>no cfw ps3 needed
Where were you when MGO2 was revived?
bulllllllll fucking shit holy fuck
release when
April this year
did anyone play 1.36 here? what is the running speed change like?
who /autoaim/ here
Playing an online shooter that doesn't suck balls.
>only need a usb
no disc either?
lrn2play scrub
Man i played the revival for almost 2 years man.Im almost the only person that uses the sniper is always the m4 meta
Whens it go live? April when?
I still miss this game
MGO3 was so bad
how do you aim?
are the servers any good? Can you do voice chat?
the Sup Forums rooms back in 2012 were the most fun I had on this game.
i didn't know about this.
let's do another one in april
will do this on my first day back
it hasn't been answered yet. You should check savemgo regularly
gotta find some photos best times
servers are alright you will get people who will kick you if you are not good.to be fair theses are people who played for 8 years.but sometimes you find some comfy lobbies.if all the lobbies were full you were not playing at all for at least a hour
I think it was just everyone wanted to have a good time and also we did get many lagabusers.
I love playing stealth deathmatch for the first time and realizing it was basically hide and seek.
>tfw you never played with Sup Forums
at least I played with the best clans
I mean I thought everyone was just going to troll and meme spam, but most people just want to have fun with the game. One guy tried to come in and do that, but he got kicked out pretty fast.
TL;DR from mgo-league
>Don't know how much space as the specifics haven't come out yet. You're basically just installing mgs4 game data onto an mgor launcher, which means once you've downloaded the files needed you don't need the disk.
>I've been playing for a couple of weeks and it is definitely competitive. All expansions unlocked, all kit unlocked, a few things are inaccessible but that will change once this huge new update and 1.36 comes next month.
>All you'll need is a PS3 and a USB stick.
>There are plans for survival and tourney in the future, but for now they're concentrating on expanding the community.
which sniper?
I would have used the most powerful one if it wasn't so expensive
so do we post are psn and add now?
is it peer to peer?
mgs5 multiplayer is unplayable because of the lag
That's all of screenshot I have MGO2 on my PC, I have some others when we play Hazard House. Sorry if the screenshots are mostly the same too, we were just taking group photos to remember the day.
svd. im good at headshots
yes, MGO2 was notorious for its awful, awful connection
>Launching during exam season.
payno from mgo-league.com is trying to access their twitter account so we can get the (mostly EU) old community back.
Tell everyone you know!
Probably, lag abuse was common thing mgo2 and fucking south americans would abuse that shit like crazy.
you think that's bad, europe and australia shared a server.
what's the difference between this and MGO3? I played a few games of MGO3 and it wasn't bad
Will i have fun with this if i haven't played online back then?
Loved doing it with a pistol to piss people off, it takes a full clip to kill someone but people will lose their shit when they die and call you the worst player ever, when you say why didn't they just shoot you in the head they get even angrier
don't worry, no GP farming possible right now
And Japan were the only ones who got to play by themselves.
MGO3 was shit compared to this and MGO1.
The meta is basically, if you don't headshot every kill, you die. It also had text chat and an amazing community
The Sup Forums room should ok since most people are just there to have fun.
It was more counter strike with metal gear flare to it, and it also didn't have stupid classes.
imagine MGO3 is some generic online free to play shooter
imagine MGO2 is CSGO with peer to peer connection and no russians
I am beyond excited. Ready to play TSNE day and night again.
You need a PS3, a non-Legacy copy of MGS4, and then a USB with their files on it.
shit i'm gonna have to take my PS3 back from my brother
Ehh, I don't know. I had a blast with MGO2, but it was definitely love/hate.
Game was way too headshot-centric. It made anything not Run3+Mono3/Sixth Sense 3 with M4 kinda shit.
Also, it really did have a HORRIBLE community. Does no one else remember "No Name Noob" shit? Christ.
Still, I had way too much damn fun CQCing people and planting porn mags. Related, one of my favorite things to do in MGO2
>tfw playing Team Sneak on Icebound Inferno as defender.
according to this guy you don't even need the disc
n3 scrub detected
>tfw still no PS3 emulator
that would have been dope as fuck to just play it on my PC
Can someone explain how this works on CFW? Im seeing that Non-CFW requires PSN access but CFW doesnt?
My PSID/CID got banned after i set up a GTAV account for myself and i dont see a reason to buy another.
Thanks, guess i'll wait for it
Really the only thing I had a problem with was the CQCEX that would automatically reverse anyone trying to grab the person with it on. I mean it took up most or all of your skill slots but I feel like that skill kind of ruins part of the game.
I wish you could still look at your characters' stats.
