Did I do good Sup Forums?

Did I do good Sup Forums?

Reverse that cover and yes.

Reverse the cover. and then ask again.

what's wrong with your hand?



You're not supposed to use your hand to wipe your ass after taking a shit.

Go back to Sup Forums.

See this.

Finally a good game that Isn't BOTW.

Good job OP, too bad you won't get the chance to use mods though.

simply f*cking epic jokes here on vee

I want a PC but I can't really justify buying one when I barely game and pretty much stick to console exclusives when I do. The only system I own is a PS4 Pro

Idk why it always devolves into race but I support your perches OP

Because they're frustrated in their own life, so they attack other people to make themselves fell better.

PS4 Pro version looks good enough I guess despite some frame drops, at least its not the base PS4 which has so many jaggies I could cut my fucking eyes on them.

At least you will taste 1080p 60fps.

black ppl are the most weebs ever i swear. i always remember darkkefka

You do you Niggaboo, you do you.

could you show the back please?
I need it for research

What's wrong with your hand?

>not the special edition.
>not the limited edition.

hotglue when

>Sup Forums is full of niggers now

now wonder this board is now a mess

You did good user. Be the change you want to see in the world

Shut the fuck up and go play it. Seriously, this shit is game of the generation

just a warning that the game is nothing like Naruto or Dragon Ball Z

show waifu pillow

Rugarell isn't getting any younger you know.

Reverse or bust


I'm not that kind of black weeb

It'd look a lot better in a Steam library, user.

Was this cover used to bait casuals?

Nope, youre born wrong

Were you bullied by a big black guy?
Are you a cuck?

Nier pre-orderer here.

It's gonna be good, but I don't think anythings gonna be able to face zelda down in a discussion like that.

>owning a ps4

>implying that a picture of an object on a table is more valuable than proof of ownership when showing off

oh man, this makes me want to actually get the ps4 version since the 3d coverart blows dicks, but it would be nice having that on my shelf. FUUCK get this now or wait a week for steam?

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums now

No wonder this board became shittier and shittiers, their retarded board isn't enough.

You should wash your hand first user

>be South East Asian
>post Ps4 games with my hand in it
>people think I'm black

Give it back, Jamal.

White population is regressing while Asian, Africa and Indians only progress.

Get fucked, your race is over, Asian will rule earth.

Looks a bit like fanart though.


Off yourself

You better reverse the cover my man.

Nothing wrong about being black though as long as you didn't get brainwashed by the hood.

triggered as fuck

rate my collection Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
You mean niggers on Sup Forums. I'm not a fucking nigger


I respect your opinion, but I disagree. I think Zelda has been massively overhyped, and doesn't carry any of the gameplay depth it may be less deep than other Platinum games, but nonetheless, soudntrack, story, or emotional gravitas of NieR Automata. That being said, I only spent about an hour with BotW, so I could be wrong, but that's where I stand now.

>Shitty joke
>Lol triggered xD :p

Everyone on Sup Forums is one in the same, brother.

>Asians progressing
Literally regressing faster than white people

Daily reminder that if you stupidly have any schadenfreude over the West's mass immigration problems, that it will eventually come to you too. African birth rates are lik 5-8 times higher than in Asia, and still significantly higher than India.

Moreover, China and India are already seeing multiculturalist/feminist movements, likely to heat their peak at the ripe time for mass immigration from Africa.

So laugh and ignore the problem, but it'll come for you too.

But both

It's too anime and bland.

How many times did you get cucked by a black man?

Did you enjoyed it.

If you have a good PC, wait for the Steam version. Automata's performance dips on PS4, and buying it on PC encourages Platinum/Squenix to release more PC games. Keep in mind, however, if you wait for the PC release, get the fuck off of Sup Forums right now. There were unspoilered pictures and threads for days after the Japanese version came out, and I imagine people are going to start getting to the crazy shit any minute now.

How does it feel to have taste THIS fucking bad?

and this

That's why they gave you a normalfag action-shot cover case too.

Post the real pic so I can have a better look at it then? Can't really pass a good judgement solely from that shitty pic you couldn't even bother flipping over before posting.

ree and such

>it fell off the truck

dindu nuffin


I have skylake/970 sli, should be enough. I will take your advice and leave until I beat it.

Worse. I bought it willingly from GameStop. :-)

>not the PC version


A more important subject is how Horizon is a SJW game and how the jews behind Guerrilla Games are using the game to brainwash people

Nioh is funny, cute and stuff but there are more important issues we should be talking right now.

>Ps4 isn't digital with fancy steps
yeah good luck playing once Sony shuts the online down.

doesn't realize the game installs the majority of itself to his ps4 anyway

Installing off disc isn't the same as downloading

Kill yourself my dude

>amazon cucked me and wasn't going to ship until Friday
>GameStop literally had no copies that weren't on pre-order
>now waiting forever for this shit to download
just end my entire life fa m


You can't make this shit up

games are sold in more than just two places user

Target's website said it wasn't available in store. Probably could've checked Best Buy but I don't have one really close so I decided to do this shit.

I'm regretting it.

this looks so much better than thisbut it's cool you can revert it

it's the little things

shit b8

I want to impregnate 2B

In all seriousness you should get a hand moisturizer.

Just seen a better image, it does look better but I still get that same old same old animu pic

This shit gets boring to look at


How many times did you jerk off to Joey salads's video?

how come the Japanese cover has 2 paragraphs of fucking font in the top right

It's true though. Once it's done you can't install the game and updates. Consoles nowadays are just the same as computers, except they're way more restricted.

>preorder Nier on Steam
>don't get asked for my address so they can send me a shirt
Am I being ripped off?

no, you can play the games without internet connection
you only need an internet connection for patches and multiplayer

I want that ass on my face

You can play, if you have it installed already.

Sure sure good boy. Now sit....siiiiiiiiit.....SIT DAMMIT! Good Boy! :)

again, you don't need a internet connection to install and play the game
I just did that for nioh so I can play it pre patch 1.5

>tfw nier is making me into an assman

I don't wanna be a nigga.


here quick take this

Just let your dick want what it wants, you can't control it.

Can you play them without loging with your account?