"user, what do you think of my new haircut? It's very 2017 dontcha think?''
"user, what do you think of my new haircut? It's very 2017 dontcha think?''
This is literally roleplaying
Dreads and piercings make my dick hard.
Sorry Sup Forums
>new haircut
that would have taken months to get. And by that time we would already no longer be friends.
How about you take a bath? You look like you came out of Jamacian convetion.
Not vidya fuck off.
better than the shrapnel that embedded itself into your face.
you look like you came out of bulletstorm
Think of how pretty she'd be if she didn't go out of her way to be disgusting.
It looks shitty. You ruined your hair.
What is attractive about a junkie white trash with mental and nigger hair?
That mouth is an open sewer and probably she would sell her body for a few grams of cocaine
Bulletstorm was fun. Really mixed if I should get the re-release of it. Only difference is Duke Nukem and that doesn't really sell it for me.
>another non vidya thread
This; she actually has a very nice face.
>probably she would sell her body for a few grams of cocaine
You don't say that
You either go full Hitler mode or you just pretend it's ok
Best option is just say she looks worse than a somalian prostitute and tell her that she is worth nothing
>you must conform to my standard of beauty
That's why it's so easy for women to manipulate you
Right angle pic + not acne = never having to work in her entire life.
She would be better if she was 100-200lbs thiccer
>black men are taking our thicc white women
Right back at you, neckbeard.
That thing don't have a pussy. It's a fat skin with bad smell.
I'm not a neckbeard you fucking virgin, women can't grow facial hair.
What a shame. She went and ruined herself.
>A female talking to me
Yes user, if you want to be considered attractive by normal people you have to conform to what normal people find attractive. This isn't rocket science.
More like very 2007
>A female being within 30 meters of me
actually, that's pretty 2006 if you ask me
Yeah that's very 2005
>It's pretty sweet.
>Pass the pipe, wouldya?
this is why you guys are virgins
Shaundi looked exactly like that back in '06-'08, OP.
>mid 00s revival is a thing now
I'll just become a Muslim
I'll get a devoted non-degenerate waifu AND you leftist cucks will suck my dick
The mid 00s was like 20 years ago
no you won't you're gonna spend all day eating and browsing Sup Forums
>All my classmates from the 2004 class are not junkies or working 12h a day for 40k a year
>i'm shitposting on Sup Forums and playing games all day
Life is worth if you didn't fall for the ''have sex because it's the only good thing in life''
>posts a stereotypical hastily scribbled animu waifu of which thousands are being produced by some mediocre gook artists to sell to tasteless gaijin manchildren for their delusional escapism
>even dares to says something about someone's taste in women
If you're white you can't be muslim. It's disrespectful cultural appropriation.
The one girl from 2004 class who used to date chads older than her and used to make us look like shit is now working in Walmart
She is quite fat and ugly now because her skin is a mess. I'm Patrick Bateman, drink only water, live in a clean place and have a nice set up to play video games
I've been married 7 years.
But you're right I'm still a virgin :(
Went to a local London art exhibition the other day
This girl with dreads started talking to me, like really big dreads dyed yellow, not blonde fucking yellow
She was nice, a bit strange but pretty funny
After she started talking about one of the pieces we both noticed this huge spider on her forehead
As much as I liked speaking to her I couldn't shake the impression that dreads look and smell like shit to the point that big ass spiders make their homes there
True story
The thread you started just wasn't enough for you was it? Where else did you post this?
these type of people never work beyond a minimum wage type of job. so all is well in the world.
Your stache tells otherwise.
Holy fuck, married for 7 years and your wife still hasn't fucked you? Are you a literal cuck?
That kind of thicc porn alert the mods and they delete all threads
Nice projecting reddit
The Quran says otherwise
I'll take Allah's word over the one of some degen commie fuck, thanks
Sup Forums is really Sup Forums with video games
>we can't even hate women on the internet
c'mon now