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I'm glad I got over the 'collectors edition' shit.

There hasn't been a collectors edition of a game that I haven't regretted buying.

>collector's bundle
so this is a collector's edition, and it comes with a steel case in addition to the game.

you're a fucking retard.


Find some rope, learn to make a noose, find a tree with sturdy branches and then promptly hang yourself.

In a sane world. He would be. But this is the world were living in. And you're the retard.

I think I figured it out. They had the bundle ready and then for some unexplainable reason they then decided to sell the game srperately anyway. It would the case and the digital content in the bundle you get anyway when you buy the base game.

It's still fucked beyond belief, but that is the only possible explanation I can think of.

No, its an RC car bundle that comes with an extra steel case. People think its a game bundle but it's never claimed to be a game bundle, just the Nomad RC Car Bundle.

>they have steelbook cases for games that are no longer shipping with things inside it beyond a disc
Absolutely embarrassing

Collector's Editions are 100% a scam, especially now that they don't even include the game. The last CE I bought was RE5, I'll never buy another one.

I don't know how they get away with such blatant Jew tactics like this. Guaranteed to sell though because idiots love this shit.

>People think they deserve a free $60 game for buying an RC car

I bought the vita muramasa LE/CE and it was absolutely worth it. Sweet little drawstring bag that fits my vita, hori screen protector which is still on my system 5 years later, and of course the actual fucking game, all for $40. Granted I bought it way after the game actually came out.

The last collectors edition I bought was doom 3.

>you buy the bundle to get the steel case for which you need the game for it to be of any use

I still have the Halo 2 and Perfect Dark Zero tin cases in my closet.

>still falling for collection edition or such
They're nothing but kiddy scam, don't waste your money and use it to buy multiple different games instead, or just keep it for later.

How embarassing, neck yourself.

The bundle is for the fucking RC Car, the steelcase is a bonus because if you buying an overpriced RC car licensed for the game, you'll end up buying the game too. Not once does it ever say this collector's edition was for the fucking game retart.

>night guards
>hair brush
>those sheets
>all those unpopped kernels
revaluate your choices, user.

And don't forget that the bundle supposedly contains digital content for the game, but some of it is the same as the content you get in the base game anyway.
So let me get this straight. You buy the bundle and get digital content that you can only use if you buy the game, but the base game you buy already contains that content.

It's unbelievable retardation.

>the wrongest man in the universe

>This thing is controllable with a phone app
It literally does not even come with a remote control you HAVE to use a fucking phone app.

I have that too, user. and I like all the DOOM games for different reasons too.

Is this a collectors edition i'm looking at? What the fuck is this.

Just like Evolve's Hunting Season Pass never claimed to be a season pass and it's all the customer's fault for getting confused.

(No Game Included) on every ad. If you don't see it you're a retard who deserves to be swindled. Yeah, sometimes the customer isn't always right cause the customer can be shit for brains.

Didn't Dark Souls do this too at one point? I recall there being a "collectors edition" that came with a really shitty Estus Flask that was just a chunk of plastic and no game.

Yes its a $200 collectors edition with an RC car and a steelbook with no game, have to pay an extra $60 for the game.

I like to live dangerously.


You fucking dolt didn't get the point. Why sell the bundle on day 1 without the game if it's clear that you'd only buy it in combination with the game?

I'm pretty sure it came with a strategy guide but yes it was laughably bad.

Then why the fuck is it called a "bundle" in the first place

So it doesn't have the game in it? That's fucking ridiculous. The Biodrones will still buy it though.

Also, OP, learn how to screenshot you fucking faggot.

it's bundled with the steelcase

it still came with the game though didn't it?

Unless you buy the $260 bundle with the game correct you don't get it.


Doesn't look like it

>tfw you're a sucker for cheap collectors editions
Even if the game is junk, sometimes the shit that comes with them are nice.

Where you do you get your CE's, Sup Forums?

I usually only go for that sort of shit if its at no extra cost (usually preorder bonus').

But yeah, collector editions without the game included is some pretty retarded shit.

nono, you buy the steelcase.
bundled with the game.

Amazon, 20% discount.

Waiting on the persona 5 one now.

>the bundle is an rc car with a steelbook case

This bundle is really exposing the amount of children on here lacking critical thinking skills.

>Not storing your video games and your popcorn in a cool, dry place

what a poorly made buttplug

I haven't bought a collectors edition since Halo: Reach after I moved to PC since they hardly ever have them anymore for PC releases.

>ITT Anons get butt blasted over being unable to read "Game not included" as "Game not included" but instead read it as "Game taken out of the package, fuck you haha you don't get the game and the rc car for the price of the rc car"

are you retarded

Go check out the c&c "collectors" edition
Literally just a piece of paper in it with the code on it to download with origin

>there are people out there that still defend EA


wow, what a gyp. I don't think I would ever pay for a CE if it didn't come with a game, even for a series/setting I love. and this is coming from someone who spends too much money than they should on tabletop games.

