Just beat FF2. Here's my power rankings for the FFs I've played.
Fight me.
Just beat FF2. Here's my power rankings for the FFs I've played.
Fight me.
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>i play retro jrpgs
FF2 is universally agreed to be one of the worst, along with FF8.
FF1 is one of the better ones.
Ok good. Now play the other 1.
Which versions did you play? If you were playing originals you should've found 2 to be largely improved across the board. Remakes massively favored 1 over 2, giving it a better artstyle and adding a ton of items that were actually introduced in 2, as well as adding way more bonus content of higher quality than what 2 got. Way less nonfunctional shit in original FF2 relative to original FF1 as well.
Not exactly a controversial opinion, there. Most people give FFI a lot of slack for being groundbreaking at the time, but most people think that FFII is the worst in the series despite being ambitious for its day.
If you move on the FFIII, you'll probably like it the best of the NES trilogy. It created the Job system seen in later FFs, and if you haven't played Tactics or FFV or the others that used the system before it, it's pretty fresh.
I'm not sure if you're trolling, but I've heard a lot of praise for ffviii. That being said, I didn't care for ffviii and never finished it. Also I think people exaggerate how bad 2 is
No, you heard praise for FFVII (7).
FF8 has only two good things going for it, art direction (at the time) and music.
Story is nonsensical garbage, combat and gameplay are terrible (Draw system and level scaling, in a fucking JRPG, meaning that game is easiest at Lvl1 and hardest at 99 so you don't even want to level).
Generally it's quite bad, worse than 2 in my opinion. In fact I'd say FF15 which I revile is better than 8 as well.
Played the PS remakes
Playing 3 now on the Famicon. It's alright but this mini part is fucking stupid
2 wasnt horrible. The stat system was interesting but a bit exploitable. It was just kind of drab/average.
FF2's highest achievement is all the things it introduced to the series lore and having a story with much grander scale which served as foundation for what future FFs would become, but its gameplay is very clearly unrefined and the devs didn't know what to do with it.
FF2 is basically a one huge prototype for SaGa series as far as gameplay goes.
I respect what FFII tried to do, but there wasn't a single thing that went right. But I really wish that one day Square-Enix does a complete remake of the game with graphics that actually look like Amano's artwork, because his illustrations were the best part of the game. It would benefit a lot more from a remake than FFVII, to be honest.
FFVIII is a total mess in a lot of ways, but I think the haters are a bit too hard on it. It definitely felt like the creators knew that they had peaked with FF7 and just wanted to be as different as possible with 8 to avoid as many comparisons as they could. Some things worked, some things didn't.
FFII takes a bit more skill to play right, I'm not surprised you didn't like it, maybe one day you'll go back to it with a different mindset and it will click with you.
Or you just go play SaGa games anyway, no need to keep playing a basic draft for a stat system in a FF layout when any other SaGa game refines that and puts it in a appropriate framework.
I've only played SaGa Frontier II, but I still think that the gameplay was easily the worst part of it. Are the other games better?
>FFVIII is a total mess in a lot of ways, but I think the haters are a bit too hard on it.
We're not too hard on it.
We praise the things that deserve praise, its visuals for the time were great, art direction was unlike anything else seen at the time, music is the most mature of Uematsu's soundtracks and generally it oozes atmosphere.
But dear god is the gameplay and the plot stupid.
um which one is 2 again?
American 2 is like Jap 5 right?
Because I played that one, and it was preddy good
>Fight me.
Well, but you're right, user.
American II = Japanese IV
American III = Japanese VI
Final Fantasy Anthology came out 18 years ago. People shouldn't still be confused over this.
Jap 2
>i use the term retro incorrectly
>American 2 is like Jap 5 right?
Only on SNES retard, every since PS1 they fixed the series to have proper numbering in the west.
American 2 on SNES was Japan's 4.
American 3 on SNES was Japan's 6.
On PS1 they released 1-6 properly in English with correct numbering and they've been like that ever since.
OP is talking about the original Japanese 2 from NES, which had a remake on PS1, which was later ported to GBA with new content but worse music and graphics, and which was later remade again for the 20th anniversary on PSP with high-res 2D spritework and original PS1 RedBook audio.
