Never forget.
Never forget
Honestly, why should we care?
I'm still mad
Shes hot.
One, laziness shouldn't be tolerated, two, the picture doesn't make any fucking sense because she'd die if she took her suit off outside.
>hype up the reveal of tali under the mask
>stock photo with a filter
I dont get it
Shouldnt Bioware have enough money to hire 1 or any amount of competent artists or animators
They do but they choose not to in the name of diversity. Instead they hire people like this.
this guy's a fuckin racist
it's a daily reminder that biofags like yourself have battered wife syndrome
I really want to buy ironically now
For the record, they fired that guy
I heard Bioware have an army of SJWs working for them. Is this true?
>Not "Vas NormanTee"
I thought he's still there.
Daily reminder cucks like you need to fuck off
>xxl/ 3xl out of stock
Talimancers everyone. Point and fucking laugh.
Does anyone have the video of Bioware talking about Tali pre ME3 and how the decision to show or not to show Tail's face is going to be a hard one but either way the need to respect the character? I know I watched that some point way early into ME3's production.
I dig Tali and even Im appalled by this
never ever
It's simmering like warm coals right now, but it's gonna get bad if Andromeda comes out without having fixed anything AND gets widespread acclaim.
>hey evry1 look at me an my cringey posts, i'll badly edit the same image over and over so evry1 knos its me!
Damn, even braindead SJWs have a limit.
>Curry Thunder
I don't get it
mad talishitter? mad that your preference in "women" is loved by overweight fat fucks?
>doesn't post source
I will kick you in the vas deferens for that
That's not enough. I want to watch him get his ass kicked by a white man.
A mass effect game had a poorly edited version of this stock photo in a cutscene
I still don't get how you guys were invested enough in mass effect to care if something in the game was executed poorly.
Isn't bioware fairly consistent that way?
>Not Tee'Soni
What is the weird obsession with sock puppets?
mass effect 1 was created when competent people still worked at bioware
He probably did.
>The fact I'd rather romance Garrus or Thane instead of Jacob makes me feel like a racist.
If you voted differently, you had verifiably-shit taste, and if you voted correctly, you were invalidated because Bioware listened to whining
Bioware was well on its way to being a shambling corpse by the time ME3 happened.
It's a dehumanizing tactic. "All these people couldn't possibly exist! It has to be a bunch of sockpuppets!"
Exactly. Tali was born on the Flotilla, where newborns are immediately put into a bubble until they get a child suit. She would literally never in her lifetime be able to leave her suit unless she was in a sterile white room. Even when she smashes faces with Shepard in ME2 she suffers massive infections despite booster shots she took and the fact that Quarian life is based on different amino acids.
So, ignoring the dumb Getty Images edit, the basic premise that she would have a photo of herself without any part of her suit on is ridiculous. At the very most she would take a selfie without her facemask.
Luckily there are tons of fan-art of Tali in that exact scenario I described that is infinitely better than anything Bioware shat out for ME3.
It's one fucking image. It doesn't matter where they got the assets from. Find something actually relevant to get mad about. The only excuse for caring is being a waifufag.
The femshep voting decision reddit rationale went like this:
1. They have to be white (b-but I'm not racist like those 4dongers)
2. O-ok, not brunette, that's boring.
3. Not blonde that's mainstream, and I toootally don't like that. No, not me. I'm different.
4. Red-haired, b/c I'm quirky and unique.
God, this reminds me of the guy who wrote Legion going on about how the Geth were supposed to be a completely different existence than organics. They functioned as a swarm and had no need for emotions or individuality, making Legion fundamentally incomprehensible in terms of the human experience.
Then they shat all over that in ME3.
Who is this?
Jacob is thematically the gay baby of Roger from Lethal Weapon and Carlton, with 0% of the personality. His dad's psychotropic Lord of the Flies rape island is more interesting than him, and his loadout if worthless for someone that's ex-Alliance, I mod him to carry AR's and sniper rifles every time
>Asks why people should care
>People give several reasonable answers.
I-its one fucking image guys.......
If I shoot him will you buy my game?
Hey fuck you, I goddamn love redheads.
Get the fuck out you reddit scum
Don't forget that EVERY femshep screenshot ever is usually showcasing some variation of a shorthaired redhead, and you can bet 100% it's nerds projecting what their ideal waifu is
One of dragon age 2 developers.
Every. Time.
>As if it weren't obvious by the face.
It wasn't even this or how shitty me3 was that got to me but all video game news outlets coming out the woodwork calling me entitled for expecting a decent end to a trilogy instead of whats your favorite color as an ending.
Yes i will forever be mad.
>It's one fucking image
>It's one fucking animation
>It's one fucking line of dialogue
>It's one fucking bad idea, followed by another fucking bad idea, followed by another, until what he have is just one fucking shitty game
Your problem is that you can't imagine people can take issue with the big things as well as the little ones.
But I'm just letting you know, that's not the case, and also you're being a retard.
Taco Tina
>>It's one fucking image.
Exactly. They should've had more than enough manpower to pump out a single image without having to slap filters on one they got from Google Images.
Bioware literally thought it was better to save the $30-50 dollars to commission a competent artist on deviantArt and get Todd's nephew to do it in a weekend.
Fuck. Why the fuck did they hire this cunt
It's ok when Dark Souls does it!
Goodbye random titilation-era Bioware
Did you read the posts linked to? Only one gave reasons and they were really shoddy reasons given all the infamy the image apparently incurs. We might as well be bitching about them using an image of a brushed steel refrigerator for the inspiration of the interior of some of the Normandy walls.
Heh. Remember that time when a kickstarter was already well past its main goal and had a few weeks to spare, so they revealed that Hamburger Hepler was a secret stretch goal, then ALL of the backers pulled out of the project and then it failed?
Good times.
What are the advantages of Photoshop vs Paint Net
I've only ever used Paint Net
It sucks how redheads are becoming more of a meme choice.
Came here to post this
user its a half assed answer to a mystery better left unknown. Either dont show what quarians look like, or actually put effort into the design. That simple
bioware isn't actually a company, it's a single autistic man in his mom's basement shitting onto his keyboard
Sometimes he kidnaps women to be his sex slaves and forces them to learn programming and work for him before killing them
this is the objective truth and you can't prove me wrong.
>Hamburger Hepler was a secret stretch goal
elaborate please
some filters or something
not much
>better left unknown
I can see that.
please tell me this is real
I felt conflicted by the outcome. I'm really into blondes, but my Fem!Shep had always been a red head from the very start.
And then I saw the actual model, and none of it even mattered.
They had a stretch goal hidden on their list. It just said something like "Secret Stretch Goal" at some odd dollars.
After the project hit the successful mark, they revealed that they had gotten Hamburger Hepler to agree to help write the story.
I think it took less than 50 hours for the shitstorm to cause backers to pull out and the project to tank?
someone explain
The majority of featured news on Steam's ME2 page is mostly RPS articles
They can slap together a AAA game but finding someone half-competent at photoshop was just out of their power?
>tfw i made that video
feels good mayne
>We might as well be bitching about them using an image of a brushed steel refrigerator for the inspiration of the interior of some of the Normandy walls.
This is a dumb false equivalence.
The revealing of the Quarian face is obviously far more important than the look of a fridge.
It would be more equivalent to compare it to revealing Darth Vader's face, and it turns out to be a poor photoshop of Todd Howard (somehow).
People would be rightly furious with disappointment. Stop pretending certain things aren't important to certain fictional universes.