Game has a shit story

>game has a shit story

what games have the best story then?
Last of us?
The walking dead?
Chrono Trigger?

Witcher 1


Most of the games people will recommend are going to be books or movies crammed into irrelevant game mechanics.

Silent Hill 2, and the obvious Planescape: Torment.

Saints Row 1 and 2

It's a good game but the story is pretty shit. Nobody likes a story told through nothing but flashbacks.

Mother 3

I'm gonna get crucified for this because Sup Forums is autistic but Uncharted 3 and 4 have fantastic stories.

I was not expecting the conclusions of either game to be as good as they were. Bullshit fun and games and suddenly Scorsese tier outta nowhere.

Story is dire in BotW. A good story makes you interested in what happens, has entertaining arcs, revelations, etc... BotW's story was disjointed, weak, and poorly told.

It failed to make me character about the characters, their goals, or the world itself.

Ghost Trick probably

>Walking Dead
troll thread?

Zero Escape

Most people will fail to separate "good story" from "good writing".

TWEWY's story isn't very good. Moreso the character interactions/dilemmas and the world building.

PXZ 2.

He merely asked. If it's not then say no.

not a troll thread

>Planescape: Torment
See the post above yours.

>The Last Guardian

>simple effective, nonintrusive story telling.
>uses actual gameplay mechanics to further character development

I came to this conclusion when the game tricks you into surrounding yourself with enemies to get rid of the bad dudes holding the glass eyes Trico is afraid of. Instead of putting it in a cutscene, they just flood you with enemies and right before you bite it Trico overcomes his fear and saves you despite the eyes that he's scared shitless of still being present.

It doesn't break the flow of the game. It doesn't go to cutscene. You are just playing, you think there is going to be a gameover, and then something cool happens.

Maybe, haven't played.


>Last of us?
What's so good about the story? Pretty cliche to be honest. Good atmosphere, dialogues and presentation, but the story itself is average.

>The walking dead?
Better than TLoU in terms of story, but still nope.

>Chrono Trigger?
One of my favourite games, but the story isn't really anything that special.

No. TW1 is my favourite TW and one of my favourite CRPGs, but still.

>it's the "I like this game, so everything about it is the best in the world" episode

>Planescape: Torment

>Uncharted 3
Haven't played U4, but 3 doesn't have a good story at all.

The plot twists are top tier, not sure about the story in general.

Could be actually. At least it's complicated.

My suggestion: Xenogears. Also: To the Moon.

stay mad sony niggers

>time travelling is a good storytelling tool.

I'm a mustard and I'll be enjoying your game soon enough. But I read about the game and watched some videos. Even if the gameplay really is 10/10, the story isn't.

>At least it's complicated.
>complexity makes a story good
Fuck you nigger.


how about Brothers? climax couldn't occur in any other medium, not the same or as subtly

user score is incredibly low
>those are just people who hate the game
yeah just like the reviewers paid to give it an amazibg score
its got really amazing gameplay sure probably toppibg most other games but it doesn't have that amazing graphics, music or story.

>Game has a shit story but good gameplay
>Game has a nice story and good gameplay

>>opinion of an unknown person, implied to be commonly stated

>appeal to anonymous authority demanding to know the specifics of that opinion
>seemingly unaware that opinions ≠ facts
>perhaps unable to form or at least self-validate own opinions after spending too much time on Sup Forums

Behold, autism the post.

For real though, if you like it, you like it. Who cares if someone else doesnt?