New info on the Ringed City

New info on the Ringed City.

Who's hyped?

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Thanks. Sharing the pictures at my colony right now

Four wings?

Why is Dark Souls 3 poo? Did the formula just get old?

I think mechanically it's a better game than 2. I actually hate 2, but for some reason it's much more memorable than 3.

It isn't. Go shitpost somewhere else.

>Did the formula just get old?

Remember when you were venturing through Blighttown for the first time? You probably went in with no poison resist. You probably just tried to wing it anyway since you didn't have warp and getting there was a pain in the ass in itself.

I'm pretty sure in Dark Souls 3 when you got to the designated poison area, you realized "this is the designated poison area" and turned around immediately, warped to the main hub and stocked up on poison resist.

You never needed poison resist in Dark Souls 1. Same with 3 I don't remember ever needing that ever.

>"this is the designated poison area"
That's been a common theme in RPG's for years, the formula was old even back in DeS. Shitting on DaS3 for doing the same thing is just beating a dead horse.

>I have never played a From game before
They've done it since the PS1 days

I liked it as much as Bloodborne tbqh. and I had more fun with DaS2 than I had with both of them


Cant open the site where I am. Could you guys give me the info?

Stagnation and lack of new ideas.


The info is literally the pics posted, there's nothing else of relevance there.

Can't wait for garbage weapons that do shit damage and some ugly ass armor sets. I'm also hyped for the shitty bosses and some "lore" that an unpaid intern wrote by slapping his dick on a keyboard that doesn't answer any questions and is vague for the sake of it.
"woah hey this new npc looks cool maybe they'll reveal some new things about some stuff"
nope they're going to have like 3 lines of dialogue like "beware ashen one the flames are flaming and the dark is darking you better get outta here"
and then there's just gonna be some dark souls rehashes because there is nothing original about dark souls 3 that is good. fuck this retarded soulless cash grab piece of shit

Why should i? Same shit all over again.

People still play this iframe spam game?

Me too

>DS2 more fun

I still prefer it to DS2

I'd take blatant nostalgia pandering over DS2's original idea's any day, they were just fucking awful and confused the lore so much

no one can explain how the DS2 giants fit in to the lore at all, or hexes for that matter
also the graphics were literal shit, dark souls 1 looks better than the sequel because they fucked up the lighting and textures so bad in 2

only a morbidly obese virgin autist factors lore into his ranking of the souls games (including bloodborne)

>no one gives a shit about stories!

do you have any idea how retarded that is? stories are the foundation of every piece of media we have, going as far back as language or writing

NEVER reply to me again you fucking fat lorecuck bastard

Despite being better than DS2, it just didn't recapture the magic DS1 had.

The throwbacks weren't bad, but I feel like the didn't have any oomph. Or at least should've actually gone all the way. The Legion was the only "big three" that established an emotional connection. After that, none of the other Lords didn't do any of that. Aldrich didn't have a cutscene. Yhorn only had a meaningful cutscene if you kept doing a quest.

Nigger they don't have a fucking story, they've got a few item descriptions and you get to fill in the details like connect the dots.

Sup Forums Defend this

It's better than the bonfires at Dragonslayer Armor and the start of the library in DaS3.

>It's better than the bonfires at Dragonslayer Armor and the start of the library in DaS3.

I think the Dragonslayer bonfire is just for consistency of Bosses dropping bonfires if anything

THIS FUCKING THING on the other hand is completely immersion breaking and makes you venture through a whole tower pvp area full of invader assholes instead of climbing but a small ledge

You are retarded
You have actually managed to be too retarded for Sup Forums
Please leave immediately and don't ever come back.

I disagree

dragonslayer armour bonfire to library bonfire is just an oversight from them deciding to give you a bonfire after every boss
going back to DS1, they gave you homeward bones for beating bosses, and this was only after a patch, initially you would get nothing and need to run all the way back to your last bonfire

in DS2 someone made a conscious decision to be an absolute cunt with the bonfire placements

>two bonfires literally within eyeshot of each other

My man... straight-up THE most embarrassing post I've ever seen on this site. Get some help.

Literally means nothing to be insulted by someone like you
Clearly dropped as a child or something

I am just so fucking happy you will never make a game or have any influence on game design


Even in threads about DaS3 das2fags manage to stand out as the worst posters.

2 > 3 = BB > 1 > DeS

If you disagree, then no offense, but you're a neanderthal with no eye for game design who's blinded either by nostalgia or loyalty to a specific creator.

2 is by far the worst.
I didn't even know the director was not attached while playing it and I hated it.


Holy shit haha.

I, too, like the epic meme of claiming to know game design and then praise a clusterfuck of bad ideas just to get some (You)s.

>1+1= 3
>no it doesn't retard
>lmao triggered I was just pretending

Every time.

Picked das3 back up yesterday after getting bored of Nioh. Still fun.

Soulsbabbies are the worst, always acting like From Software hasn't been doing this SINCE 1994

I don't think it's fair to say he praised DaS1 considering it was the second-lowest on the ranking.

Epic, my dude. You're a master of wit.

