Plague Knight is still best Knight, though they fleshed Specter out pretty well

Plague Knight is still best Knight, though they fleshed Specter out pretty well.

How will King Knight fare I wonder? Specter Knight and Plague Knight got more character depth through their campaigns, but I could see them not doing that with King Knight.

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Plague will make it.

They should go with the comedy route with King.

>Plague Knight is still best Knight, though they fleshed Specter out pretty well.

This is a sentiment I can agree with on all points. They did good.

What are they going to do with King from a gameplay perspective? They really went all out altering the core game to give the other knights distinct playstyles, where all I can see them doing with him based on the boss fight is that he plays like a severely gimped Shovel Knight. Maybe more emphasis on amassing a hoard of treasure and gold to bling himself out with.

I think they released a gif at one point and he seems to focus on bouncing on shit, even more than Shovel Knight did.


Maybe something to do with hats for different abilities

His boss fight had him striking the ground and dashing across screen. During some of the old twitch streams they had showcased in-dev iterations of King Knight where he was basically Wario with the cape from Super Mario World (his cape) and Beat from Megaman (propeller rat). Dunno if they've kept that one and unfortunately the VODs are no longer available to show you myself.

I remembered seeing on his "Dig the vote" page that he'd be able to spend gold to modify the level, wonder if they're gonna keep it in for the actual release?

So this is the best video game romance, right?

When is King Knight coming out?

I believe it is, but I can understand other people holding different opinions on the subject.

Can't think of anything better


I REALLY hope he did one for Specter of Torment.

I really hope they do, it would be interesting to be able to alter the levels

What did they say about Plague Knight and Specter Knight?


>"Alright ladies and gentlemen, DJ Plague Knight here, ready to help you all ease into that special moment with you know who."

Plague Knight would never tell anyone that the song, vocals and all, were his.

I don't remember what they told on Specter, but they did told having customisable bombs for Plague

Here's the page that has Plague Knight's and Specter Knight's info.
Here it is

Playing the song and imagining PK there just standing and then suddenly belting those lyrics out in that voice is fucking hilarious.

are they going to do campaigns for the rest of the knights too or just the ones they owe to kickstarter

>The three best Knights got their own dlcs
Best time line

Hmm, surprisingly most of it was implemented one way or another for Plague Knight, and maybe a little over half for Specter Knight since his new game plus does do the special moves as desperation attacks that drain life.

Makes me think King Knight may be accurate.

Though the stories are off, I don't think we got any info on Plague Knight's melancholy past and Specter Knight was hardly cold and calculating as Donovan, just a brash and hot headed thief that got tragically in over his head.

I'd have liked Propeller Knight or Tinker Knight to get one, but I do think the best 3 were picked as well.

Just the ones they owe, so King Knight is the last one

why not release more campaigns and just charge for 'em?

Truth be told, even though I like the top 3 knights, I really would have liked it had Propeller Knight became a playable character.

Because Yacht Club is getting burned out on Shovel Knight. They've admitted as much. They want to do something entirely new and I don't blame them.

I'm with you user, i really liked Propeller Knight
Beats me, but they did say they don't want to be known as the Shovel Knight company, they don't rule out the possibility of SK2, but for the moment they want to try making other games

I would have liked propeller knight but how would tinker knight work

The first thing that comes to my mind while reading his entry makes me think of some of the power ups from Megaman/Megaman X

Maybe have a bit of sections where he gets to use his bigger creations for parts of the level, alas Kirby Planet Robobot.

Specter Knight gains desperation attacks upon starting a new game+, are they just the same attacks that he normally has, only they drain life whenever he uses said attacks?

Yeah, they're his standard curios. Check it out. This shit blew my mind when I first started it last night, you need to go fast since it automatically drains and decide if that curio attack or shortcut traversal curio is really worth it, because it chips at that buffer you have between death. Also, same deal as other new game plus, two checkpoints per stage. Your healing item is locked too, so no cheesing.

How easy/hard are boss fights compared to Shovel?

Some are definitely trickier for sure, due to actually being redesigned. King Knight actually managed to kill me. Treasure Knight also puts up more of a challenge. Inversely, I think Propeller Knight was actually easiest when you fight him as Specter Knight, and the final boss is the easiest final boss so far.

Phantom Striker on new game plus is also up there.


>Resource Management – Break down objects to get raw resources. Use resources to create more powerful bombs.
Thanks god they remove this

I remember seeing screenshots floating around of this. Yeah, scrapping it was probably for the best.

It was even in some of the early demos.

I remember the checkpoints were going to be a place where you could swap out stuff in addition to check points.

Absolutely nothing cuter.

Honestly, I wouldn't have been mad with any outcome. All of the knights would've been great in their own stories. Though, personally, my preferred lineup would've been Plague, Propeller, and Treasure.

anyone else sorely disappointed with the small amount of porn between mona and plague knight?

>that propeller knight battle in PoS

Some of the Specter fights may be worse.

>The boss rush on hard mode


>That cute little moment between them in Specter Knight's campaign credits.

That was adorable.

>the challenge against Shovel Knight in PoS
Through some miracle, I was able to trap him in the corner where he was stuck in a hole and I could stun lock him to dearth. I never realized how much I normally relied on tracer powder in the campaign vs Shovel Knight.