If you don't like BoTW you never liked Zelda
If you don't like BoTW you never liked Zelda
It's great but its not worth all these 10/10's it's getting.
the only good zelda games:
zelda 1
maybe ww
none of those games are open world, they are linear games disguised as open world games. alttp wasn't open world either, but it actually created the story and gameplay that every zelda after copied.
How is BOTW and Zelda 1 not open world? You can do shit in any order without being limited by story and/or item progression, atleast in BOTWs case you have to get off tutorial mountain
no no no, I mean games like OOT are not open world, "those games" meaning the games in OP
op its the other way around
>not open world
wtf kind of ww were you playing?
How is WW open world when everything but the triforce charts/pieces has to be done in a rigid order?
it's not open world. it's a linear game with clear directions; "go here, go there". the ocean gives the illusion of open world
>Other games
>Smaller, with stuff to do
>Bigger, same amount of stuff to do
t. shitposter who hasn't played the game
>literally forced to do a set amount of pearl quests before being allowed to sail to the center
>forced to do the story to remove a ton of roadblocks
ALBW faggot
see alttp
Linear doesn't mean bad, a good game is a good game.
Still nice to see BoTW bring back Zelda 1 conventions of trial and error and discovery though.
WW is open as hell
You can't go straight to the final boss or any main dungeon but there is still a bunch of other islands you can go to whenever you want
"Open world" is such a moronic term anyway
Megaman might as well be open world because you can do the levels in whatever order you want but oh wait you can't fight the final boss at the beginning of the game so its not a REAL open world
but guess what most games that people describe as "open world" are exactly the same fucking way
In the average shitty Bethesda game you still have to do the main quest in a rigid order
Most Zelda games have exploration based gameplay which a lot of "real" open world games actually don't thats all that fucking matters
a stunning rebuttal
how will I ever cope with the monstrous intellect of my opponent
Maybe you should actually make arguments to where he's wrong instead of just shit flinging.
i have never played a zelda game
obvious samefag
>>reddit leave
>falling for reddit and samefag boogeymen at the same time
you know its not like it would even matter if you could just come up with a decent argument to begin with
I think I'd just be best to not give him (you)s. That's all he's fishing for.
You got BTFO so hard you should legitimately consider never posting ever again.
Also it's WW > LttP > OoT > TP (it's better than Sup Forums pretends) = MM (it's worse than Sup Forums pretends)
Zelda 1 is great, hard to place in the list because everything derives from there and has had years to iterate and improve
Haven't played BotW, can't comment there
It's very different from any other Zelda game.
There are barely any islands with significant content that aren't a part of the Triforce hunt. The game is also unrelentingly and annoyingly linear. You are limited to an L-shaped one-tile wide strip of ocean for the first third of the game and once that's over, you still can't do interact with most islands because you'll be item gated constantly. Even when the game provides you with a completely natural opportunity to have multiple objectives, it manages to fuck it up. There is no good reason why you can't do Wind Temple before Earth Temple, but the game has an entirely nonsensical story trigger and doesn't spawn an NPC until you finish the Earth Temple first.
The ocean serves the exact same function as the overworld from previous 3D Zeldas except with far lazier level geometry and a worse travel method. Despite this, it's less open than OoT and MM because progression is locked behind story triggers instead of item gates.
It's a masterpiece.
>does not have BRs
The game lacks monkeys?
I own a nes, snes, gc, wii, wii u, game boy, ds, dsi, 2ds.
I have never finished a zelda game. I just don't enjoy them. Furtherest I've gotten in one was with wind wanker, which I got about half way through.
Which one is breath of the wild?
Whats that game in top right?
Looks sweet.
Are we supposed to give a fuck in some way?
You fucking serious? That's Majora's Mask you child.
you did enough to reply ;)
BotW is my favorite Zelda so far. The minor physics/gameplay elements added up together in it make it fun to fuck around in. I like that you can sort of create your own way to do things.
I've wanted a game that feels like the animated series and we finally got it.
The other games are just too easy and boring, the only fights that even put you in danger are bosses, and most don't even do that.
MM/TP feel like pretty equal contenders, MM feels like second best 3D Zelda.
WW is kind of boring and hard to play the second time just like TP.
OoT feels kind of too empty after playing the other Zelda games, feels like they forgot to give personality to anyone outside of the main cast.
>I like that you can sort of create your own way to do things.
Yeah, I do, too. I've been playing for probably 20 hours at this point, and still haven't discovered the Gerudo or Goron towns. Only found the Bird town yesterday. That said, I'm having fun exploring and am 2 or 3 spirit orbs away from being able to get the Master Sword.
I really like the fact that Rupees aren't very easy to come by in this game. Makes doing shit like buying your house a real question as to if its worth your time (it's not if you aren't going to completely furnish it).
>open world Ubisoft tier trash
BotW isn't canon and never will be.
What If I like all of them but I just hate you?
The only good Zelda is a 2D Zelda.
I hadn't either until I tried Ocarina of Time. I don't know if I'll ever play another one, it was pretty shit.
>replying with just the word "reddit' and a meme arrow is now considered and appropriate counterargument on Sup Forums
Actually I suppose it's not that different from >implying or >ISHYGDDT
We should bring those back