I'm glad they finally did it.
What a slut
no way, fag
she wasn't even best girl in this game, i feel cheated.
no way fag
Fuggen finally
no way
disgusting eyebrows
Fuck you OP. Why did you do this? Now I want to rush Hyrule Castle and quit exploring.
And yet once again she's not best girl in her own game. Hopefully next time we get a Zelda that isn't just waifubait.
Is this for real?
zero chance, homosexual.
Disgusting. That's how you get cooties.
So long gay bowser
Fuck you, where is fish?
Link doesn't kiss used goods
Dead, kill yourself
No way, Homo
God what a shitty fucking Zelda
>looks like a hick
>sounds like a hick pretending to be British
Still better then being with Zelda.
she was cute af, god damn it Nintendo
>implying you could resist this qt3.14
>kissing a girl
Fucking gay.
There is nothing cute about her or her disgusting voice.
Nothing gets me harder than a girl acting autistic while holding a frog.
Eww no. She has the downs.
best waifu
>that face
Prime cockslap candidate.
how could you not like thicc eyebrows?
Just as long as there isn't any hand holding, I'm fine with it
damn, I'm gay but she's fucking cute
>everything is autism
Do you people never leave your rooms at all?
>user, you promised to take me to the ruins.
I've met guys prettier than that
I kissed a girl and I liked it
>leaving your room
What are you, autistic?
gib fish
Link bangs this ugly ps2 graphics tyranny.
Meanwhile... Geralt of Rivea is fucking that hot piece of ass Yennifer.
I'd rather kiss Paya
>zelda is now half nigger
Fucking kek,not even once.
>No thanks, you really have the Breath of the Wild.
Really, Nintendo?
Thicc eyebrows only work if the girl is cute. Zelda isn't.
No thanks. But hey, is Impa's granddaughter single?
>99 nobles impressed.
I'd rather have the ghost fish or the loli Gerudo.
What is this new meme?
That frog is a viagra.
Kill yourself you balding fuck
how many times will zelda be kidnapped by gaynon?
Dude seriously? look at her face,if you've ever seen any chick who is half black you would know exactly what im talking about
>half black
Every nigger in America is moxed, so this is a wide field.
Sorry, I'm not so racist and terrified of black people that I scan everyone's faces to determine the amount of black genes in them.
Zelda is the worst! In fact she's the worst female in gaming. Zelda is the textbook example f a "Damsel In Distress" she's the most worthless female in video games.
Zelda IS a worthless character, she serves no purpose in the series other than to be Link's prize to be won and never has more than 15 minutes of screen time. She's either in the background completely disappearing from the plot completely, or she's useless character even when she's onscreen being no better than a Glorified NPC. a lot of things centered around her character are either entire contradictions or just serve to make her a worthless, walking Plot Device. And Link has to save her at every corner and can't fight anything herself unless Impa or Link defends her.
Like the fact she's the Triforce of "Wisdom" but hardly does anything to be considered wise expect to spout boring exposition about hyrule. Unlike Link and Ganon's triforces which grant them power to get them out of numerous situations, Zelda's piece doesn't do anything except to create a symbol that the villain needs her simply because of her selective piece, essentially making her a living plot device with nothing to offer than to be walking scenery or something for Link to win when the plot climax remembers she exists.
Triforce of Wisdom? More like Triforce of Worthless. Seriously the amount of times she gets kidnapped is embarrassing, she serves just about as much worth as a Disney Princess.
You've got to be kidding.
Each Zelda are suppose to be different people right? Then why is it do all of them serve the exact same purpose and exposition lines? They all have no personality, everything they translate offers nothing but nonsense about villain of the week appearing or hyrule. How many times is Zelda going to say anything not related to Hyrule? At least Peach has a personality.
And she hardly does anything worthy of ruling a kingdom, she dooms it more than anything. And she's barely shown doing royal duties. By far the worst Zelda is "A Link to the Past" in which she's captured twice, and does nothing of importance while she's onscreen before she gets kidnapped" then this same version appears again the Oracle of Seasons/Ages and gets kidnapped twice AGAIN while doing nothing of contribution, the fact a single version was captured 4 times in an entire lifespan really makes me question how useless a character can be.
