Redpill me on this game

Redpill me on this game

best fallout game by far.

>you couldnt get away with that nowadays
The game has these moments.

It's SJW trash, FO3 shits all over it.

it's awful

but it's the best so far

>Redpill me on this game

It's not Fallout 3 or fallout 4.

Same shit as Fallout 3 with a piss yellow filter and set in the desert
Slightly less popular so Sup Forums loves it
It is not a good RPG despite what Sup Forums tells you

Objectively wrong.


wtf I hate new vegas now? :^(

It didn't fix any of the major problems plaguing Fallout 3, but it's somehow the best game of all time while FO3 is literally the illegitimate lovechild of Satan and Hitler.

>I'll use the word 'objectively' to force my opinion on you

>Slightly less popular so Sup Forums loves it
This. I swear Sup Forums only looks at sales figures when championing their shitty taste. I doubt they even own a video game system.

>Hmm, I enjoyed this game but the sales figures are too high - I guess I like it then
>Hmm, I've never played this game, but the sales figures are poor - game of the year, I guess

Imagine Fallout 3 but less interesting.


This is not /po/ you fuck

mail man gets shot trys to find person who shot him ends up taking over New Vegas

>This is not /po/

That New Vegas storyline is such horseshit. All it does is slightly change the little cutscene you get at the end. There's still only 3 concrete choices at the end and none of them make even the slightest bit of difference to the game.

Terrible gameplay, stop playing wrpgs.


/po/ is the final redpill, faggot

You're always the right guy at the right time and you're totally needed for an important task. Literally the best courier in the world.

I stopped caring about my character after 50 hours, not even completing the main quest.

Also FNV is has STALKER-tier need of mods to be bearable.

tl;dr it's overrated shit.

FO3: 2 ok DLCs, 2 shit DLCs
FNV: 4 shit DLCs

What the fuck, Obsidian.

>cites kotor2

O i am laffin