It's so easy to manipulate Sup Forums
There are people on this board who fell for the Horizon is SJW meme
>I love this female protagonist!
>there are people on this board who bought Horizon
The masses here are so deluded, a lowly pajeet like me sells more copies than Gamestop.
i refuse to believe this
it looks so fucking bad
Except it is. But even if it wasn't the writers behind it are just awful. You don't buy HZD for the story or the characters. You're there for the world they designed and to fight awesome robots.
The music sucks too but w/e, I just throw on some good music and go robit hunting and skip all dialogue.
The normies already bought 5 million copies. Sony doesn't need a dozen copies from Sup Forums. Also people here tend not to buy the deluxe version why would they spend money marketing here?
It's okay when Japan does it.
>making characters intentionally ugly isn't sjw
Of course there are much bigger things to complain about with the game than that.
Suit yourself. I'm having a fucking blast with it.
i know you are, shill.
Sup Forums is full of immature manchildren, of course they love sexualized anime women
>Good muslim women scientists from New Tehran want to save the world but an evil religious redneck white guy fucks it up because he finds it unnatural
>The white male leader of America gases a room full of minorities to make sure they don't give the earth a future
>The AI god to save humanity is a black woman
>Data logs about climate change refugee museums that a female british leader says we literally need, opposed by a conservative man named Nigel
>"If you had a boy or girl, what would you want them to be?"
>"Well, I would want HER (major emphasis is given to this word in the dialogue) to..."
Has an excellent story in the first game, lovable characters you can relate to.
There's a pretty big gap in the quality of the writing, not to mention Nier has an A-list of VAs, HZD has a bunch of literal whos just reading script.
What would it even entail to fall for a meme in this regard?
Deciding against playing it if previously interested?
Because then you're not really helping anyone by ridiculing those people.
>only a shill would admit to enjoying a video game
>It's only quality when Japan does it
>super wide jaw
>shoulders way wider than hips
Why do people keep saying HZD has good combat? Every webm I see makes it look really dull
>melee teleport hits
>setting tether traps or tethering while in combat
>floaty arrows
>all amount to shooting robots glowing spots
And the only defense I see for it is B-B-BUT ROBOTS. It feels like the enemy designs were utterly wasted on a bland SJW game.
>HZD has a bunch of literal whos
Sup Forums was never known for having sympathy towards Sup Forums
Why suddenly people are screaming Horizon is SJW while Undertale and Gone Home were praised here?
I want to kiss her tum-tum
lol horizon isnt like that even a little bit
everyone's such a reactionary nowadays
The shit people will say to defend SJW games
She's sexy though, and Japan just makes better games so I'll take the highly rated Japanese game before the highly rated western game pretty much every time. Horizon looks alright but I'm not jumping the gun.
All of this.
Her face looks like a potato, end of story.
Uhm.. I'm like halfway thru the game. Yes it is. These dumb cunts worship a fucking door. Other autismos worship a black box. Yet still fully functional computers and the ONLY tribe that is afraid of using machines is the Nora.
AKA there is no possible way this much knowledge should be lost on the average person. As for the burning white men, EVERY SINGLE VILLAIN IN THE GAME MAN... It has ZERO effort put into the story and it fucking shows. If you are arguing against this you simply have not played the game.
The gameplay is STILL good enough to make it worth playing.
you ever think that you are actually the one enforcing the stupid sjw bullshit?
no, that would be stupid.
we all know sjw are retarded, but they'll piggy back on anything and "claim" it as their own, that doesn't mean we should reject something because a mentally ill vocal minority say some stupid shit. then again Sup Forums is a mentally ill vocal minority, so that's not saying much
>Undertale and Gone Hone praises here
Oh's retarded...
Compared to her face as a child it is a sight for sore eyes.
i mean you told me that I cant possibly argue with you and be right, so why would I try?
but yeah, I've played it and disagree, so... yeah.
>Sup Forums talks every day about lack of gameplay in modern games
>If Aloy hair is not white and she is not pretty with big eyes then the game is bad
>he prefers YOU ARE A WHITE MALE:the game
>Sup Forums will keep crying
>a sequel will be made
>Sup Forums will cry even more
>there's nothing you can do about it
>Sup Forums was never known for having sympathy towards Sup Forums
>being this new
What does this have to do with what anyone else is saying, I've played the game user. Yes, the sjw shit is in it. Yeah it's pretty bad. I'm not saying don't play the game just because of that, the rest of the game aside from story/dialogue is still really good.
What the fuck are you even on about here?
Explain the massive plot holes, give me an excuse for only using white males as villains other than SJW nonsense. You haven't said a single thing to back your point because you don't have anything. Because you know you're wrong either wise you'd of opened with something real.
That was before Reddit kids flocked to Sup Forums and now to other boards.
The game is also bad because of the Far Cry gameplay m8
Yeah, that's what life is like when you live with hyperbolic far right ideology goggles. Try and take those off, you'll see the only even remotely 'leftist' concept in the game is the fact that you play as a woman and in a brief visit to a museum in the game you see a holograph of a Muslim woman.
