>ITT Most unlikable game protagonists
This faggot is insufferable.
>ITT Most unlikable game protagonists
This faggot is insufferable.
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It was a step up from the blandness that was Cole
I like his hat
Cole may be bland, but at least he's not annoying.
I don't think I've ever regretted spending a whopping 7 dollars on a game until I played this two weeks ago
I'll excuse your shit taste with the conclusion that you did not play InFamous 2.
Delsin was a straight up douchebag that had no motives concerning anyone but himself. He only wanted to heal his tribe because he'd look like a dick for causing all their deaths. He cared more about having powers than freeing everyone from the DUP.
Cole was an actual bro. He fought to clear the reputation of the conduits as well as to save the normal people. InFamous 1 Cole was pretty boring but he got a massive development spike in 2.
I actually liked him and his brother, it's a sad story, the brother shit is fucked up man, it's sad
Delsin was really refreshing I thought. It was cool to see someone actually enjoy having superpowers for once.
Just because someone is a bad person doesn't mean they're a bad character. He wasn't supposed to be a pinnacle of society but a chaotic neutral entity that existed solely for himself until the death of his brother, though it can be argued that even then his motives fir revenge were purely selfish in that he was angry in what was taken from him rather than the basic injustice of it
Though for the most part I agree, he wasn't all that great of a character. He was fun and seeing his excitement in his own powers was refreshing and exciting in and of itself at first.
Bringing up Donte is cheating.
Cole looks the part of a total douche though in infamous 2 with those horrible tats. Same with his fat friend
who the fuck cares about the story in inFamous? especially when the gameplay got pretty damn good once you got video.
he was alright and his brother was great.
hes the typical "teenager" protagonist though.
"i'm bitchy but then I grow up".
not much else to him.
Not just because his VA was bland, or because he had abysmal dialogue, or because his motivations were short sighted and comparatively idiotic when related to Mercer's from the original game, not even because he had a dreadfully dull backstory, hell not even because he kills of Mercer for little to no personal reason, but he's the fucking worst because his existence nullified the Pariah subplot from the original game; the true antagonist hinted at in whispers, the perfected bioweapon that dwarfed Mercer/Zeus. I get the feeling Mercer and Heller were originally intended to work together to stop Pariah, but Radical/EA thought that would confuse too many players as Pariah was never touched upon in the main story of the original and was only mentioned in the collectible memories.
Fuck Heller.
que te jodan
Heller really did fucking suck, I'd like to say that he's the most forgettable game protag but he's so astoundingly bland that I ironically cant forget him
The games was 9/10 though
>Delsin was a straight up douchebag that had no motives concerning anyone but himself.
Found the drama queen
the whole gta 5 cast
that guy from watch dawgs 2
And this.
I have a bad feeling Rockstar will make GTAV:RDR2. I seriously hope they bankrupt if the next RDR2 is a live meme like GTA V
Did people really hate him that much?
He has the ugliest face I've ever seen a protag have but after the first hour or so his character actually ended up not being that bad. Certainly not any worse than Dante in DMC 3
Thank you.
Fuck you!
>after the first hour or so
I've only played the first few missions thus far. Maybe that's why I hate him so much.
Chuds confirmed for worst race for protags.
Must watch
I cringed throughout Far Cry 3
how much can we blame Ninja Theory for destroying Devil May Cry?
I feel like it's a company that shouldn't exist anymore
At least he embraced his powers and didn't move like 95% of the other western vidya and Japanese vidya characters.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
>get over whiny bitch protag in FF13
>receive whiny prince protag in XV
>whiny prince gets absolutely no development compared to whiny bitch in their first games
Yeah the brother definitely carried the plot. Hoping in the inevitable next infamous he get plot deviced back, they didn't explicitly show his death.
Ninja Theory has mad so many unbelievable shit games its amazing they're still afloat.
He looks like one of the Bogdanoff brothers.
Samus Aran
I hope you're only talking about Other M.
This useless piece of shit. Really everyone in Fates is very poorly written, can't believe jewtendo had the fucking temerity to charge double for two "games" like that, and then Revelations. Tactics Ogre did everything Fates did, and more competently.
this bitch
Compared to Noctis, Lightning was academy award tier
Nope, shit character since her debut.
He barely whines, the niggas sad his dad died motherfucker, wouldn't you be sad?
nailed it
Not the protagonist you fucking autist. Lloyd is the protagonist.
He wasn't that bad. He's no Donte.
>t. whiny user
TO didnt gave you waifus and Denam dies in most of the endings.
>FFXV defense force
Every fucking time. The story is shit, the characters are shit, the combat is shit. The game is an unfinished turd.
I win.
You literally CANNOT find a less likable protagonist. I was rooting for Damien the entire time.