American 2 was Japanese 4, but OP's talking about Japanese 2. It was going to be brought over, but by that point the SNES was out so they decided there was no point in doing localizations for any more of the NES games.
>Played the PS remakes
Ah, so you played the ugly baby versions and think you have the right to judge the actual games.
Ffviii being good has been a Sup Forums meme for years because everyone unironically loves the 2edgy4u protagonist
How can I prove you wrong when 1 is always best.
On the otherhand, at least people that did enjoy FF2's combat can still play SaGa
The Origins versions are the most faithful to the originals, though. The PSP and GBA versions of those games changed how some systems worked and lowered the difficulty across the board.
PS1 versions are faithful to originals, they're just bugfixed, with extra music, nicer spritework and higher quality audio, that's it.
It's the GBA remake that changed the magic to MP system among other under the hood changes.
Hey OP, since you're playing the PS1 versions of these games, I should mention that if you manage to make it to FFV, don't play the PS1 port. Play the GBA version, preferably with a sound hack. The PS1 port is based on an unfinished localization of the SNES version, with a fucking horrible translation and all the awkward loading times of the other PS1 FF ports.
>Y Burn
>YARRR Lenna, it be me, your sister Salsa!
>Are the other games better?
Depends on what you disliked about SaGa Frontier II.
All SaGa games are very different but keep a basic ruleset, which is coincidentially what many people don't like, if you can be more precise maybe I could suggest you another entry.
I really liked the pseudo-historical style of the narrative, the music, and the hand-painted watercolor art style. I'm sure that last one is right-out, but if the other games are similar in the first two regards I might check them out on a rainy day. And I guess my main problem with the gameplay was BECAUSE of the pseudo-historical narrative forcing you to jump around to different characters, which made the difficulty very uneven and kept you from feeling like you were progressing your skills. So as long as that stuff's improved I won't mind the combat.
Oh, tell me more please, after playingthe GBA class revamp mod I gotta hear more.
That mod turned a 9/10 game into a 13/10.
If only he played the glorious NES version where spells, special abilities, and even stats didn't work at all.
Neck yourself nostalgiafag.
Really? Thanks for the heads up. How do i get this audio mod, are there rom files with it loaded on it?
You mean it totally broke the game horribly on multiple levels.
If he had, he would better appreciate FF2, where many of those things did work. Even the relatively faithful PS1 remakes fixed a lot of things that weren't working in the original game, as well as making inventory management more lenient.
Is the class mod good or bad? Should i play it the first time with or without it?
I see, if that's the case then you can jump around any other game in the series because the historical switch between party members was unique to Frontier II, if you like all the rest such as sparking skills, comboing and all the rest you can enjoy other games.
Romancing SaGa 2 actually used a vaguely similar system given it's generational gameplay but it's still very different from Frontier II, it's not a game I'd suggest you to play if you're not experienced anyway because it's pretty much one of the toughest in the series to handle to this day.
Why don't you try the first Frontier? It's radically different in setting, if you like 90's sci-fi you might really like it, especially if you're familiar with the classic japanese sci-fi plots like Cyber City Oedo, Wicked City and all of Kikuchi's novels, but with some more craziness.
It doesn't look quite as charming as Frontier II though, Unlimited has a vaguely similar art direction with gorgeous hand drawn sprites but it's still not a game for everyone due to its unorthodox mechanics, it's basically a tabletop RPG in videogame form for most things.
romhacking.net is probably your best bet.
Oh, I wouldn't recommend it to a first-timer in any circumstance, but it made it fun as hell on a replay.
It's very imbalanced. Meant more for a second run than a first. It makes more abilities available earlier and lets you customize your entire command window (as opposed to one dedicated custom command like the original) and lets all classes benefit from the Freelancer's ability to gain any passive skills from other Mastered classes.
ummm which is the one with the airship
Final Fantasy Tactics is the only game with an airship, senpai.
The class mod is good since it nets you classes like Dragoon and summoner much earlier, along with the 3 bonus classes and treating every class as a mime (As in you can put three different actions instead of two and have most passives always on when a class is mastered)
Playing it first though? Probably not the best, since it kinda needs you to know about the game first, do it on a replay though.