Its time to stop posting now, mouthbreather

Soulsfags are the most retarded fanbase on Sup Forums.

They actually complain about a sequel having elements of the previous game or continuing the story
Can you imagine any other franchise or anyone in any other medium doing that?
Buying a product with a number on it and then complaining about it being a sequel.

Also they have the worst taste judging by faggots like

this DaS3 is the best Souls. kys waifu/lewdy poster.

5 ways to instantly spot a Souls pleb:

1) Didn't start with DeS
2) Thinks DaS is the best one (this ties into #1 since the ONLY way to think it's the best despite being a literal 3/10 game after Anor Londo is if it was your first Souls)
3) Tries too hard to shit on DaS2 and 3 to fit in
4) Includes lore as a serious argument whenever discussing the games
5) Summons and tries to justify his incompetence by saying "it's part of the game!"

Bloodborne>Demon's Souls>3>1>2

If it weren't for some of the retarded decisions made in 2 (removing the lighting system/soul memory/covenant grinds), I'd put it above 3/1 because I really liked the content.

What's trying too hard to shit on 2? I'm curious, because everyone goes over superficial flaws and never get into what an abhorrent mess of design it truly is.

>Thinks DaS is the best one
Either DaS1 or BB is the best one.
Anyone putting any other game on top is retarded.
Literally nothing wrong with Ranking DaS1 the hightest.
>Tries too hard to shit on DaS2 and 3 to fit in
2 is genuinely shit though. And both of them are direct sequels which are worse than spiritual sequels. So even though I really like DaS3 I have no problem with other people shitting on it for being a direct sequel.

There's nothing wrong with putting Dark Souls 1 at the top? Seriously? It is objectively unfinished.

I know the PC master race faggots on here experienced the game with Artorias but when we played it, it was dogshit past Anor Londo

Scholar is best Souls and 3/BB are the worst. DeS and DaS1 are equal.

>me & bud taking roommate through DS2 last month
>always used, since my first playthrough, the Kremmel god ring to connect in game
>wondering why the fuck we kept getting so many summon signs
Got it.

>It is objectively unfinished.
Not saying it isn't.
Its still the best. The level inter-connectivity adds so much to the early run and the DLC sort of fixed the second half.

It only gets weaker. It never gets bad.

Never played Scholar because I hated DaS2 and I can't justify buying a game again for the promise that they fixed it.

>it never gets bad
>crystal eyesore
>lost eyesore so bad the devs apologized

Tokyo Souls > the rest.

I take a little worse area like Lost izalith over a completely bland game like das2 any day.
DaS3 is a sequel.
Demon's has aged a lot

And I already said bb could also be on top

Which souls game did I forget that is better than DaS1?

it makes the lore make more sense and rejigs some of the item/enemy placements and encounter designs

also the DaS2 DLCs are the best in the series and they come with scholar

graphics and performance tweaks are a nice touch too

Looks better then the first fucking mini platter of a mediocre DLC. But i won't get my hopes up until it comes out. I'm hoping for atleast 3 bosses this time around and 3 hours worth of content.

People will lie about AoA length for no reason i explored/killed everything it took me roughly 2 hours and half an hour of that was on Friede cus i got rekt a handful of times. Short as shit and not satisfying besides 1/3rd of a boss fight.

I played the DaS2 dlcs and I was underwhelmed for the most part.
DaS1 dlc and BB DLC are a million times better

And how much pvp arena did you do?

>tfw bought the season pass
>tfw sold my copy anyway
i'm done with this shit, bloodborne asset souls 3 is a mess

this is so bad
what the fuck were they thinking

Maybe it's one of those things that was limited by the engine like the NPC with train head in Fallout 3, they probably thought the players wouldn't notice the elevator is going up instead of down.

2 is good

Griffith did nothing wrong.

Oh a fuck ton. Doesn't justify it since the arena easily could've been a free side download/in the base game. Just like the extra levels i'm sure will be attached to the next DLC. Please don't try to justify content valued at 15$ because of one stage where you can get guaranteed PVP going.

But i also enjoy invasions more. I just revert to arena when im too lazy to do pontiff/don't want ember life and run into 4 man gank squads like 3 times in a row.

>Why is Dark Souls 3 poo?
Because Hackazaki went creatively bankrupt after DS1. And no, From didn't make Bloodborne.

>. Doesn't justify it since the arena easily could've been a free side download/in the base game.
But you just said it is hours of content for you

I only like invasions so it was nothing for me but I can't really say it isn't part of the content just because I don't like it.

Also I like gank squads. So much more satisfying to kill 3 or 4 people than a single unprepared pvefag in other souls games.

The second half of DaS isn't the worst part of the Souls franchise.

I appreciate your sense of humor even if no one else does.

>From didn't make Bloodborne.
Really, then who did?

nobody, because in ds3 you are punished for not using a straight sword and this makes PvE replayability a joke and PvP extremely stagnant. anything you use that isnt a sword is just actively gimping yourself, in 3 more than any other game before it.

