How did one guy working almost entirely by himself make a game 10 times better than anything the combined might of the big companies ever shat out in the last ten years?
How did one guy working almost entirely by himself make a game 10 times better than anything the combined might of the...
I'm pretty sure he had help, at least with the graphics. I don't think Toby knows how to draw.
It's easy, you just have to have shitty taste and autism.
meaningful music goes a long way
In all honesty this game is pretty bad. Memeing at me it's better than dark souls 3 or something?
Because nothing you can say will ever make me think it is.
Only western companies. Which are honestly pretty low standards.
the spooky stuff left me scarred for life
>Game with Weeaboo Lizard Scientist is 10x better than any game by big companies
Holy shit, do people actually believe this shit?
Look, I played this game and I enjoyed myself, but For Honor takes a gigantic steaming pile of shit all over it. You filthy communist Jews have got to get over your irrational hatred of high production values in videogames. It's a GOOD THING.
Protip: He didn't. It's a shitty meme-fest with inexcusable twiddly quicktime-event fighting gameplay. Even Vampire's Dawn is better in every aspect.
Dark Souls is just barely above Undertale. They're both shit, but Undertale is a little bit more shit.
Nintendo Switch version when?
Presentation is shit, actual gameplay/spare mechanics are mediocre and shallow (except bosses), progression is retarded (walking around the same area and grind just for 2 decent boss fights cmon now) and the music is the most redeeming aspect about it.
I mean it's a good game but you are being hyperbolic.
6 years user
>progression is retarded (walking around the same area and grind just for 2 decent boss fights cmon now)
Dude, that's the point. The game isn't about killing monsters, but you get stronger from doing so so the incentive is there, but you'd have to be some sort of power mad crazy person to want to go out of your way and kill every single monster there is.
It would not be a stretch to say it's 10x better than Mass Effect 3 or Footbal Simulator Current Year Edition
He's talented and had help.
Also while Undertale was great, I'd argue that there's at least a few games that came out in the past 10 years better than it. Nier, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky, Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, Devil Survivor, Freedom Planet....All those games are better than Undertale, and all of them came out in the last 10 years. Nier Automata is also looking to be a better game
Football Simulators are pretty fun.
>and grind
And that's how I know you never played Undertale.
It's pretty good. From his own words in an interview, "“It’s about an 8/10, niche RPG game.”"
Then what do you call repeatedly walking around in the same area and killing every monster until it says there are none left?
Easily. He put his hearth, time, dedication, creativity and vision into single piece of work and haven't let anybody sway him from doing so.
Big AAA companies sure have some people like him, but they surely are afraid to go "all in" on one vision. Almost all the time the rule
>why make the best when good sells better
rules all decisions when making game.
Also you can't compare games like Undertale to full blown budget AAA titles. Such comparison is unfair.
DUDE It's bad on purpose which magically make it good!
>"“It’s about an 8/10, niche RPG game.”"
Very arrogant.
I was disappointed that they showed the outside world. Something about it felt wrong.