Airships have been a series staple from the first game. I don't think there's a single FF game that doesn't have an airship in it somewhere.
Bad. It breaks the XP curve, massively overpowers some classes, penalizes hybridization while rewarding specialization in a game that already had measures that kept the two reasonable, and in general just makes a mess out of the game's balance. I did a practice FJF run with it and ended up way overleveled and overpowered while doing nothing differently from what I do in a normal run.
Don't bother with the audio mod for FFV on GBA - it just replaces one set of shitty inaccurate sounds with another set of shitty inaccurate sounds.
2 and 3 were pretty bad. It's a miracle 4 got made.
Make sure to use EU version of FF5 GBA as it had additional bugfixes not present in US and JP versions.
>meaning that game is easiest at Lvl1 and hardest at 99
Bosses didn't scale, so you DO want to level up.
>Story is nonsensical garbage
You are just stupid.
Literally every next game outsold the previous in JP.
FF6 is also still the most popular game next to FF7, to the point that the dev team keeps saying they want to remake FF6 after FF15.
>to the point that the dev team keeps saying they want to remake FF6 after FF15.
FF4 already got remade in 3D.
>Bosses didn't scale, so you DO want to level up.
Blatant fucking lie, they have fixed minimum level but their maximum is scaled.
>You are just stupid.
>FF4 already got remade in 3D.
4 isn't 6 you retard.
VI only outsold V thanks to one of them not being released overseas until 7 years after its release and V is pretty consistently rated higher than VI is in Japan. In fact, VI is one of the least popular FFs in Japan.
hey man 3 is really fucking good, play the DS version. I've played every ff and beaten a lot but I've never beat 1 or 2 so good job
I played it and stopped before even getting all the jobs because of how bored I was. If you know what you are doing, it makes the game so much easier. I had fun with the Single Job Challenge, so I'll probably play that again next time.
The DS remake of FFIII may have done a LOT right, but I'll never understand what the fuck they were thinking putting an "Adjustment Period" and seperate Job Levels into a game that requires you to change your entire party's classes for specific bosses and dungeons very frequently. And for not adding a save point anywhere in the final dungeon I mean what the fucking hell.
The point was your reasoning for saying that FF6 is the most popular game next to FF7, being that the dev team keeps saying they want to remake FF6, doesn't make any sense when other FFs were already remade before 6.
Oh yeah, this really helps considering almost every single fucking FF has a airship.
underrated shitpost made me reply desu
final dungeon/boss so good though. and the game was easy without any extra help like having all jobs same level. That actually sounds gay
The money isn't in Japan, it's in the west.
The reason 7 remake happened in the first place is because of it being free money in the west, and the reason why 6 is next in line is again because it's second most revered in the west.
Besides this still doesn't change the fact that the dev team explicitly says they want FF6 remake next.
I'm playing the original version with a fan translation. I heard the DS version was good, but read the original is better.
I'm fighting this fucking rat in the dragon right now and it's pissing me off. I hate being mini for this.
>and the reason why 6 is next in line is again because it's second most revered in the west.
What do you not understand about the fact that other FFs, specifically FF4, already got remakes. Why are you putting FF6 on a pedestal for being talked about for getting a remake, when other FFs have already gotten remakes.
>I heard the DS version was good, but read the original is better.
You heard wrong, they both have their strengths and weaknesses.
NES is completely imbalanced mess with some Jobs being literally worthless trash and story being non-existant.
DS rebalances Jobs, adds a Freelancer Job, Onion Knight actually becomes the Ultimate Job (like Mime in FF5) and the 4 onion children are actually turned into real characters with personalities and story this time around.
Story NPCs actually join your party as guest characters, there's extra dialogue everywhere and generally it's a lot better game.
The only real flaw of the DS remake is that Nintendo were jewish and artificially limited the ROM space of early cartridges so they couldn't get the same amount of monsters on screen as on DS. This dumb limitation was thankfully lifted by the time of FF4 remake which doesn't suffer from that problem.
>specifically FF4, already got remakes.
Those aren't real remakes.
They're low budget handheld effors.
We're talking a real full fledged remake like the one that FF7 is getting, with MAJOR changes.
