His new and usually forced episodes are nowhere near as good as the older, more personal experience ones.
There, that's practically all there's to James' stuff now.
Nintendo Power, Ghostbusters, NES Accessories, Doublevision, and Castlevania were his best works.
>tfw you've been caught faking your perfect playthroughs and the e-fame you built off the coattails of AVGN and James is about to come crashing down
Remember to spread, kiddos.
first 100 AVGN episodes >>>>>>>>>>>>>basically any video series on the internet
Really I can go back and watch any of those and they're still funny and he still makes decent points and has good descriptions of the games.
>start the first episode, Simon's Quest
>first line "This game sucks."
Still makes me lose it
Someone needs to make a JUST edit of his face.
I think the irony of AVGN was that he was at his best when he wasn't angry. I loved his informative videos and how he constantly pointed out stuff that wasn't noticeable at first. He was sensible in his criticisms. Of course, everyone just took the "DURR YELLING AT VIDEO GAMES" part of his routine with nothing else, and that pisses me off.
Reminder Mike fucked over Bootsy and forces memes here
Fuck Mike
Pretty much this. His early videos he would complain and bitch about stuff but he was rarely irrationally mad.
Like most celebrities he became a parody of himself for the views.
James is still doing non angry videos. Kongathon is going on right now. It's the shit
The amount of genuine anger he expresses in the first Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde gets me.
And I legitimately love his Friday the 13th-Nightmare on Elm Street.
>caught faking your perfect playthroughs
fill me in senpai
Miney Crafta
>never had a games console growing up
>everywhere on the internet was praising retro games as being all gold and modern games are all crap and everything was better back then
>I downloaded a whole bunch of emulated nes and SNES games
>hang on
>most of these are fucking shit
>along comes AVGN saying exactly what I've been thinking, most of these games weren't fucking good
I dunno mane, I can't get upset at any modern cinemassacre stuff because I just remember the good times.
He presses buttons over edited recorded video to make him look like a better gamer than he really is. Check the links
I don't give a fuck about Bootsy or Mike. I watch Cinemassacre for James' movie reviews.
Post again and I will report you
I really miss Bootsy.
I enjoyed the group of four, even if the Cinemassacre as a whole was deteriorating at that point.
Why did Kyle always look like he didn't want to be there?
hes just really high thats all
He's the least involved with the hobby I'd imagine. He was around for the Spiderman episode and the original beginnings so I can't help but like him.
The original intro was always my favorite. Especially at the very end of the song where James actually looks fucking pissed when he yells fuck. The 2nd rendition was alright but anything past that felt forced.
>tfw one day james will make a retirement announcement video
His new Kang Kong reviews are great
I was about to say that the first 100 episodes might be a stretch but
>Metal Gear
>Dick Tracy
>Dick Tracy
Shit, there were a lot good stuff than I remember
>Can anyone else say they ate their own special effects?
Ive never watched the 1976 kong movie, but his review makes me wanna watch it. Seriously a 40 foot animatronic, jesus that thing is impressive
I remember showing some og his stuff to some of my normie friends and all they would is ask "what episode does he get fuckin pissed in?" Or say "he really isnt that mad in this one lets look at a different one" and now i realize thats why his videos suck more and more he is catering to thst audience
I saw it as a kid and it was fucking dogshit especially the female lead
James honestly seems like a bigger Sup Forums enthusiast than Doug Walker
Whoah watch out the Sup Forums police are in
>he liked the 06 kang
Many people did, it was a hit for its time. But James still thinks it's inferior to the original which I don't think you'll hear from too many people under the age of 90.
I remember in some panel at some con while they were doing the whole rivalry shtick James commented that he was a movie guy first and Doug said that he liked video games more than movies and that it was sort of ironic that they happened to be doing the medium the other liked
I was honestly good. Not better than the original, but certainly superior to the 70s version in a lot of ways. Still a finely crafted movie, James hit a lot of the right notes in his review about why it is good and what doesn't work about it.
Doug said the only game he ever finished was Metroid Prime and some other one I forgot
you won't hear it from anyone who has actually seen both.
the original king kong actually holds up great to watch today, it's far more watchable than the 2006 one because it's much fucking shorter for one and it's actually more exciting because the pace is much more rapid.