>no PS3/Xbox 360 emulator
>can emulate wii u in 4k 60fps
>SNES games need a 3GHz cpu to be emulated correctly
i don't understand emulation
>console shooter defined by bug abuse and cheese
No thanks, although I wish you guys the best. Being the noob amongst veterans sounds extremely painful.
your entire PS3 is banned?
go to savemgo.com for guides
Isn't there a way to unban your ID on CFW?
>N64 emulation is still garbage
>apparently it's better to emulate the Wii emulating N64 games
I think there is a PS3 emulator but it can't do much of anything yet. I still can't believe MGS4 was never released for PC. That would have been perfect and getting MGO2 back up would have been a lot easier if that had been the case.
It's pretty fun. You should at least try it.
But I don't have a console anymore so unfortunately I can't
you don't really need to be a tryhard in this game when this is a legit tactic
Yeah, its called spend $30 on another set of CID/PSNID's and i dont really want to if im not going to use it
Also, im looking at this Ultimate Starter Guide and im seeing anything about PSN access
there's no guide for the new non-cfw one yet so who knows
I only had CQCEX because people would lag behind you and grab you so it helped stop them from doing.
Im talking about the current CFW one, do i need PSN access or not?
I really don't think so. I have no experience, but i think PSNs on custom PS3s get banned automatically.
I think my favourite thing about MGO2 is that it actually felt like Metal Gear Solid game, but it was online. It had all the charm and fun sneaking like you expect from MGS, but in an online format.
Its not automatically, but if you do get banned you're out until you pay up for another set of keys.
>dont have my Ps3 anymore
Yeah, they managed to capture the game really well in an online context. Instead of making MGO3 they should have just ported MGO2 as a separate game to current gen and PC.
get one for demons souls user
>picks voice you thought was ok
>has the most annoying death sound possible
no you don't
>you now realize if mgo was made today, every cosmetic item would cost $0.99
We should all do the HUM
delete this
Can't wait for that cease and desist as Konami ultimately decides it'll take away sales from MGO3s DLC and playerbase and we'll be forced to instead endure their supported abortion of multiplayer.
"No time for tears, we're all as good as dead anyway"
I am actually kind of worried about Konami taking it down soon after it goes up. I hope not. Though being able to play it even for a little bit again is still nice.
i never got to play MGO2 but i feel MGO3 was close, but a lot of it was about how you played it. you could play it the same way you played the single player game, being stealthy, tranqing, etc.
the problem was the game was balanced poorly, so anyone who played that way was at an immediate disadvantage over anyone playing it like a third person Call of Duty. the stealth class was just played like the assault class but with invisibility.
i'ts been up for 2 years already
>no cfw ps3 needed
S-so PC?
Oh my god.....
Konami already abandoned MGO3. it got a single DLC pack but it sold poorly because MGO3 was so bad and they didn't bother to fix anything wrong with it. they haven't added any new content since the DLC and the playerbase is in the double digits at best.
was the DLC even good? I also never tried survival
I've never played MGO1 but MGO2 blows the butchered mess that is MGO3 out of the water
>those awesome selections of maps, that fucking recreation of Groznyj Grad
>that expansive and great selection of music to listen to while you play
>all those uniques
>playing team death match with Raiden/Meryl/Mei Ling and Vamp/Liquid Ocelot leading two seperate teams into battle while Old Snake has to steal three dog tags from either side by looting their bodies while Otacon assists him in the Mk II
>all that character customization
>that first time when you play a match where Liquid Ocelot is killed during the last second of the round
I'm getting so excited just thinking about it again. I loved this game to death, and I usually don't care much for multiplayer games in general
no. it added two maps ripped from the single player and Quiet as a special character, but the special characters work similarly to Battlefront where a random person gets to play as them for the whole round and that's it. so the chances of you getting to actually play as her were slim.
the DLC also wasn't worth it because there were glaring issues with netcode and balance that never got addressed.
>>that first time when you play a match where Liquid Ocelot is killed during the last second of the round
what is this
>Post yfw MGO3 was a massive disappointment
>We will never have another game that plays like MGO2
I just want to hear those hilarious death screams again
>>that expansive and great selection of music to listen to while you play
in fairness MGO3 eventually added a fuckton of music. by the end i believe it had more music or was comparative to MGO2.
there's some nice tracks from Revengeance and MGSV, i hope they can add them to this revival somehow.
>there were faggots on Sup Forums who thought MGO3 was going to be good
when someone is lagswitching all you hear is DING.
Can you blame us? We all wanted the return.
It was fun to play as a team with friends, but the core gameplay and the community in general sucked.