You...I've seen you

You...I've seen you....

Let me see your Elder Scroll memes

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have you heard of the high elves, etc, etc

From the looks of it you're out of Fatigue good sir.

Top bait

that mudcrab is using CHIM retard of course you cant beat him

made me reply nigger

I've never played Morrowind but my computer will probably be able to run it. Is it worth trying if I liked Oblivion and to some extent Skyrim?

What's Numidium's end goal?
To destroy the Mundus or the Godhead?

lusty argonian maid lewd posting etc. etc.

good bait but its should cut back and forth between a clip of oblivion/skyrim combat for maximum (You) potential
bonus points if the skyrim footage is nothing but execution animations

C0da makes it canon

Why were Skyrim's *cities* so tiny? Was it cause of consoles or is Bethesda really just that lazy?

Yeah, definitely. Just keep its age in mind and remember that making your character something stronger than a twig takes a little bit of time.

No. it's an entirely different experience. It's like old school pen and paper rpgs. You can't just expect to pick up any weapon and use it. You need to have the right stats to be able to use it effectively and most of your attacks will miss. it's a lot of text to read and has no quest markers or anything like that. It doesn't hold your hand and there isn't even any tutorial level or anything before it throws you into the open world. I had never played it when it came out, but when you compare it to oblivion, morrowind is not fun.

Well they want to make every NPC meaningful and unique. And when you do that, it means you are limited to creating only a certain amount of NPCs.

In Morrowind they could fill the town with NPCs because most of them were basically just copy-pasted.

You make it sound too harsh, the game has a very accessible beginning in which it gives you a direction and objective. Plus Seyda Neen basically functions as a tutorial because of its easy quests.

No procedural generation was used in Skyrim. In Morrowind and Oblivion they generated the terran and *then* they individualized it

Just be sure to use the weapon you spec for in the beginning so you're not acting like a retard like the first post.
After a few hours you should have high enough levels to change to something else and not die.

Also pro tip- if you install the expansions, you're going to be targeted by assassins. Not too hard even in early game, and they drop great light armor that also sells really well.

So what you're saying is we can converse and befriend every bandit, necromancer and w/e in the world and they're all ubique NPCs?

Because every building needs to be enterable, every one of them is hand-made and there's a lot more detail than was expected at the time of Morrowind.

It would really help if they added some procedural generation, not as a main meat of the game (that would be boring), but only as filler to make the locations more believable. You don't expect to know every single person in what is supposed to be a large city.

I'm playing through the oblivion but it's pretty fucking boring.
Combat feels lame and awkward and ultimately unsatisfying. No interesting characters whatsoever. Dungeons are all copy-pasted with shit tier loot in the end.

I was talking about town citizens. If you go into Whiterun or Solitutde, for instance, every NPC sans the guards will say something unique. Every store owner says something unique about their store, for instance.

Compare it to Morrowind, where if you go into Balmora, almost every NPC will greet you with a generic "Greetings outlander, can I point you to local services or someone in particular?" and will have the exact same responses to every discussion topic. It's a lot easier to have a bigger town when you can just copy-paste a bunch of NPCs.

The dungeons are what piss me off the most. The caves and forts are just so BORING looking, so dark and samey. I fucking hate navigating around them, and I hate the "this gate is opened elsewhere" shit because you have to look for a tiny handle that blends into the walls.

That's what really ruined Oblivion for me, the dungeons.

Probably a mixture of both. Bethesda loves to cut corners and even with how trim Skyrim is it struggles on the 360/PS3 it was designed for.

>Well they want to make every NPC meaningful and unique.
Well they failed.

This is bullshit I'm the fucking nerevarine

Are you a man or faggot? Roll.

I played oblivion and skyrim before morrowind and i love morrowind, but there's a lot you could do that might ruin your first experience. First you should definitely get something like the steed and put athletics as one of your majors if you don't want to move like a slug, and if you don't want to miss everything you hit at the start, it's best to be a mage and focus on destruction. If you decide to be a mage then go for house telvanni and don't join house hlallu or redoran because you can only choose one in a playthrough and telvanni benefits mages most.