That's what they want to do with FF6 as well, a full fledged AAA console game on a grand scale with changes for the modern generation.
the mini part is fuckin gay but trust me it gets better
You're supposed to change your party into spellcasters for that section. Get familiar with that concept because there are several areas where the only way to do something reasonably is to switch your whole party around.
Make everyone Black Mages with one White Mage if you haven't. The dungeon is just there to make you get used to having to constantly change classes to fit specific situations.
The DS remake did a lot right, like I said. It fleshed out the story more and made the protagonists into actual characters while balancing out the classes and making them more unique. You'll notice quickly as you get more classes in the original version that most of them are just straight upgrades of older classes. But every time you changed a class in the remake, you'd take about a 10% stat penalty for a few battles until you "adjusted" to the class, which would compound if you changed classes again. This despite not changing the dungeon design to reward a more balanced party and committed choices. Imagine having to either fight that rat with a stat penalty or having to run around in circles fighting six pointless battles before you were ready. And then having that class be leveled to the point that you didn't even want to try out new classes you unlocked. I don't understand the logic.
FF4 DS had major changes. 3D models, voice acting, new cutscenes, augments, whyt, all that was new stuff added to the game (for better or worse).
Major changes don't have to be changing the game from turn based to kingdom hearts.
Tried so many times to play through 1, but the first couple hours are so difficult to get through. I am very curious to try 2 though, I have a Repro of it for my NES, but haven't given it a shot yet.
They're not really major changes as much as they're refinements of the formula.
You can't be this deluded to think that voice acting and 3D models are "major change".
There are no new cutscenes, it simply has actual cutscenes instead of 2D sprite """cutscenes""".
Augments, the way some skills work and new enemy AI patterns are the only substantial change that stem mostly from the fact that the original game was broken and too easy.
Skills like Kick and Darkness were literally useless before so they got remade, Augments added customization, AI patters were changed since the game was piss easy.
Now look at FF7R and the whole fucking game is being changed down to the very basics.
That's what you can expect from the eventual FF6 remake. I don't know what kind of asperger do you have that you can't comprehend the difference between a full blown remake and an enhanced port.
Difficult as in too hard, or difficult because it's so boring.
>Raking the FF Games I've played though
sounds like an awful FF6 game, then.
>sounds like an awful FF6 game, then.
If you're one of those that baselessly hate FF7R despite it not even being out, I guess you deserve being retarded.
Seriously I'm all for being cautious about it and I hate that it's being split but for fucks sake reserve your shitposting until the game is actually out for everyone to judge.
>That's what you can expect from the eventual FF6 remake.
Good. FF6 is a giant fucking mess of a game and its mechanics are most of the reason why.
A combination of both. I would often die after an hour or so and then try starting over with a different party, or the initial grinding once I begun just got too tedious.
Yeah, the early game is really shitty about grinding and every goddamn thing on the planet poisoning you. But the difficulty curve is like the first drop on a big roller coaster. Particularly if you have a Monk, someone who can cast Temper, or a White Mage with Blink, you can steam roll everything from Gurgu Volcano onward.
>tfw you like FFII
It's a good feeling. It's great when you play a game you like.
If you're play the NES version, TMPR is bugged and doesn't do anything.
There are only like three fucking spells in the NES version that did what they were supposed to. Even the INT stat was bugged and didn't do a goddamn thing. For how iconic Black Mages are in Final Fantasy, they had a rough goddamn start.
IIRC, the Int stat doesn't do anything because the spells that would use it were just coded to do base damage with some random variance, and didn't use any stats.
My favorite bug is how all the elemental swords are non-elemental.
I'm not even sure elemental damage was real in FFI. If I remember right, Fire, Bolt and Ice were on different spell levels and were essentially just stronger nukes.
>I'm not even sure elemental damage was real in FFI
It was.
>If I remember right
You don't.
3 is my least favourite. It's just boring and makes you use mini way too often. Played both the NES and DS version but took the DS version furthest. It is the first to do a lot of stuff that later games would copy but the story is as dull as 1's was in that it's just go here, help these people, now go here, help these people etc. 1 has the excuse of being the first but it also had interesting scenario's with a cool land structure - Dracula in the rock element area being a more memorable section. 3 just has too many little quests that get resolved too quickly and forgotten.