What a ride this one was, all the way to the last postgame boss.
Games you regret not playing sooner
How many hours long is this?
Don't forget the special episodes
40 I'd guess
It took me around 30 to finish everything story-related but it's probably way more if you're a completionist.
Silent Hill 3 just finished it last year and it made my top 5
I did the special episodes as they appeared. I really liked those, too, especially the last one.
They were more annoying than anything, and only the last one had the feels.
I've gotta give this game another go sometime, literally the only game to ever give me feels
Only fault I have with it is them not actually killing you off. I get that they really couldn't but man that would've hit hard.
Thanks. This will be the next game I'll play.
The superior AC also sequel localization NEVER EVER
I have a hardon for origin stories so I greatly appreciated most of them.
>tfw only beat it by abusing save states
there was a pachinko-esque minigame you could get great tms from by doing this, good times
>tfw you will never be able to beat super mystery dungeon
all of clovers games. still haven't played godgand
stock up on reviver seeds nerd
tried to get into it twice but stopped playing eventually both times pretty early in
third time's the charm
iirc I was stuck on entei and couldn't go to any other dungeon before beating him, and the store ran out of stock
This was my entry into the series. I wish I'd played the DS ones as they came out.
Also, although I love them both, I think Etrian Mystery Dungeon is better than the Pokemon ones. I prefer keeping the same party throughout the game and advancing through their skill trees. Pokemon just have 4 moves each so you have to change your team often.
Dusknoir did nothing wrong
Have you unlocked the gold bar shop yet? You might have. One bar gets you 5 seeds or something
he got in the way of best aniki
Darkrai did everything wrong
Mount and Blade: Warband. Really scratches that "do the same thing over and over again" itch good now that I'm burned out on TES and Fallout.
Force yourself to use wands.
Force yourself to use orbz.
Use a band that lets you hold lots of enemas.
Wands and enema aren't in sky, and orbs are worthless until the last few story dungeons when monster houses start appearing.
don't remember anything of the sort
Fuck, do I have to restart the entire game or something
Weren't bosses immune to wands and orbs stuff?