Maybe in a meaningful sense they did fail, but in a technical sense they didn't. In Oblivion or Skyrim, I know that if I go into a store or tavern and talk to the owner, they will have something unique to say about their store, something that gives a little more detail to the town and their life. I know that if I see someone on the street, I can similarly talk to them and get some unique dialogue.

Such is not true for Morrowind. So maybe they're not doing a great job but I can see what they are trying to do. While I love Morrowind, in many ways it feels like a very cold, empty game, because most of the NPCs are meaningless.

wtf this game sucks, that would never happen to my nigga the dragonborn

>tfw TES will never have Dragon's Dogma combat
>tfw Dragon's Dogma will never have TES worldbuilding and writing

DD was fun but Japanese games are so creatively empty that I may as well be playing a platformer. TES has 16 deities, some archdeities, some deities above them, some heretical deities that humans can directly interact with, celestial signs, multiple realms, royal lineages, guilds, legends that can be researched throughout the game world, storied dungeons, original monsters, over a dozen fleshed-out races, many provinces and unseen but hinted foreign lore... All DD and most Japanese games have going for them is combat, waifus, and edgy MC.

I went from playing oblivion and skyrim to playing morrowind and i had to look up a guide because it's so different. The graphics and animations are ugly, the ui is completely different, and the combat is based on behind the scenes dice rolls which aren't explained. Even after knowing how to play the paragraphs of text to read and the poor excuse for a quest journal just made me realize that the game is not fun. I can only ever get about 2 hours into playing a new character before i give up on the game.

tl;dr version
>TES: wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle
>DD: broad as a thumbtack, deep as the mariana trench

The Arisen isn't edgy, besides if the gameplay is good enough to carry the game why do you need lore? Not like DD is a text heavy, important decisions RPG.


are they going to finish the less generic NPCs mod for morrowind

That's okay. Clearly it's not a game for you.

This isn't true though. Most of the shopekeepers do have some unique dialogue. Also a major town populated by only 10 people who each talk to you as if you were their best friend is far less immersive than a town with lots of people who just talk about local rumors. And how much of that dialogue was really unique versus restating the same thing in a different way. Having every npc be unique feels awkward. Also has the added negative of making the shared dialogue sound extemely out of place.

>I saw a mud crab the other day

How is TES' lore shallow compared to DD?
>Not like DD is a text heavy, important decisions RPG
That's what makes it lazy. That and the clearly unfinished map. Almost every single character has a single line that means nothing, and they could have made them mean something. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but everything you can do amounts to an entertaining chore. Role-playing should give you something to think about.

It's to be expected of Japanese, though. So hung up on appearances that they don't see anything else.

The lore isn't shallow, the gameplay is.

>Most of the shopekeepers do have some unique dialogue.

That is objectively not true. Talk to most of the shopkeepers in Balmora, Vivec and Sadrith Mora. Hardly any of them have unique dialogue.

But you do have a point. In some ways Morrowind's system was better, because it's not like most people would just be open to you anyway. It was a lot easier to imagine the towns being full of life and having a history. In Oblivion and Skyrim, the towns felt pretty empty because the NPCs reveal everything to you directly.

This. You're not supposed to know everyone in a city, and you're not supposed to be able to go into every house. Downscaling both of those things into a set of shacks with a castle in the corner is a cheap copout and ruins immersion. I'd rather have a hundred houses I can't enter and hundred people who share similar things when spoken to than ten houses with a castle behind them.

Gotta agree with you there

Can't you enter every house in Morrowind anyway?

If there are houses you can't enter, they're extremely rare. As long as you can break the lock, you can enter pretty much anywhere.

Getting the urge to replay Oblivion, how long will it take for Skyblivion to release?

