Do you ever feel socially outcasted when playing video games in public...

Do you ever feel socially outcasted when playing video games in public? Some dude yelled something at me from his car yesterday when I was walking home playing some DS.

I don't play video games in public.

lol its the loser table

I don't play video games in public or own any handhelds because I'm not obese and autistic.

Sup Forums is the loser table

You were playing while walking? What?

And I don't advertise bring a gamer because literally all I play is weeb games.

My eyes are too bad for handhelds, so no, I don't play in public.

4 eyed freak

Why does Sup Forums get so triggered by people having fun?

>played the Pokemon TCG in the middle of a packed lunchroom back as a high school senior
>buddy of mine came up to me to make some plans after school one day and visibly cringed

that senior year where you realize that public perception of you doesn't matter is the best, hands down

>my face when im not ugly and not fat and not american
>can play video games in public and nobody bats an eyelid

I don't wear glasses sir or madam, I need a screen the size of the switch to properly see shit, odd thing though, I can see and use my phone screen just fine with no problems.



Eh, I used to play on my college campus sometimes when I had a four hour hiatus between classes. No one really cared and some people asked what I was playing and made some small talk.

Im a virgin.

I never feel like playing video games when I'm outside.

Dumb Sup Forumstards who are actually coming here and trying to shill their "videogames are degenerate" ideology.

Also don't play games in public (on tablet and phone). With nearly unlimited movies, tv shows, manga, books, youtube, and now even netflix lets me download without wifi...who the hell has time to play games in public? I do that at home where I can't be bothered.

No. I play my DS in the breakroom or at my desk at work. Either get ignored or asked what I'm playing.

>going outside

Why should I do that? What is there to do outside?

Why did the girl's face have to appear in the photo if the photo is not about her?

>Dumb SJW is triggered at the word trigger

>Autists will worry about what people will say about them for playing video games in public
>They still dress like shit
>They don't take care of their bodies
>They still act like socially retarded babies
I just don't get it. Playing vidya in public is the least of your worries.

Don't go outside at all

Why do you think there have been so many threads saying "stop playing videogames". Sup Forums thinks that if you're not contributing, you're not worth shit.

what the fuck does that even mean