Can we have a Yakuza thread and post comparison pictures of Kamurocho's changes over the years thank you god bless
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What's the difference?
>started the final chapter of Yakuza 5 earlier
>Yakuza 0 was sent out today, should arrive tomorrow or the day after
Finally, my suffering will have an end.
It's almost as if there is a screenshot showing the differences
Yakuza 6 looks strange, somehow. Kinda like dough.
Never played a Yakuza game before but I own an PS4. This a good place to start?
They printed Don Quitjote at the top of the store.
Yakuza 0? Yeah, but if you like it, it may be a bit harder to get into the earlier games.
Yakuza Zero is a good place to start. Also the sequel to Zero and remake of the first game is coming this summer.
You know what I think Sega should do? Let us play all the minigames in multiplayer.
Which pic is the new one
>air hockey in multiplayer
Would play that all day.
Sounds perfect then. Thanks
You need to start with Shenmue then you can start with Yakuza
If its possible, can you emulate them or grab a cheap copy on PS2? I want to say you should go ahead and start with Yakuza 0 since its the best starting point of the series because its the best game on top of that and doesnt require much context to enjoy it, but I still think you should at least try and play most of the original janky as it is because this is a series that continuously gets better with each new installment, and also because it'll make going back and playing the original titles with none of the improvements you've come to expect a gigantic chore.
Granted there's a remake of the first game coming out this summer called Kiwami but its largely the first game on 0's engine.
i legitimately can't tell
> you need to start a game where you'll get engrossed by the story but never see the resolution to the story because the 3rd installment is a kikestarter which will probably not release in your lifetime
Why would you punish him like that.
It's a joke somebody made in a previous thread.
Top is 0, bottom is 6.
>not realizing that they share a universe.
I mean you can have Ryo fight with Kiryu/Majima in PXZ2. That shit's canon man.
You can play darts, pool, poker, bowling and Karaoke in multiplayer using share play
That makes me wonder, do the games have the same director/writters?
Meant for
I want to play Yakuza OF THE DEAD just for the characters, how shit is the combat?
>tfw Shakedown now uses a move that knocks me to the ground and instakills me as his fedora wearing neckbeard ass sits on my chest and starts punching me
Dodge, motherfucker.
Probably won't go through with the effort of getting or even emulating the originals but I see your point. I guess with the remake coming out the problem is partly solved
I do
every time
how could you all sit through the english dub, it was awful
>still haven't started playing Y1 again
I got up to the funeral a few years ago and just never played it again. It seems like a big undertaking with a lot of cutscenes and dialogue as well as searching for side missions so I'm hesitant.
How long would it take me to play the game through once, playing naturally without a guide for extra content?
Are Yakuza games actually good? I have a friend of mine (he's a GTA faggot so i dont trust him) say its shit.
PCbro here, how can I play yakuza 0 without having to pay 400 dollars for the console plus 60 dollars for the damn game ?
>playing naturally without a guide for extra content?
Maybe 20 or so hours, main story is 8-14 hours or so. You're going to miss a crazy amount of stuff if you don't guide game, that's how most of the games are, it just gets better with 4 onward.
Yakuza games before 5 need a guide if you actually want to see all the content.
Cause you will miss basically 90% of side stories and sub stories without a guide.
And the superboss.
Fellow PCbro here, you can't.
there was an english dub?
Get a friend.
I'm enjoying it so far.
Played 1 in a toaster with 5fps and had fun. The combat in the first one is kinda shit but every game after 1 fixes it. Soundtrack is amazing and the stories are good.
This retrospective more or less describes the highs and lows of the series.
Will I be sucked if I played Yakuza 0, then the Remake of Yakuza 1 and then if I like them and want to play the older Yakuza 2, 3 and 4 games?
You don't have a friend, you have a moron.
Superboss? What?
every thread
Going back especially to 2 will be a pain.
3 and rest of PS3 games not so much.
rather fight Kuze to this since it's the superior track
Wait, is Yakuza actually similar to Shenmue? I played the fuck out of Shenmue on the Dreamcast. I might actually have to get it if that's the case.