Anyone who would say they'd rather watch he new one just hasn't watched the old one.
I watched a few clips of it around and while the Kong face animatronic is fucking top tier, it's obvious it's a guy in a suit because he doesn't walk like an ape, Kong is always upright for some reason.
the bug scene to this day is creepy af
I wonder if he's going to do more noob reviews the power rangers ones were great.
Some people just don't like old movies man what can you do
James (and myself to a large extent) were basically the last generation where old sci-fi and horror movies were on tv in abundance so it's more natural for him to be so into it despite not being an old man himself but to many many younger people 2005 Kong was their Kong.
i wouldn't be surprised if its when he hits 40
can't keep doing this forever, at least YT people who aren't making billions like PDP
eventually the patreon will dry up and the YT ad bucks will too.
Why does JewTube not let me see videos, fucking christ.
Then I'm probably misremembering, maybe it was mike who is the game fan between the two of them?
Mike's the one that plays video games more.
I think the difference between James and Douge is that James is more into horror/old-school special effects while Doug is into 80's schlock/kids films.
So James is into actual movies and production while Doug is into memes and pop references.
Is Doug as broken down as James is these days?
The seaman one is fucking great
>meme about my cock
This guys videos have never, ever been funny.
I suppose, but with James it's like the only films he cares about are horror movies or special effects stravaganzas (no cgi reeeeeeee), most of them coming from the 50's and 60's like the Hammer films and War of the Worlds even though those films pale in comparison to the real gems of those years, but I can kinda see how weird it would be for James to talk about Ben-Hur or Fall of the Roman Empire instead of something like Manos: The Hands of Fate.
Doug actually delves into multiple genres, but it's all mostly recent, I don't think he ever reviewed or cares about anything made before 1977, but that still doesn't stop him to put his opinion on whatever on a pedestal
what proof is that. so the game dropped an input, big whoop? you're telling me he mimicked every other button input just fine? it'd be easier to just play the game
Hi Mike
The one that comes to mind where he seems genuinely pissed is the Batman Forever one when he's talking about the jump button being up.
brown bricks
Is the channel dead yet?
Still going semi-strong
I own all the Kong movies.
and do you prefer the 2006 one or the 1933
Wait what other shows besides AVGN?
The 1962 one.
>the kongathon vids
IS james /ourguy/?
and hit a lot of the classics but they left out one of the best: Sega CD and 32X. Also, the Atari 5200 review. I've never seen anyone be able to dump on terrible console design the way James can. In the 32X's case, literally.
It's a newer episode but I also fucking loved his Atari Sports episode.
I hope so too, but I feel like there's very little that James hasn't seen. Power Rangers must have been an anomaly. What else could he possibly be a noob about?
mike did nothing wrong
they are good
>Stored a beer in the 5200
Yeah, the Sega add-ons were great too.
Silver Surfer was a good one
>tfw no more possible retro hardware AVGN videos
It's all it was good for!
To complement Kongathon, the next AVGN episode (coming soon) will be of Donkey Kong 64. The theme of the episode will be that the AVGN gets infuriated by how much pointless bullshit you have to collect in the game, and gradually realizes he's actually spent his whole life collecting real-life bullshit: terrible games, junky consoles, and old toys. There's a skit where he imagines tearing it all down, but he realizes it all looks very nice arranged and shelved the way it is. The episode ends with a moral about how collecting old video games is fun, but a collection of his size takes a lifetime of investment and newcomers shouldn't expect to be just like him. He also says games are ultimately for playing, not hoarding, which is why he makes sure even the shittiest games get to have the time of day. He then concludes that games like DK64 are fun for people who are into that sort of thing but a boring, exhausting trek for everyone else.
Hey, that berenstain bears episode was pure kino.
It's a shame it was like a year too late to be topical.
Is there any retro hardware left to cover? I think he's exhausted all the best disasters, but I've noticed a trend in AVGN where he'll include mini-reviews of something in a larger episode.
>implying he will fucking review DK64
What a shit load of fuck
The "humor" (basically random swear words) dont hold up to when i was young but back in the day this shit was gold
Yeah, but then you appreciate his reviews more.