Dante in Umvc3 is mechanically the best fighting game character in a fighting game, and he's not even primarily a fighting game character.
Prove me wrong
Dante in Umvc3 is mechanically the best fighting game character in a fighting game, and he's not even primarily a fighting game character.
Prove me wrong
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I want to to touch rub Dantes abs.
That's not Virtua Fighter
That's not Hyde.
That's because Itsuno originally made fighting games so he applied what he knew when he made Dante who he is in 3 and 4, not surprising he'd work well on the inverse
what about.
and Ryu hayabusa in DoA
I agree. They transitioned him beautifully full of style, viability and balance.
DMC is 3D Airdasher
On the other hand, God Hand would be 3D Street Fighter so SFV Gene when?
MvC:I better use uncle Dante.
Smash is not a fightin game
vanilla Dante is OP as fuck.
Then they nerf him in Ultimate but somehow forget the streamlined and optimized version of him
>Being this new.
yfw it's going to be
Vanilla Dante was very good but I wouldn't say broken. Ultimate Dante is balanced as hell, just not top 5 good though. If they gave his normals less push back then he'd be legit as fuck.
are you even motivated?
>tfw my toaster is x32 and UMvC3 is x64 only
I actually want Nero to be MvC:I. He would play like an inverse Spencer. And his Exceed system could easily be translated into the game as well as his DT.
That's not what the the question asked. Also gay. Well not gay if you are girl. Not that im judging, i don't care what your preferences are. I don't know where i was going with this comment.
He wouldn't be as fun, though.
That's not Phoenix Wright.
>Phoenix actually has a strong chance to be back in Infinite cause his series actually isn't dead.
But for DMC reps I want Trish replaced with Lady. Sorry Kbrad.
Yeah. A sword-charge character actually sounds fun af and a nice deviation from MvC3's ZMC
ma nigga
Phoenix was fun and could've been great, but man was he shit. You had to be godlike to use him.
Phoenix Wright is a mid tier character. His biggest problem is needing a dedicated team to function. A few changes could have made Phoenix top tier.
he's not even the best in UMvC3 you dumb nigger.
UMvC3 Dante is pretty honest and should be kept as is of course
On the other hand, not many people like Vergil. Yeah he's many pros' crutch, but he's getting a bit stale
He was actually op at one point. but after nerfs you had to be dedicated to make him work.
I'm hoping they can strike a proper balance if he's in Infinite. They better use his new suit too.
Oh ya for sure he'd nowhere near as fun as Dante but he could still be a worthy addition. I'd rather him be in over Trish.
I could see them making both his old appearance and his more recent one. They're similar enough that they're probably easy to make into an alt.
That's not mvc2 sentinel
How would you implement his devil bringer arm?
Long range grab
Grapples like Spencer and Spidey, or command grabs/throws. Might be both
Capcom vs. Arcsys All Stars guest starring French Bread and Examu when?
How would they properly work in the Exceed system? Make it a super that buffs you? I'd honestly prefer it if it allow for you to rev it in between hits like the actual one.
Some ideas
>Manual Rev to charge it up for the next attack,
>Just Rev in between hits
>Manually cancel a normal into an Exceed attack that depletes the charges gained from Manual Rev and Just Rev
Have other fighting games implemented something similar? Buffing or adding non-attack actions inbetween hits?
MvC3 Dante has moves that can only be done by doing a manual Cancel (Bold Cancel) after a move. I think it's some sort of crazy flowchart
Being this moronic
I should have worded that better but Bold Canceling is just a jump cancel that can be made into linking into specials, I'm having a hard time imaging Exceed since I'd imagine it to be another normal instead of a special.
Maybe Exceed can be "charged" with particular finishers in special/normal strings.
Shut up faggot
MvC3 maybe, but Vergil is the best character in UMvC3.
I would actually be totally okay if Nero replaced Dante in MvCI.
I honestly think it could work to a near 1:1 copy. Keep the manual revving but reduce the amount of revs it takes to reach a full charge. Make EX-act and MAX-act timings a little more strict in between each attack. Allow cancelling of normals into Exceed attacks if there is charges in the Exceed system. Exceed attacks are given Ex. (special) properties not unlike those seen in Street Fighter. These could be multi-hitting frames, longer range, ground bounce, etc.
Phoenix is good in Turnabout Mode, fantastic even. But he just plain isn't good without it.
Maybe instead of automatic buffed attack in DMC4 it can be changed to a manual Specials in fighters
Something like
>Normal High Time>input 1>chained into another attack, Exceed bar filled up
>Normal High Time>input 2>Exceed High Time, amount of damage depends on the current Ex bar
Is the entire Capcom universe interconnected?
I've seen characters with resource systems like before but actively recharging said resource in attacks is definitely something I don't remember being done. At most, having a recharge special and super existing is a must but it'd be pretty damn cool to see a 1:1 Exceed be implemented.
Sword normals, teleport, ice specials, dragon transformation, dog summoning.
Rpg characters would transition really well.