Not really. Its a spiritual successor but its more of an action game and there's no passing of time. Then again I'm only going off the two hours I've played of Shenmue, didnt emulate that well so I'm waiting on that HD collection
The jank isn't too bad but if you play the PS3 ones start with 3 even though it's physical only - it will make the quality of life improvements in 4/5 seem amazing
No you don't you underaged faggot
>mfw i keep seing Hamada, Yamazaki, Matsumoto and Endo everywhere.
Why do the gangsters always put their guns away to fight Kazuma with their fists and other melee weapons?
It's also released by Sega and the director of Yakuza is friends with Suzuki so in a way it has similar charm, just keep in mind that this game is about underground word of japan rather then china revenge flick.
Every fucking random enemy and pedestrian.
It's completely true if you want to fight Amon, there's an obscene amount of things that can go wrong.
There's over 12 something missable substories in Y1 some of which require correct answers to get. For example, if you mess up the answer to get you the casino you are locked out of it forever which means you miss 3 substories forever unless you start a whole fresh save since going into Premium New Game didn't reset anything until Kenzan.
There's over 20 missable Heat Actions needed in Y2 alone on top of the chance of missing a substory if you punch out the mahjong guard requiring a full replay. There's also the chance you get booted out of Adam immediately if you don't choose the right answers during the interview, and if you don't nearly perfectly pick the answers for the girls you will never reach the old lady which means the substory is considered "Finished" rather than "Completed". Another thing is that if a single substory is "Finished" rather than "Completed" you can never fight Amon on that save because they don't reset substories on Premium New Game and he needs everything "Completed".
Kenzan's substories are almost all missable, all of Gion's are missable if you wait until the end of the game, Gyoutensai's entire substory is missable if you finish his list early because it prevents you from entering his store.
3 has three separate substories that are missable, 5 in the JP version, but from here on if you mess up any substory as "Finished" instead of "Completed" you can still fight Amon.
Keep in mind that every game prior to 3 if you get "Finished" on any substory you are forbidden from fighting Amon, and unless you know exactly the right choices to pick and save before every single substory which you somehow know where they are and how to activate them you're going to get "Finished" at some point. Adam in 2 is a very simple example.
Amon man, the sole reason you would panic through all the guides to choose the right answers.
I'll play through it at my own pace once and if I like it I'll use a guide before moving on to 2
Someone post the 24 Hour Cinderella webm.
So....... just pay attention then?
Also Kenzan's "almost all missable" just means you don't know japanese and didn't know what you were supposed to do.
Well, the thing is that the guides are meant to be used as you're playing since some substories just randomly appear in one chapter and never again. In Y1 there's one in chapter 3 that goes into 4, and then one in 5 that goes to 7 I think it was on top of several random ones in random chapters and in certain circumstances. There's also a bunch of coin locker keys you can only get once in very specific areas. But yeah, unless you care about fighting the superboss just don't worry about it and play what you find, you'll probably have a better experience anyway.
Just remember that if you're going to actually use a guide for 2 you need to just keep track of Heat Actions, nothign more. For 1 it's substories available that chapter.
Except substories are literally only available for a single day at a single time with no warning. For example, if you don't wander around the suburbs in chapter 4 and talk to the kid to teach him Kanji you will never meet him again for the entire game which means no Amon. The only time you can do this is the first time you ever visit the suburbs. Same applies with chili girl and water pail girl.
If you complete Gyoutensai's list you can never visit him again for his substory, but even if you know this his substory only appears if you talk to him immediately at the start of chapter 11 and then finishes in the middle of nowhere in midday of chapter 11 after a story event.
Or how about the Geishas that are literally gone because you can't enter Gion at chapter 12 which you wouldn't know beforehand?
How about random substories that happen in the middle of nowhere like the river road, the mountain path, or the farmland which only happen at a very specific time (Cow UFO has to be started in the day and finished on a specific night)
Or how about Heat Actions?
Your suggestions basically amount to "Talk to every NPC in every area every single time any story happens at all", and even then you can miss Heat Actions.
That's a big post.
Yes, like I said.... pay attention, and it's lots easier if you know japanese. Most of the substories are placed in such a way that it's really hard to miss them.
Also stop moving goalposts, it started with
>Cause you will miss basically 90% of side stories and sub stories without a guide.