Ravness is a better waifu than all of Fates. Ozma is great too, so long as you cuck a blind man.
RDR2 will be the first Rockstar game without Leslie Benzies, I'm guessing it doesn't make 2017 at least
None of the Colonial Templars even did anything wrong. It was George Washington who burned down Connor's village. Charles Lee, William Johnson, and company wanted to buy the land to keep it safe from the colonists.
>whiny bitch
Shut up fag you didn't play XIII, she got shit done.
Yeah they are but you cant waifu them. Wish Denam just at least got to court the sisters.
>overwhelming majority of characters ITT are from westacuck games
Really made me think.
Delsin was a piece of shit but I would like to mention the evil end fit perfectly. That was the most genuine dick moment I can think of in any game I have played.
no one plays weeb shit kiddo
even if you do you can't remember any of those fucking anime clones
He is right though and crying about everything being shit just makes you worse than the "whiney" characters you fool
>calls someone an autist while literally bitching about semantics
they are a group of protagonists, cunt. stop trying so hard.
I was actually surprised that they would add an ending like that even if it was the "bad" one.
>Causes both his sister and her son to watch him constantly murder people in front of them, get kidnapped, and tortured.
>Causes Clara to get killed
>Is an absolute asshole to everyone he meets.
>Blamed his partner and that old mafia man for everything when the entire reason they're being hunted was because Aiden decided he wanted to steal a bunch of money from a mafia family.
>Destroys entire buildings in the process.
>The few people that do help him he nearly kills time after time and he's an utter asshole to them.
Jordi was the saving grace of that game.
>no development
top lel, matey
I actually picked that game up a few weeks ago, the re-release "fixed" version, hoping it would be better.
It wasn't. The combat is still ass. Obviously the shit characters, shit story, shit dialog, and overall shittiness was completely intact still.
Fools are exaggerating.
>rebel punk lives on reservation
>older brother cop gives him shit
>goes to Chicago to hunt down conduit the collateral damages whole tribe to undo it
>copes with getting powers real easy, like Cole but with all time power boner
>can either be "helps the wayward misfits guy" or "lord of the jackals guy" depending on moral whims
>just this side of obnoxious, depending how you like his other characterizations
>in either case, ends up being largely chaotic in character
Delsin has a lot of potential growth and development that gets ignored in a more streamlined version of an already somewhat simplistic series. If the game were more varied or longer, he may have had the supportive narrative to reach that point the story wants him to be. As is, he decent but somewhat weak character in comparison to Cole or even some of his supporting cast. People generally liked the neon conduit Fetch better, which is why she's front and center in dlc
That fucking Dudebro McFaggot MC ruined the game for me.
>no porn of this fucker
why the fuck do they look like this? It's like the result of millions of years of inbreeding
>why the fuck do they look like this?
Lots of elective surgery.
I feel like the only time Noctis "whined" was valid. When people he loved died. And then Gladio was like "gtf over yurslef".
I liked playing as the villain for once.
can i get a quick rundown of this guy?
These, fuck them.
He was a bad guy who just so happened to take down other bad guys. The "vigilante" title for some reason misled people into thinking he was supposed to be a good guy.
I liked Aiden because he was a unique bad guy character that isn't just there to save the world and help people. It was a nice change from the usual open world game narratives.
I sense a filthy Melfested behind this post
there's a missing link between older noctis and the younger one
Gladio was such a fucking trash character. Not a single goddamn redeeming scene or quality.
Hold on now, those ramen scenes were legendary.
>Delsin was a straight up douchebag that had no motives concerning anyone but himself. He only wanted to heal his tribe because he'd look like a dick for causing all their deaths.
>Extra Cutscene Teased
>It's just and extended ending where Donte Grabs Kat's ass.
he makes me feel bad to be native
The epitome of our spoiled generation, stuck up twats with a hate boner for everything.
>Get a stupid tribal tattoo
>Somehow become a fucking demon of the Tropical
I really wanted to like him but they fucked so much up.
>My name is Connor
>Incredibly excited for the stunning conclusion of the assassin's creed series, doubly so due to sharing my name with the protag
>get it
>it's shit
>he's shit
First hour:
>Aieeee, there's an icky dead person here!
Rest of the game:
>John Rambo Syndrome
Happened with A-JAY GAA-LAY in the 4th game too.
>Desmond fucking dies
He quite literally becomes Jesus or something, the ending to AC3 is 100% absurd, not even Kojima dickriders would admire it.
It's just so fucking bland and mediocre. Nothing grabbed me at all, I think I put maybe four hours into it.
Well western games tend to try harder in character writing, most of the time in Japanese games you're either some spiky haired teen faggot or some gruff older dude who smokes cigarettes.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE 5 years later his voice actor is SO fucking BAD