This also comes with the fact that it makes no sense how she finds any Legends when Link is the Legend most of the time and Zelda does nothing worthy to have the title named after her. I guess she is a Legend, Legend at seeing how worthless a character can be. I honestly hated that scene where Zelda berates Link for trying to escort her, what right gives her privilege to shout at someone? I wanted too slap her.
Lastly it really annoys me when people see her as a strong character compared to Peach, in which Peach has proved to be an effective fighter, being highly proficient in Smash, Showing fighting skills in RPG games and being athletic. Peach is not the damsel Zelda is and that's that. This is what annoys me most of all, with Peach being my favorite character! Princess Peach is a strong character that can defend herself and has helped Mario more than anything Zelda's ever done for Link, which is to just be a passive Textbox with nothing to offer Link other than a prize to be won. She's a passive female trophy.
That is one smug zelda.
The taste of her CLITORIS
go back to Mitakihara, Hitomi
It's literally pre "no way fag"
>try this hard
>nobody replies
I'll give you a pity (You)
Fish>Zelda>Desert chick
You take that back, faggot.
Can someone who is not an "ebin memester" actually clarify whether you can finally romance Zelda as Link in the finale ending?
Just checking if NIntendo grew balls in 2017.
God I hope for your sake this is pasta.
Why is Purah so perfect?
>cute fish girl
>dom gerudo babe
>zelda more beautiful than ever
>even link as a trap
Have we entered a new era of waifu loving in Zelda? This is the best.
>can only play game if fictional man gets together with fictional woman
get a woman irl first before talking if a company making kids games grew balls because you certainly dont
She never is.
>exposed forehead
Link and Zelda kiss at the end of Links Adventure though.
Whether or not it happens in this game I don't know. Only 50 or so hours in and only have done one divine beast.
>doesn't like cute foreheads on his vidyer chicks
Should I do the water beast if I only have like 5 hearts?
her voice actress needs to be shot. she did a horrible job.
Go for it. I did it with five.
She looks so fucking retarded here.
Like literally a down-syndrome face.
Link is cuter than her 2bh.
Muh dick
post the kiss
They don't actually kiss if that's what you're asking but the game does heavily push Link x Zelda
Some people like romance in games or movies and it has nothing to do with anything you're saying.
I'm talking about the growing balls remark.
It's funny to see neckbeard virgins say Nintendo doesn't grow balls for not putting in explicit love stories in their games.
Disney make shit for kids and they do romantic connection with main characters. Why is Nintendo so against exploring LinkxZelda, MarioxPeach beside having one rescue the other?
found it on youtube
the chicks profile is as follows
I'll make this perfectly clear, I have a strict "my way or the highway"policy and if I don't agree with you I have every right to. i also don't support criticism aimed toward myself, even if i understand how it works. if you are in any way aggressive, mean, irritable, harsh, ego-centric and a naggy wet blanket i won't respond kindly to you and will most likely block or respond in the meanest way possible.
I came here to have fun, not to be preached too about how "rules work" so respect my agendas and mindset. I have low tolerance for sexual content, i'm extremely asexual. if i'm involved in any sex references or jokes, expect rage. also nobody tells me what to do.
i'm also a feminist with strong feminism beliefs and ideologies. so i have low tolerance against men simply because they are the worst victims of what i stated. as well as nasty perverts.
if you can't respect my mindset then don't even bother with me, you're just a waste of my time, temper and keyboard space.
You are projecting too much, virgin.
But of the two Yen has more of a manface.
They are though, they just don't make overt actions towards each other
Whatever you say, neckbeard virgin
what a fucking cunt
Her brother's still alive and better, you know.
So how much is Zelda actually in the game? I understand that she's abducted by Ganon pretty early into the game. Is Link just having flashbacks of her constantly or something?
This Zelda had two things going for her I loved. Thick eyebrows and a big ass. I mean, goddamn. Those hips and that ass were outrageous.