Which is false and then you started to mumble about all this shit to fight amon which is only one small optional battle which is not even a 1% part of the game and was aimed at those typical hardcore gamers that do everything possible with a game.
You can still enjoy the game and see all of it's content if you play normally and don't spout some retarded shit with guides.
Jo Amon
That's a different guy saying that. I'm saying you miss a good chunk of substories in both 1 and Kenzan if you aren't following a guide. Haruka is needed for four of them in chapter 6 of Y1 and you need to go to specific areas (Ryukudo, Cee-lo, Casino, and there's one more I'm blanking on), there's one in 8 if you don't go with Date and it only happens if you refuse leaving with Date, the casino can be missed if you take the money rather than acting like you need to beat the barkeep up. Yes, in general the substories can be done (Usually) by intervening, not following a scam, or just punching everyone, but a good chunk of the time it will also just fail the substory outright.
Keep in mind that even if you pay attention choices for substories are completely random. Sometimes the comedic choice is the "Completed" answer, other times it's the "Finished" answer. For Adam you have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the girls if you actually want "Completed" and MEB only gives you the most basic of information, and you need to be perfect four times on top of acing the interview if you want to do that entire line.
Let's use Kenzan again, there's a substory where you have to help a guy lie to his wife about where he was all night. If you choose even a single incorrect option out of three choices it's 終, and you have I believe four of these to do perfectly. Mess up once and that's it. This substory happens randomly in front of the Udon store in a specific chapter and only that specific one in the morning, so unless you know when that is and need to heal on ramen you're not going to get it. Yeah, the guy tries to help you choose the right answer but sometimes his charades don't help you pick the right one.
Tell me again how I'm supposed to know about Gyoutensai's substory? How I'm supposed to know when the substory resumes again (In the case of Kanji boy, water pail girl, and chili girl)? They only last for a single portion of one day.
Is this Amon man worth all the trouble?
Do you realize it was made on purpose?
It's meant for replayability, you can go back on 2nd or 3rd play through and use different choices, experiment, have fun and play the game? You know... like you are supposed to?
If you're this anal about completing the game 100% without actually completing the game and just looking at the guide then fucking do so, not sure for who you are doing this but I bet for most of the people it's not fun to play like that.
No, it's a joke fight with regular music.
He got more recognized in jap land after Y2 and they started to make music for his fight and a bit more dialogue, later just remixing the same song that was used in Ishin because they got lazy.
Hi there always cracks my shit up.
looks like GTA IV vs GTA V
1 is kind of up in the air, 2 you fight his whole family but his fight isn't as fun despite how wacky it is, Kenzan's is an insane amount of panic and annoyance to fight him but the actual fight is super fun, especially phase 4, 3 it's just him again but it's extremely dull and easy compared to any of the others. Haven't played the rest. They're generally the most fun boss fights of the entire game, and the cheapest.
Except things don't carry over for you to eventually 100% it, it all has to be done in a single run. Plus, replaying is a 40+ hour ordeal unless you skip all the story. Yes, it's fine if you feel like replaying that, but I want to see all the content and fight Amon in a run, because delaying it just means you will eventually have to do everything all over again, good and bad, if you want to fight Amon.
As a casual player who just wants to see the main story and a handful of substories, that's fine to play without a guide, you will just see like 60-70% of the total thing up until the later games since the final chapter doesn't let you do a lot of substories in anything that I've played, and in Kenzan's case it locks you out of a ton of them.
It gets far better after Y3 since you can't miss anything but trophies, it's just a concern prior to that because you're going to miss out on a nice chunk of content, especially substories which are a big part of the series. I'm not saying you have to do them perfectly or anything on a casual run, I'm just saying you need to know how to activate them in the first place.
6 really doesn't look that good during the day. I prefer 0's gritter atmosphere. Is 6 even 1080p? That might be the reason too.
>the absolute lack of detail on Kiryu's outfit
I should say actual 1080p instead of upscaled bullshit.
Game runs 900p and upscaled to 1080p.
Has shit ton of ugly filters to hide the PS2 details and except for character model this game actually had worse detailed city and textures then previous 2 games.
The new engine is essentially graphically the same as 0 used but with improved lighting and how can they make fights.
