Am I the only one that really doesn't like the ending to this game?

Am I the only one that really doesn't like the ending to this game?


Probably. What didn't you like about it?

That depends, there's a lot to the ending. What exactly did you hate?

ok. thanks for clearing that up

The fact that the entire game up to that point was basically abandoned and retconned out makes it feel dissatisfying and a bit like a cop-out, especially when everyone probably died in the timeline left behind
Yes I know that it wasn't all for nothing because it got you to the point where you could fix everything - but the method of fixing it all felt like giving up

I didn't really like it, felt pretty unfulfilling

What I hate about it is they never made a game to follow up on it

JUST DO A Ghost Trick Vs Phoenix Wright ALREADY

If you consider it's time travel to work like that, sure

but it don't

Yeah that's fair I think. Most of the enjoyment from the ending comes from the fact that all the characters you've come to meet and like over the course of the game get good ends, and if that feels like a cop-out, you have all right to feel disappointed.

But time travel was a major point of the whole game, so it's not exactly a common opinion.

>What I hate about it is they never made a game to follow up on it
not sure what would it be about but those 2 blue characters that barely got spotlight seemed interesting

Oh, yeah, sure, I did feel a little let down about that. That's time travel, though.

Why wouldn't it? Missile exists from an alternate reality (somehow, and badly explained) so all those realities still occur

Every time you reverse someone's death you have another fork in realities, this is just something you should have accepted with the first death. So what you're complaining about is really the game retconning all the retconning you did yourself

It would be about Gumshoe and these guys teaming up.

It got a bit convoluted toward the end. That would be my main complaint.

I swear if i see that fucking stupid dance again

I dunno, I think the game set up the ending absolutely perfectly, from how you time travel to the moment of the first death to how reversing it impacts the rest of the story to how missile had to convince you to even begin your adventure. Sure it's a tiny bit silly due to all the time travel, but nothing I'd consider "convoluted"

It gets confusing with the regular deaths because their conscience is sort of dragged back and inserted into the alive timeline - but with the ending only Jowd and Yomiel were there

I know what you mean, the plot goes crazy, and then you get a simple timefix out of nowhere. I thought I'd learn more about the foreign country, etc. But it instead really ends out of nowhere. Otherwise though it has a really crazy ending.

Sure, but all those people that stayed alive still have to deal with those deaths, you saved the victim, but not their families or friends, that "universe" is still fucked. So if you're gonna complain about the ending, you should also complain about every other instance of the protag using his powers to solve problems.

I sort of thought it was pretty hype. The whole "Ah damn, we're about to die and we can't do anything unless we go through YOUR OWN BODY AND SAVE YOUR LIFE 10 YEARS AGO" was great for me.

It ended pretty perfectly, but still. There's a chance.

>"In an interview with Official Nintendo Magazine in 2013, Takumi said that he'd love to make a crossover video game between Ghost Trick and his other series, Ace Attorney, speculating that Phoenix Wright could be killed, while his killer would be prosecuted by Sissel."

Maybe so but at least you're sort of adding on to a single timeline all night long, which is still dropped