How can Xbros even cope with the drought of games so far?
How can Xbros even cope with the drought of games so far?
xbone is the ps3 of this generation.
It will probably have games before we transition to tablet PCs
memes aside, has anybody here played halo wars 2
is it any good
how's the story
Because I'm still busy playing Halo 5 and Horizon 3
Where is PC?
PS3 always had MGS4 to look forward to and it came out 2 years after release, Xbone is 4 years old
and Xbone already has a few killer apps released too
>killer apps
>muh halo
>muh gay of wares
>muh forza
gee all of thise killer apps
So far nothing. Remember Phantom Dust? Remember Scalebound? I miss when Microsoft made games out the ass regardless it sold well or not. Then again, Xbox Hueg was the best console of the 3
I'm so sorry to hear that, user.
Filming and posting to youtube
It's not like PS4 has anything better
Why's that??
>implying HW2 isn't great
Pirating all the other games in the pic.
>weeb shit
>I cannot offer any rebbuttals, so because the game was made in japan, I will call it weeb shit
hey reddit, how you doin
PC is Nier Automata
they are betting on who will win the monkey fight
You sound triggered.
stop pretending anyone cares about horizon.
Everyone stopped giving a shit when zelda came out. It's dead, stop shilling it.
>S-Stop talking about horizon!!
>game is s-shit!!
Nintendies is still upset I see
I'm playing Fifa 15 more than anything else in my backlog. Must have days played of it now.
Randomly stopped playing witcher 3, not pushed to go back to halo 5, haven't completed mad max because I got bored of it.
Now I'm getting a bit peeved about exclusives but there's so many multiplats that I haven't played that I think I'll be OK.
If E3 is shit for us I will freak though.
Any good games I should check out? Played DS3 already, apart from that the newest game I own is Halo 5
le derp! triggered meme xd reddit
I never said it was shit. Can you read?
stop arguing fellas they're just consoles
just enjoy what games you can play
not arguing. just calling out reddit.
You're getting upset because people actually like the game so yeah
Not arguing, just finna triggering the smelly neckbeards
Nobody likes this games, the only places I see it being "discussed" are places where it's piss easy to buy good publicity.
Anyone who matters is talking about zelda, horizon is dead and forgotten nobody remembers it exists barely a week after it launched.
fair enough chappies, want to use that energy to suggest me a game?
PC isn't about super cool exclusive that are hyped up and are fun for about 40/50 hours. PC is about multiplayer games. See how the average steam user has 2000 hours on dota2/chivalry/csgo/rocket league/eu4/gmod/tf2 etc.
Just look at how shit Nier automata is doing on PC, nobody really cares, they're all playing Cs:go.
>playing sports rehash 2015
Literally the personification of shit taste. Any time I hear someone say Fifa I know that all they play is generic sports and fps shit. Kill yourself senpai.
>smelly neckbeards
redditposting is bannable
It's fun if you like football, best game to play with normie friends
My favourite game is Dark Souls, fifa is the only sports game I play and I've only bought it once in the past 5 years
It's a solid game for football fans, as long as you don't buy it every year I don't see much wrong with it. No one's saying it's groundbreaking
Nobody likes Zelda, except for nintendogaf, and people who think they're (((real gamers))) because they play an overrated franchise. Everyone is talking about horizon because they like the game and is becoming Sony's next big game
>triggered Mgtow virgin
Time stamp jaw
have you been in a coma since 2014? triggered stopped being funny a long time ago, reddit.
The fuck? I care. I'm gonna play it once it releases. CSGO is a gambling service not a game. The normies play that.
>still no time stamp of his jaw
>confirmed neckbeard
Hit the showers and get a clue.
PC isn't for games
Ps3 had a shit tonne of games, i had 8 in the first year. I love the 4 but i have 4 games so far for it.
>Just look at how shit Nier automata is doing on PC
Maybe because it's not released yet?
u mad? xd
Why would I be mad for? I'm not a mgtow loser like you.
Not even fucking close xbro.