That's enough to ruin a game for people tainted by imageboards.
>all people care about in a game with robot dinosaurs are petty asf gender politics
Sasuga Sup Forums.
user, you've got issues.
You'll have to explain how it isn't
Reminds me of the guy on the left
Why do nerds like one character and not the other, it doesn't make sense
yeah dog if you actually want to have a discussion about something maybe try not to be so absolutist right off the mark? Most sane people know that arguing with zealots is a waste if time, and that's how you make yourself seem. But I'm pretty sure you just want to make yourself feel like you've won something anyway so it's whatever. try to enjoy your day
He might but no one has really given valid argument to if he/she is wrong... which is concerning as I was on the fence about buying this but I like some story in my games.
Toobie is pretty, Aloy isnt.
SJW or not, the game looks like ass.
but this game looks like fun.
The robodinos are superficial though. Dig deeper and that's where all the problems lie.
What's the argument? That 'white men' are the villain? Holy fuck welcome to practically every piece of fiction written in the western world in the past 2000 years
>Is completely unable to back their argument
>W-Well I couldn't convince anyone anyways so why try..!
It's like you're a spineless beta faggot or something. This level of getting BTFO is sad. Either refute what he's saying or stop responding. Cause no one has said a single thing in any of this games threads to counter the SJW pandering story, they just claim 'It isn't'.
There's plenty of reasons to hate it though. I hate it because it was marketed as a Monster Hunter knockoff yet all the relevant weapons are ranged and enemies are piss easy. I will literally never touch this game unless it goes sub 10 in a flash sale. The SJW shit is just shitting on a shit sandwich.
I could probably get over it if the gameplay would be half-decent.
I never liked Skyrim howver and haven't played Farcry since 3 so i guess i'm not the target audience to this shit genre.
Undertale characters are likeable, also it's not too cheesy, even asriel said at the end that you can't resolve everything by being nice thanks to reality
>about in a game with robot dinosaurs
I love how "robot dinosaurs guyz!1" has become one of the major selling points for this trash. Then again, given the age of he average Sup Forums user most posters here probably haven't grown out of that phase yet.
I don't even care about the writing. Horizon's artstyle and setting doesn't appeal to me at all. Meanwhile, I'm a huge fan of Yoshida Akihiko's art and Nier's demo was really fun to play. I'm defintely going to get Nier.
>Poorly written attempt at matriarchal society
There is no explanation over half way thru the game how this society came to be or the real fundamentals behind it. It fails to make me care at all for the tribes struggles.
>White male villains
Poorly written thugs more or less, their motivations are unclear other than oppress this tribe that wants to live like savages.
>Worshiping a fucking door
You can't talk out of how retarded this is.
>Character building
Poorly paced, little impact, characters motivation is WHO IS MY MOMMY? when she finds out she is a clone she has literally no emotional reaction even though her ENTIRE LIFE GOAL has just been shattered.
The writing in this game is cringe worthy. Validate ANY of these points. Mind you if it somehow pulls together in the second half my mind would be blown but I really, really doubt that is going to happen.
Western devs are obsessed with mediocrity and realism,that's why they can't make anything that is good looking or fun.
The sad thing is that people continue to buy these games because they get bamboozled by all the marketing that goes on but they refuse to change.
>You can't talk out of how retarded this is.
Well yeah. Its religion. Retarded beliefs is standard.
what is the selling point if not for robot dinosaurs?
How about the part where the gameplay actually is bad though? It's exactly what Sup Forums is complaining about.
So should I get a PS4 to play it?
Oh they make open world movies now too?
>being a newfag
Every board is and has always been Sup Forums I don't care if you and your friends started browsing in 2011 and are turned off be the casual racism and sexism. Or to put it another way, fuck off nigger faggot.
>Undertale and Gone Home were praised here?
What alternate dimension did you just hop out of?
Undertale was praised out the ass for the brief period after release where it wasn't yet popular
>bow and arrow is just a reskinned sniper
>that image
its still leagues better than that peebee monstrosity
>Muslim woman
>Allowed to be a scientist
Recommend me some good music to play this game to
And yet you're the one triggered because there's a game with pantyshots.
>he doesn't know about cargo cults
>There are people on this board that let other faggot's opinions influence them
>It is so rampant that we have literally have CIA operatives shit posting on /mlp/.
It's not a meme
It's just also not a problem
what a cute girl
Mossefix cosplays Jasper when?
for you
At this rate, years after the series ends.
The mc of HZD isn't ugly, she's just painfully average for a western female character design. it's as tho the devs decided to play it safe with her character design, and then turned the safety up to 11.
>nobodies voice matters but mine
How obvious do you have to be.
You don't know shit and your attempts to fit in are what's ruining the place.
If it was "casual" racism or sexism they wouldn't get triggered by fucking everything and shit up the place in the process. It's all srs bsns to them.
Sup Forums is not what Sup Forums was. Sup Forums is something new and cancerous.