Because RGG team can't into optimizing the looks pretty bad considering how it runs on PS4, on Pro it's 1080p with slightly better 30 fps.
OG PS4 is 900p 30FPS with screentearing and framedrops.
PS4 Pro is 1080p 30FPS with v-sync but for some reason Karaoke has framedrops.
Haruka's Yakuza 5 storyline is pissing me off so much.
>Azusa and Mai are massive cunts 24/7
>Haruka is always nice
>Osaka Talent tries everything to fuck up Haruka's career
>Haruka trusts them at every possible instance
>Katsuya nearly dies, has a change of heart, Osaka Talent and Dyna Chair are allegedly best friends which makes no sense
>Haruka is excited and goes along with the supergroup
>even as they propose the supergroup, T-SET enter the room as bitchy as ever
>Haruka loves every moment
So how strong should my Club be to take on the Rival Battles?
you are worst idol. you are the idol idiot you are the idol smell. return to osaka talent. to our osaka talent cousins you may come our company. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,mai we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole idol stink mai sqhipere shqipare..t-set genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead idol..ahahahahahMAI WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget princessleague .azusa we kill the idol , azusa return to your precious osaka talent….hahahahaha idiot mai and azusa smell so i can smell it. REMOVE T-SET FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. kiryu+saejima+akiyama+shinada=kill t-set…you will princessleague/ haruka alive in dyna chair, haruka making album of dyna chair . fast dance haruka dyna chair. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of haruka… you are ppoor stink idol… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a brothel
haruka alive numbr one #1 in nippon ….fuck the t-set ,..FUCKk ashol idols no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur group and company. haruka aliv and real strong top idol kill all the t-set farm aminal with idol magic now we the haruka rule .ape of the zoo producer manda san fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and t-set wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. dyna chair greattst company
How should I know?
Read a guide, it's impossible to know otherwise.
With all the shit she's been through you think she would at least be a bit more hardened. She stood to a bunch of yakuza dudes to defend her home and she can't do shit against some basic bitches.
That's what I was referring to, yeah. So poorly written, seriously.
This is kind of a pattern in 5. At the beginning, Park is openly threatening Haruka with cutting off funds for the orphanage, and she completely glosses over that sentence with "alrighty, ill go back to dance practice boss xD". What the fuck. You're supposed to feel compassion for Park in so many instances, but she's such a cunt from the start.
>get kidnapped like 3 times in Y1 and Y2
>watch Kiryu punches like several hundreds gangsters, yakuzas, triads, Korean mafias, special ops, and 2 MOTHERFUCKING TIGERS
>step up to Yakuzas in 3
Seriously why was she such a naive kid in 5?
Kiryu bending over for her pissed me off. The fuck does this lady have any right to tell him how to raise his kids? Should've tiger dropped her ass out the door.
Unless he had a really good reason since I can't quite remember exactly why he let it happen. Something about the kids not fulfilling their dreams at the orphanage?
Yeah, that's it. The whole dream theme is really laid on thick. It was so ridiculous too, because she literally mentioned that all the kids are happy as a reason for why Kiryu is such a shitty caretaker lol.
Don't forget she got fucked by Yakuza chink and got pregnant in 6 and decided to keep the baby and live happily together while kiryu got cucked and died.
In 3 she thought she was just going to get some money for the orphanage and didn't think she was doing anything really shady until Kiryu stalked her for hours and beat up the counterfeiters. She thought the guys were legit the whole time. I mean yeah, the whole Mine thing happened, but she was both extremely naive and brave during that game.
>you couldn't protect that smile and her innocence
Only thing I'll give credit for Haruka's idol career was the concert being the backdrop to Shinada and Baba's battle. Still one my favourite locations in the series
>there are people who actually think yakuza > shenmue
I fucking hate this generation so fucking much.
To think yakuza, the poor man's shenmue would get such idiotic fans who place it well above shenmue.
Shit taste everywhere.
>Like Tanimura
>Doesn't show up in Y5
>Like Shinada
>Doesn't show up in Y6
At least there's Akiyama.
Yeah 3's Haruka was still sensible in that aspects, since she's influenced by Kiryu's code of honors and compassion
But after getting shit on by Mine she should have become a hard-ass like Kaoru, not an even more naive kid in 5 and 6