Well, it'd be annoying but I was playtesting Sea of Thieves this weekend and it reassured me that my console choice was right.
Still, I'm happy for people that are having fun with these games.
> I'm gonna be salty about Persona 5 though.
Should i buy a ps4 or xbone?
Since most games get ported, wtf are you talking about? I still haven't bought a PS4 because outside of Bloodbourne there hasnn't been anything I'm all that interested in. I pick up consoles when there's 5+ games I want to play and the PS4 has yet to hit that.
Memes are not arguements, son.
>people are busy playing HAAH WAAW 2 and enjoying it
>wonder why there aren't any xbots on Sup Forums
We've been over this. Xfags actually play vidya.
Xbone has halo, gears, first.
PS4 has: ???
I think you know who wins
A bit late but here goes;
>Gameplay very similar to 1
>A few units moved around for UNSC
>Tech now related to base level
>Power is now secondary resource
>Leader Powers now include a lot more to go with
>Unit designs are fucking great
>Gameplay is still kind of blobby, hard to perform precise multi unit targeting
>Blitz is kind of meh, but also neat
Story is a bit rocky to start and at the very end, but the middle of the game is better than both Halo 4 and 5.
Wait, did anyone actually play that game? I thought it was DOA
Why is Horizon there? I understand Zelda, and Nier is a bit iffy but acceptable, but Horizon was mish mash critic bait.
Your autism is showing. Even the WiiU has more than 5 exclusives worth getting the console for.
>actually play vidya
How do they play with no games?
Would you recommend it to someone who loved thefirst game?
>2 open worlds (cartoon and realism style), bullet hell/ god of war hybrid, RTS
is this all? why the fuck thereĀ“s so few games?
I'm struggling to see your point? I have Wii U?
Since the vast majority of games get PS4 and XBone versions and the Master Chief collection and the Rare collection came out before anything I wanted a PS4 for my Xbox has had non-stop use.
The fuck is autistic about not wasting money?
They have like 5
They have fun with them
>Multiple Halos
Gameplay wise yes. Story wise it has good points and bad ones, but is solid all around.
Lots of improvements from the first.
PS4 for SP
Was Sea of Thieves fun? Much variety to it?
I'd love if I had a whole crew of friends I could play with but I only have one IRL friend that I could realistically play it with, what was it like playing with randos?
I like my Xbox
>Forza Horizon 2
>Forza Horizon 3
>Forza Motorsport 6
>Halo Master Chief Collection
>Halo 5: Guardians
>Gears of War Ultimate HD
>Gears of War 4
>Quantum Break
>Ryse: Son of Rome
>Sunset Overdrive
>Rare Replay
>Dead Rising 3
>Dead Rising 4
>State of Decay
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Backwards compatibility: Red Dead Redemption and others
>EA Access
>Xbox Gamepass, $9,99 for playing older games
>4K Blu-ray
>GOAT controller
Upcoming exclusives will be fun
>Halo 6
>Forza Horizon 4
>Forza Motorsport 7
>State of Decay 2
>Crackdown 3
>Sea of Thieves
Honestly it's a pretty decent selection if you like shooters and racing games, of which Playstation has exactly zero games, and I say this as a Sonybro. It's not the best console out there but you can get it for $200 which makes it a cheap 4K Blu-ray Player too. As a primary console it would be average but as a secondary console it is absolutely great.
Why would you do this when playerbases on PS4 is much larger than the bone, unless you like halo or gears there's no point of getting one.
Forgot to add that the Xbox is missing Action Adventures and Weebshit (for which no Normie in the West - where the Xbox sells - cares)
>generic fps
>generic fps's
>generic racing game
Oh, so they play shit tier games. And for the record.
>Persona 5
>Nier Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>Yakuza 0
very much this:
only I'd weigh in that if you have more friends/achievements on one then stick with it. Both consoles are fucking terrible.
Xbone gets bonus points for having an HDMI in. It's pretty cool playing an N64 game on the big screen with a tv show or something in the corner. Does the PS4 have an HDMI in? I never thought to check.
