ITT: 10/10 character designs
ITT: 10/10 character designs
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I love Reisen!
I said post 10/10 character designs, not _0/10 generic anime girl designs.
It's simple but hot.
Is that Evangelion?
>best monster concept in the entire franchise
>forever forgotten
Not exactly a character per se but looks great. Reminds me of the Ivalice judges
Abnormally shit taste in this thread. Not even extremely bad kind that can be considered ironic.
Speaking of which...
I'm pretty sure some versions of Black Mages/Waltz are in 14 but I don't play it so not sure.
>dev intentionally makes bad looking designs the default so you want to buy the skins
Trinity is proof of this.
I've always really liked this sprite. Something about it is super charming.
How did they do it?
>tfw will never again get cowboy samurai adventures
I don't care if it was mediocre it was fun
>Recent Dissidia trailer was for The Emporer
>Still nothing on Gabranth
The wait is killing me.
what game
name 5 other girls who look like reisen
Tell me what's wrong with Kusagari's design.
I'll give you that it is kinda edgy, but the brown and red color scheme keeps it from going full edgelord.
It's certainly better than the first Red Steel. Not to mention it's one of the few games that got both the shooting and the swordplay to feel natural.
I know DS2 had a lot of issues but imo it easily has the best main armor.
The model looks like shit in 2 though.
that helmet + the looking glass knight's armor was what i used for the second half of the game, it's too nice
>tfw almost every set in DaS since has to have cloth or a scarf or a cape
>almost no clean plate sets
I can hear the music in my head.
Fuck. That was a good game.
The artist behind Castlevania character portraits used to work as a fashion designer which is why she can't draw male feet. All Castlevania characters drawn by her have women's feet and women's boots.
I thought it was pretty good.
>Game has 10/10 character designs
>Game itself is mediocre as hell
Shame they didn't get her back for Bloodstained. That main character is an overdesigned disaster.
Case in point
Is that a goddamn squid sniper
Looks very Megaman X, which reminds me Legends had a great aesthetic.
everybody else get out
same artist
But EYE is slav
I always thought Isaac from Dead Space and their space suits in general were boss as fuck.
Whoever draws the armor for Dark Souls does a good job, pretty much all of them look great.
Character design throughout Lisa is god-tier.
What? It's a legitimately cool design. One of the best in Overwatch. That game's designs are all over the place. Some are cool and some are awful.
I thought it was the Capra demon from the thumbnail.
IEven though I love Young Ana and had wanted her in the game ever since I first saw the concept art, this is definitely her best skin.
I don't know why I find these sorts of vampire designs so fucking great.
It's so overblown and extravagant.
EYE is French you nog
The whole 3rd Strike roster was the design high point for Street Fighter IMO
shut up faggot, they're french
Symphony of the Night is an extravagant game in every possible aspect. I don't think any other Dracula design in the entire franchise comes anywhere close to being as perfect as that one in my mind.
Just got to Rattlesnake Canyon in this game. Really enjoying it.
I really like Janus' design in WA3. Game in general has excellent character design.
It's pretty good tho.
I thought it was Polish. Regardless none of those are Nip, so what gives?
literally what on god's green earth is this game
every picture I see of it is confusing
all I know is "it's bad on purpose" and "it's like half-life 2 but retarded"
>they fucked up his design on V
It looks good on art work but those fucking rippd skin tight pants, chubby ass torso and fries short hair look awful.
This design was perfection, I don't know why they had to change it.
Brouzouf farming/leg checking simulator
Me too.
Non skin tight pants
Doesn't looks like fucking gief/bara panda
Hair actually flows around
It actually just looks like a younger version, fucking modelers at capcom.
It's fun
All right, Sup Forums, left or right? Who is the real fightan god who gets his ass kicked by gay emo boys?
overwatch has mostly pretty good design desu
surprising when it comes from blizz but guess that's the vanilla dev team at work
and passion. their other games lack it
>vanilla dev team
the team is just called team 4- I don't know if you're insinuating that the folks who were behind vanilla wow made overwatch but I feel like that isn't the case.
overwatch came from project titan, so it rose from the ashes of a failed mmo.
It's retarded that she doesn't just use references.
Dead Space had amazing armor design it's ashamed that the franchise is now dead thanks to EA being a faggot
>kotal gets asskicked by kung jin
>ogre gets asskicked by jin
>kotal comes from outworld and meets native indians
>ogre comes from ayy lmao and meets native indians
>both hailed as gods
>kotal 2015
>ogre 1998
jesus fucking christ, as if it wasnt obvious that mortal kombat ripped off tekken enough
Why is MvC2 art so good?
Revan with his mask on.
its even i dont know what it is and i played the damn thing
Was a really fun game. Sad plebs dismissed it. Never had such good first person sword play and shit like launching people into the air with your sword then jumping up after them in slow mo was so fun.
His sister too.
Also, Gravelord Nito while we're at it is probably my favorite vidya Lich/Death-style character design.
Tweet that at Ed Boon, fucking kek.
patrician taste anons
Has a high edge factor and is overused as fuck... but just look at it. Perfection. A lot of God tier character designs are in Bloodborne but this is my favorite.
It's like... the premise was already been done before... woah
my legs are okay
finding out that gwynevere wasn't actually giant was like finding out that santa isn't real
By a wide margin the best in the game