Sup Forums suddenly loves skyword sword now

>Sup Forums suddenly loves skyword sword now

what happened?

zelda cycle

>loves skyward sword

said no one on Sup Forums or anywhere.

I don't give a shit about video games, can you explain this Zelda cycle thing to me?

no they don't stop making shit up

I always loved Skyward Sword. Still, BotW is the better game.

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>new zelda game is shit, the previous one was great

stop spouting bullshit

No we don't, stop trying to force this dumb Zelda cycle meme.

No TP and SS will always suck

The 8.8 meme got parroted so much people assumed SS is a bad game. It's not great, not one of the best Zelda titles, but isn't as bad as fucking shit spouters make it out to be. The whole 'zelda cycle' is just anti-Nintendo propaganda made to spread about like feces.

Something worse came along


It's just one autist samefagging a lot about how Skyward Sword is suddenly good now.

Just like that one guy who says Final Fantasy XIII is good since XV came out.

nice job retard

Nope, Skyward Sword is still the only Bad 3D Zelda.

8.8 was for Twilight Princess you stupid newfag.

Zelda cycle does want apply to handhelds, so Link Between Worlds doesn't count

>Wah you mixed up your Zelda rehashes

get a life

>skyward sword
boy it sure is new in here

I've always liked it. BotW is better though.

It's a forced meme invented by butthurt TPfags.

Not even.
I gradually disliked SS, and welcome BotW with open arms. Skyward Sword is the lowest of the 3D Zelda titles.

It's better than Wind Waker and TP at least

>this meme thread again

Nothing. Just contrarians who want to force this and a few children who have nostalgia for it.