They basically just started seriously putting work into it since they're almost done with Skywind. Probably gonna take a couple years but definitely less than Skywind since they can reuse a lot of assets from skyrim and the npcs are already voiced, unless they decide to re record the voices which wouldn't be a bad idea

Same but I powered through it and came to enjoy it. My first Morrowind playthrough contains my worst and best experiences playing TES

MK is cancer. MA philosophy degree and thinks it's a license to add bullshit metaphysical stuff in lore which comes from nowhere and acts as an end-all explanation when fans want something concrete. Also his gf Lady Nerevar on the official forums is some pretentious drawing bitch

To divide by zero.

Well he fucking jumpstart the lore with shrooms and weed while butt-fucking Todd in his apartment. Hell yes he has a license.


I'll dump my TES memes
also, anyone has lore questions?

Wtf was Vivec doing in a store? Stop glitching the game, nigger.

It's an easter egg after you beat the main quest.

Numidium is a mistake. Original goal was whatever Kagrenack thought apotheosis was like, unified Godhood for all Dwemer.

Current Numidium is just...wrong.




Give me gear nerd memes





>Original goal was whatever Kagrenack thought apotheosis was like
The dwemer's original goal is exactly the same the Thalmor has: to return their souls to the original divine spirit they came from. But the dwemer, being the extreme fedoras they were, didn't even care about creation enough to destroy it, unlike the thalmor; so they just made their own divine spirit to fuse with.

And it worked. The problem with numidium is its fedora-field is so strong it tells creation to go fuck itself.

I got to agree. Went back and tried to play it first time and hated how big the city's were and how bland the landscape was.

When I discovered body mods, I installed the full naked bodies because I wanted tiddies and was old enough to not be bothered by cocks. Then I entered 6th house caves and was swarmed by naked elfs with dicks flopping everywhere, and had to pause because I was laughing too much.

>there isn't even any tutorial level or anything
The census office is the tutorial. Or were you just closing every window without reading it?

>notices muatra
>ALMSIVI what's this?

Oblivion GOTY edition should be arriving tomorrow, still best ES game

Shivering Isles a best



I lost my virginity due to the oblivion opening dungeon


Let's see all the morrrroroind fans deffend the god awful combat. "Hahahaaa yeah memes ahahahhshahahah"


Why not... Rolling.


what a shit game, cant even kill vivec as soon as you start lol

> not becoming a god in 3 minutes off the boat

>i am n'wah who doesn't understand how combat works
>this game is bad not me hahaha



Why is he so smug?

fuck forgot pic

because he are all we faggot

unless you count picking a class and race a tutorial, there isn't one

He's a God.


most people in real life are useless besides asking for directions or about the city/country you're in

npcs aren't useless, they're there for verisimilitude. having a town with 10 people but they're all wacky personality filled characters (which oblivion and skyrim try and fail to achieve) is less immersive than many regular joes walking about

By Azura, what did you just utter at me you filthy N'wah? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Tribunal Cult, I have been involved in numerous secret raids beyond the Ghostfence, and I have over 300 confirmed Ash Vampires slain. I'm trained in magical warfare and I'm the top archer in the entire Great House Indoril. You are nothing to me but just another mudcrab. I will wipe you off the face of Tamriel with magic the likes of which have never before been seen on Nirn, believe me, whelp. You think you can get away with saying that to me via telepathy? Think again, cur. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of mages across Tamriel, and your essence is being traced right now, so you better prepare for the firestorm, S'wit. The firestorm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. I'm watching you scum. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over 700 different ways, and that is just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in Conjuration, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Tribunal Ordinators, and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Nirn, you filthy outlander. If only you could have known what unholy magicks your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your guar sized tongue. But you didn't, you couldn't, and now you're paying with your blood, you gods damned fetcher. I will shit CHIM all over you and you will drown in it. You're going to die in here, N'wah. You're going to die!

If you spent a little more time to prepare before playing you would have a better time, you can be op in morrowind in 2 hours and the game is a breeze.


The whole point of metaphysics isthe principle of debate you assgoblin.