Wasn't a collector's edition, it was a $20 bundle of all released C&C games

No, I just understand that RC Car bundle that comes with some game content is the same as an expensive fucking amiibo.

it actually makes sense when you think about it. this way you don't have to worry about a collector's edition being in stock for your specific platform since it doesn't make a difference. pickup your collector's and pickup the copy of the game itself for your system.


you are retarded

With some of the game content being the same as the one you get with the base game.
You cannot defend this.

Sorry, did you expect me not to think this was a collectible RC Car bundle? I'm confused as to how I'm the retard.

Were there any decent collector's editons at all?
Most seem pretty shit.

I didn't know Sup Forums was capable of intelligence

Yeah but we can use this to make fun of Andromeda so we're doing that instead

you don't have to buy the rc car if you don't want it, you know. you can just buy the game itself if that's all you care about

Thats exactly what the amiibo's do for breath of the wild, streamline unlocking content you can get in the game. You're only further proving my point that its just an expensive ass amiibo toy with digital content bundled, as well as a free game case cause why not.

>some game content
What game content, you gigantic faggot? You get an RC car and an empty steelbook. This is completely unrelated to the game itself and they're basically jewing steelbookniggers out of hundreds of dollars by taping the steelbook (which has zero use without the game) to a shitty RC car.

Wow. This makes some sense, but I'm not sure EA is capable of an intelligent thought like this.

>This is completely unrelated to the game itself and they're basically jewing steelbookniggers out of hundreds of dollars by taping the steelbook (which has zero use without the game) to a shitty RC car.

the steelbook is useless even with the game. it doesn't do anything but hold a disk and a paper manual if you're lucky

>Missing the point this hard

Fly attractant in me porridge

Killzone 3 came with a giant helghast head and pretty cool helghast action figure.

Read the thread. Someone claimed it had digital content, however whether it does or not is irrelevant because the bundle is focused on the RC car.

>steelbookniggers need to buy it now abu abu boohhoooo
Why are you trying to shame me into feeling bad for people who are fucking addicted to collecting shit trinkets?

what point? if you don't want an andromeda rc car then why would you buy this

>People defending this
It's true, retards will defend anything

You can buy the rc car by itself or bundled with the game. The RC car by itself isn't referred to as a bundle

>What game content, you gigantic faggot?


That's you mate

But hes right, the point is that now you don't have to worry about collector's edition specific to a platform, putting less stress on the consumer and the retailer.

>Buy $160 collector's bundle that comes with game and car
WOW NICE JUST WHAT I WANTED LOL Even though we know most of the people bitching in this thread don't even want the game to begin with
>Buy $100 collector's bundle and the $60 game separate


Jesus man, this ruins the trolls old ass image. You can't be posting current stores with accurate prices in this rage fest.

Fucking this. I don't even give a shit about Mass Effect but people are just being retards

op is a faggot. it you can buy it with the game if you want

I'm not trying to shame you into anything, people that buy this junk are just retarded, but I also don't think they should carry the whole blame. These bundle shenanigans are a shitty practice and I think it's at the very least distasteful if not downright disgusting by EA to even go for this jewery.


so pay extra and get the bundle with the game then if you're so fucking upset a cheaper alternative comes without it.
>BUT BUT BUT My steelbook
It wouldn't be much of a collector's item if every peasant had one.

Or just watch it on playthrough and then decide if it's working pirating or not.

If I could, I'd by a steelbook for every single game I own. I seriously wish it was a standard.

OP isn't mentioning that you can also get a collectors' edition that has a car model (instead of rc car) + steelbook for $100 if you don't want the rc car

Do people even like steelbooks? My copy of the Last of Us came in one for some reason and it looks fucking awful. It's a sore thumb among the normal looking game cases. I'm glad my Phantom Pain special edition came with the regular game too so I could just keep that and toss out the trashy steelbook they gave me.

>outraged over merchandise for a game they say they don't care about
Never change Sup Forums, never change.

pic related; this set is $100 on its own and $160/$170 if you a collectors + game bundle

not that i like mass effect; i think the series is shit. it's just OP is being a little faggot as always


I got the CE of Odinsphere:L and I'm plenty happy with it so maybe vanillaware does better. Of course it helps a lot if the game is just plain good.

What if you just want the steel case without any model?
Pretty sure the steel case isn't worth 100$

Rage was always supposed to be Sup Forums's default state and I'm glad we're going back to it instead of apathy

it comes with an ACTUAL TOY!
and PC/PS4/XBOX1 aren't manchildren?
ESPECIALLY PC since you play more with children on online games than any other system?

i should report steam for harboring pedos

Then you either shell out the $100 and flip the model on ebay or you live without the special collector's case for a game you'll just download anyway.

>i should report steam for harboring pedos
They're already on FBI watchlists after they started selling anime games.

its always refreshing to see someone who is not brain dead idiotic on Sup Forums

good job user

They should include a chastity belt so that the cucks buying this game actually have a reason to get the CE.

last one i bought was....
oh wait!

thats right!
Elder Scrolls 2: Daggerfall wasn't a collectors edition and came with 100% more content in the box than anything in this day and age!

and in a nice big PC box too!