>dude ultra weapons
1 ultra weapon hit = 1.5 sword swings, slow as fuck, take half your stamina a swing and anything you do manage to poise break will just stop staggering at random intervals for no apparent reason because muh difficulty
>dude axes maces and hammers
straight downgrade from swords in every way
>dude greatswords
straightsword damage with 2x the stamina consumption and half the speed
>dude halberds
no damage, often poor movesets and still takes all your stamina. gundyr's is the exception but can only be found in the later quarter of the game.
>dude spears
negative damage, positive stamina consumption
>dude whips
can kinda work but only in pvp with specific builds snd even then a sword is better
>dude bows and xbows
are for being a cheesy fuckhead and nothing else

ds3 was a failure, its the only dark souls you played once and then were done because magic feels terrible and the only weapons are swords. what used to be fun instead gets nerfed into the ground because god forbid somebody win at anything with something that isn't an estoc, sword, or weebstick.

You didn't understand the joke
You ruined what could've been a funny chain.

Holy autism Batman!

I like groups of 2-3 at my level a group of 4 is likely to
1. Pop a seed for good measure
2. Have atleast 1 mage sticking close to someone else
3. Having atleast two strength weapons to shockwave/lock me into death with 1 hit for everyone else
4. Most of them in tears of denial.

Low level invasions were much easier around level 60. Also nah i don't think it justifies it because it doesn't make it worth it. Those hours i could easily have parted with instead if i knew what a waste of money that DLC was gonna be but i made the mistake of the season pass. So i gotta deal with whatever failure the next DLC might end up being


like they did with soul sacrifice

His autism is right!

You have horrible taste if you think das2 is any way better

Straight swords are as OP as greatswords were in the other souls games

My guess is you are a greatsword fag and you couldn't handle it not being the most OP crutch and you realized you were shit.

Probably told yourself you actually like the Claymore how it looks and not because it is the most OP weapon and carries the biggest shitters through games.

I am still happy if I manage to kill one or two people in a group of 4.
To me that is a moral victory.

Japan Studio. The utter shitshow that is DS3 is proof of that. The game is so shit it has no chance of outselling even DS2. No way the same studio could have made Bloodborne and DS3.

probably play it once and then immediately drop the game again

>you're autistic for bringing points up about why my favorite game is shit

I'm okay with being autistic then

Souls sequels were a mistake

Assuming you're the one who posted the Griffith comment, you're the one who didn't get the original post (it wasn't sarcastic), but then I decided to be nice to you and build on your "the opposite of what we're saying is actually correct" joke with my comment.

Straight swords being too good isn't an argument buddy, try again.

Or you know maybe the publisher matters a little too
Maybe sony is a better publisher for from and gives them more time and money.

Bamco clearly pushed out DaS1 too early. Miyazaki likely had a better time working with BB and that is why he gave DaS2 to someone else.
And with das3 he already knew he had less time and money under Bamco so it was less ambitious

Actually I mained the drakekeeper ugs in 2, and while it wasn't the best choice in terms of minmaxing it was my best choice for fun.

Stop projecting you butthurt soulsbabby.

That you like straight swords less than greatswords isn't a very good argument.
Why is Greatswords being OP in the previous games not a problem?


I think weapon arts or whatever they were called was supposed to mitigate the shitty DPS of things like GS vs SS since the GS had guard breaking attacks and super armor weapon arts

but like BB, much of the new shit they tried to spice up the gameplay was superfluous and pointless. mashing R1 was the top strat in either case

Okay, hold on. You used a sub-optimal weapon in the other Souls games and was fine with it because you had more fun with your weapon of choice and the game was still easily beatable. But this could easily apply to any non-straight sword weapon in 3 too, so why are you shitting on it so hard when it was apparently fine before?

Actually, no need to answer, I already know why: you want to fit in with the cool DaS1 nostalgiafags in this crowd by hating on 3.

>I kill 2 of them
>Host and other dude turtle with strength weapons so if i attack one the other will hit me
>Resummon well i kill the 3 of them in different intervals
>This goes on for like 7-8 kills
>Eventually no estus despite this
>Get killed

I hate that you can resummon forever combined with how godlike roll iframes are. So unless i get the host 1 v 1 its like it will keep happening. Luckily these fags are kinda rare but fuck

So you used a greatsword like I said you would

Again its no different than DaS1 were greatswords were too strong compared to straight swords.
You just prefer the shit you like to be OP.

You are not being objective

Not me.
After playing The Witcher 3 and Breath of the Wild I realized that the Souls series is, and has always been, a mediocre and half-broken game and I fell into it out of a false, forced hype. Vanilla Dark Souls 3 is the last game in the series I'll play.

>You have horrible taste if you think das2 is any way better
Or, you know, he might just not be a contrarian shitter. DS2 has higher ratings on Steam. It has sold way more over 2 editions. DS3 needs to sell 700k more units to catch up with DS2 and that is literally impossible at this stage in the game's lifecycle.

>two handed greatsword swing is vertical instead of horizontal ever since DaS2 (3 included)

why the fuck can't I hit groups of mobs with the regular 2handed R1?

I really don't care.
Skyrim and Minecraft have more sales than any souls game

You are retarded.

DaS2 is the worst game. I don't care if everyone agrees or if I am the only person on the world saying it. It doesn't change anything.