I think some of Capcom's fighters and beat 'em up is interconnected: SF, Darkstalkers and Final Fight is connected
DMCverse is connected to Bayonettaverse according to Kamiya's headcannon
Interesting design, hot moster girl, uses every element, summon Ershin some specials or supers because why the fuck not.
Luka also makes references to Resident Evil, DMC1 and Okami in Bayonetta 1, not sure if it counts but it's there.
1:1 Exceed would be pretty interesting as a second, more manageable but weaker Hyper Bar
It's motherfucking Garr.
Man, I really want a BOF rep in MVCI. I'm so desperate that even Katt will do.
I can't, you're correct.
His brother is just plain better though.
>try to post VergilUMVC3 Webm
>Error: Duplicate file exists.
But will MvCI be good?
For me, it really depends on their roster if I'll get it or not.
I would also be down for this.
Vergil is everything crazy with MvC3 turned up to 11
>tfw half-screen normal
>tfw full-screen Hyper
>tfw motivated
>tfw "muh power"
>tfw perfect 1vs3
Dante is actually fairly honest in comparison
fuck, i forgot she has that Naga esque hair
>no taunt
webm immediately discarded
It is a fighting game, even if you don't like it.
This count?
>SF, Darkstalkers and Final Fight
and Rival Schools and Captain Commando. I believe that all of the mech games (Armored Warriors, Cyberbots, Tech Romancer) might be as well, and Dante is canon buddies with Joe
Katt is the best BoF character, you autistic victim-syndrome damaged faggot.
Nina is clearly the better choice.
I like how you used summoned swords during buster
Please post notation all Nero's move in this. I'm a rookie to Nero, and I want to see if I can emulate this combo
Any Nina.
>Please post notation all Nero's move in this. I'm a rookie to Nero, and I want to see if I can emulate this combo
Just a lot of Caliber-Jump Cancels
Piece of shit.
It's mostly the Snatch-Caliber-JC loops. Snatch (ranged grab) cannot be cancelled out of because Nero's a bit too far from the target, so you use Caliber to make up for that
You can also DT to cancel Caliber, with the bonus being an aerial launcher. If you release charge shots the Summoned Swords will keep the target in place.
Kill yourself you shitstain if you think Nina suits a fighting game better than Katt, you subhuman fanboyish cunt. Just so you know, Katt is more popular than Nina, has more and better fanart, people still care about her to this day. Go die in obscurity.
I prefer UMvC3 Morrigan, she's so fun to use.
This figurine was made and posted on twitter by a jap guy not long ago and had shitton of upboats, just so you little nigger know.
Oh, not only me, but Capcom and Niitsuma himself.
"All in all, we had over 150 female characters in consideration for the game, but none of them ended up being realized...
One character who actually remained until our very last cuts was Nina. By the way, she was based on her Breath of Fire 1 design. I personally like her Breath of Fire 3 design the best, and we were even thinking about having a super where she brought out all the other Ninas, kind of like Mega Man's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. Wii U."
"Fou-Lu: He definitely had domestic popularity, and there was a lot of cool stuff to use for him, like his energy sword, his monster servants, shape-changing and dragon form, but due to the level of work we had to put into him and that we thought nobody abroad would recognize him, we ended up dropping him."
And Katt:
"Katt, Sonson and Mai-Ling: We wanted to have a female staff user, but they ended up losing out in priority."
how can someone be so new?
Sakurai says it isn't and he fucking took part making the game. He was or rather is the director.
When will Smashers learn?
Itt: Characters that take skill and have no bullshit, earn exactly what they expend
OP's pic
>maximememian poster thinks he has a say about the FGC
Oh shit i am laffin
smash is still not a fightan
It's all fun and dreams until he gets the snap back.
i knew max posting in fighting games threads is the fastest way to get (you)s
I wish UMVC3 had more teams build like Firebrand teams. Strong point and two assists. You're supposed to make your point invincible, not rely on Dark Vergil.
Just thinking about a Strider/Strange/Ammy team doing work makes me diamonds.
Reminder not to respond to him. Keep on with what is a mostly good thread.
I think both have their merit though. Anchor comebacks is pretty hit or miss.
Yeah I know Vergil's a fucking huge meme for that but it still take skill and a little luck to pull it off
Are you literally fucking retarded to continue spewing your 6 years old results like they matter know? Time is supposed to sit and listen, you utter fucking imbecile.
Just so you little nigger baby know, boorus results for both characters, gamefaqs BoF2 board polls, poll we held here and talk in the internet and in the BoF fandom I am aware of more than you ever will be prove you wrong. I not going to spoon-feed you by giving all the links, help yourself.
Speaking of old results:
I am assuming you are just a newfag, new but utterly obnoxious fanshit. Fuck off and die in a fire, your presence is not welcomed.
I'll destroy your hugbox, you nigger.
Remember all the good MvCI wishlist threads that gets turned into Katt image dumps
You are literally the only one ninanigger here, it's amusing.
Indeed, using Dante in UMvC3 makes me feel like im playing a dmc game