Shining Force remake on a high enough NG+ cycle.

The Last Remnant.

how do you choose these modes?

I'm playing on Virtual Console on the Wii U

you need to beat the game once before you can access hard mode in FE7 (the one you are playing).

You can play the game on an emulator with an unlocked save file if you really want to go straight to hard mode.

The thing with JRPG's is that you always have the option to grind. Run away from random encounters and come to bossfights underleveled and things can get rough. Do that without getting your shit kicked in, crying, grinding and then whining about difficulty and you can enjoy yourself.

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Romancing SaGa

FFXI solo


>fire emblem

he said jrpg, not shitty waifu dating sim you fucking retard

>Don't suggest garbage like final fantasy which is literally just pressing A and watching animations.
nigga that's all JRPGs. JRPGs are for watching a little story with flashy but minimal interaction. if you want a hard genre go play ANY OTHER GENRE.

>first Fire Emblem
>posts Rekka no Ken
>The 7th game in the series
Nigga you don't understand.


This whole thread is bait right?

Congrats. You're retarded.

What square game are you talking about, sounds good.


A SaGa game most likely. That includes TLR

Ah yes, the dating element of Nocturne. I remember those that.




Its not difficult. Just don't grind.

I say this as I'm currently stuck fighting the Conqueror's generals

Shut the fuck up let OP go in blind goddamn.

FE isnt a jrpg user....

Breath of fire dragon quarter can be a little tricksy :^)

Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey
Etrian odyssey 3 the drowned city
Also, once you finish FE7 once you unlock Hector Mode and Hard mode. Hector Hard mode is pretty tough and also has a few different chapters to keep it interesting

FE7 is easy but if you're not playing HHM then you're partially at fault. It's super easy to download a save file.
FE5 has even better level design but it'll still be easy if you have half a brain. FE14/Conquest on Lunatic is somewhat hard but fair.

None of my favourite JRPGs are difficult but they do involve a bit of thinking about the battle system. If you're really bad at JRPGs maybe you'll get some challenge out of Growlanser IV, fixing its only flaw.

SaGa games involve a bit more planning than most JRPGs, for example in Romancing SaGa 2 you often have to plan out a new party after your emperor gets slaughtered by one of the seven heroes. It's still pretty easy to trivialize though.

If you want a truly hard 'JRPG' try an action RPG such as Ys Oath in Felghana on the hardest difficulty.

This. You don't necessarily need strategy but the bosses are difficult and dungeons are intricate, you might put a little more thought when facing puzzles or enemies.

Also any Etrian Odyssey game. There you need to understand how everything works and build a decent party if you don't want to die as much.

They both have a god tier OST if you're into that too.

when will this meme die, Ys is action adventure