Xbox is a first world console with a nice community in general, Sony is absolute cancer full of Europeans and 3rd worlders.
The only games on the list that I want to play are halo remaster and sunset overdrive. Then bone is shit and I made the switch to PS4 because halo became a shit series.
You're full of shit if you think the Xbox community is any better. I can't tell you how many times some assblasted faggot sent me hate mail over a round of Gears or Halo.
>generic fps
>generic weebshit
at least the boner games have MP which greatly adds to their replayability
>Halo and Gears
>FPS at all
why am I not surprised that a consolewar babby has no idea what he's talking about
>Why would you do this when playerbases on PS4 is much larger than the bone
Not with Titanfall2
or Halo
or GoW
or Forza
If you think so. I never owned Xbox in my life so for me it's pretty nice playing the older titles and I will get good use out of it. If it is your primary console and you have owned Xbox 360, then yes its shit and not worth buying.
>nice community
Idk, when I was playing destiny I had this annoying brit cunt complaining and doing autistic rants when we were in the VoG.
good thing they fixed it with 5
>he fell for the "US is first world" meme
Alright thanks bruv, will pick it up at some point
>generic racing
>generic racing
>generic fps
>generic fps
>generic fps
>generic fps
>generic cinematic fps
>QTE the game
>Le wacky meme third person fps
>Literally who
>Crappy shovelrare
>Medicore DR1
>Ruined the Dead Rising franchise
>Not exclusive
>Not exclusive
>Oh gee old games
>Paying for older games
>Nobody cares
>Literally a controller
>generic weebshit
Would be funny if it was true at all.
Oh sorry, generic rehashed fps games.
I had the 360 and it was a very comfy system. Halo 3 literally btfo everything on the PS3 because I never gave a shit about demon souls and the DS3 controller was trash. I never played halo 5 because halo 4 was a big disappointment
At least I have actual games to play that aren't all first person shooters or shitty sports games.
>niggers kill Albino Rhino in Paris zoo
Europe is literally Africa now
Yes, you have your weebshit and the normies have their racing and shooting games. Everybody wins. Isn't life great?
>being a normie
>playing normie tier games
I hear reddit is down that way >>/reddit/
>generic waifushit with no gameplay
>generic waifushit with no gameplay
>dark souls with guns
>generic waifushit with no gameplay
>generic open world meme
>gta with katanas
>dark souls with katanas
wow im impressed
>fixed it with 5
>shit armor design
>shit single player
>COD multiplayer with a halo skin
Forza is the last good racing game
I cope by selling my Bone and getting PS4 and Wii U. Halo Wars 2 is on PC of I ever actually want to play it.
Xbox and 360 were great consoles, that's why I got Xbox One. But Microsoft fucked it up this gen.
define "weebshit" reddit.
define "reddit" weebshit.
You see these comparisons would work if they were true at all unlike Xbone games which are all generic racers or fps games the most overdone generic genre of games this generation.
Sports and Racers. Congrats on admitting your console is saturated with garbage.
>"These good and fun games are shit because they're FPS and racing games!"
Forza Horizon 3 is the of this generation.
Stopped playing video games a while ago and started to improve my life. Enjoy your fake hobby you pathetic numale manchild.
You see these comparisons would work if they were true at all unlike PS4 games which are all generic waifushit or dark souls clones the most overdone generic genre of games this generation.
Fapbait and Dark Souls. Congrats on admitting your console is saturated with garbage.
Is there a good Chan where you can talk about vidya without it devolving into flame wars?
Sup Forums is sometimes good for measured conversations and recommendations but this type of shit happens too often.
Reddit is the same, and console specific subreddits rarely allow for criticism and have poor taste
There's nothing rehashed about halo, it's the freshest FPS MP out today (although I haven't dug too deep into TF2 yet, but the strongest community for that game is on xbone too, so)
>Still shitposts on Sup Forums
Doesn't seem like you've improved much at all.