Breath of the Wild thread

Breath of the Wild thread.

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Please respond.

First for Loli Princess

Reminder that if you have a Rusty Sword and throw it at an Octoroc it'll suck off the rust and return it to you in mint condition.


What the fuck? Really?
Where do they tell you this?

I spawned Epona with the SSB Amiibo and got distracted and walked off to go do other stuff and she ran off and despawned
Am I fucked?

You're supposed to learn it from your friend on the school bus whose brother has already beaten the game.

They don't directly teach you but there's a lake at Death Mountain with a bunch of rusty weapons lying around and Octorocs in it.

>I just got the game because amazon mexico

And holy shit, why does the Great Plateau look so small on every gameplay.

i'm surprised how big it is, I wanted to rush through it but there's a lot to find. And that's such a small fraction of the game.. dammn, only a few hours in and I'm already impressed by the sheer size of the world is this is just 1%

That fucking rock octoroc on Eventide island...

Spits everything out in the fucking ocean.

What is needed to remake the post Goron dungeon weapon?


Why does this game keep giving and giving?

I'll go check in a minute.
From what I remember I think you just need two diamonds and one of the regular Goron greatswords.

Finally. I've been waiting for someone to make a breath of the wild thread. Surprised no ones made any yet.

For the guy looking for a Zora spear, I found one on the mountain opposite of the Bank of Wishes with the two bridges connected to it, the one that you have to go through on the path to Zora's Domain. Bring a Lizalfos mask to help things go smoothly


fuck man

how do we turn the clock back? the future sucks

So that Goron in the a female or are they asexual?

you'll be a half dozen story quests in, look at the zoomed out map, and be blown away all over again

he has a girly sounding name

This user gets it

I think they let goron men in.

it was a pretty quiet release

You need one cobble crusher, five pieces of flint, and a diamond

Are these consistently the best threads on Sup Forums?

I had a 20 year flashback of me asking at school where to find the ocarina in alttp

Oh fuck off, most of the other BOTW threads are either golden face tier shitpost threads or they don't say Breath of the Wild in the OP so they die quickly. We basically only ever have one decent discussion thread at any time.

wait that's a child

Alright what's the deal with the Smash Link amiibo? I read in another thread that on first scan, it should give Epona, but I've gotten neither Epona nor the exclusive clothing.

>Wandering around South Lake Akkala
>Fuckoff huge mountain pointing roughly where Zora's Domain is
"I guess it must be up the mountain."
>Spend several minutes climbing the waterfall using cryonis
>Finally reach the top
>It's not up there at all
>You have to jump off the cliff to reach it

So before I play this game. Do I get to learn new move? Like some other Zelda games?

Probably. People actually talking about a game, with minimal shitposting that largely goes ignored.

Is anyone actually planning on collecting all the korok seeds? I can't imagine finding them all, especially because there's no way to track them down on the map.

There's a good discussion thread going almost 24/7. I like it.

Why is "Hyrule Bridge?" I shimmied my 6 hearted ass through 14 Guardians to arrive at Hyrule Castle gate only to realize the bridge in front of said Castle isn't actually called Hyrule Bridge. None of the bridges nearby have the name either.

>Beating the Lynel with only 5 hearts

Is there a more satisfying feeling in this game?

What do you think this thread is?

Who /giantboomerang/ here?


Lynel...weeell- fuck

Did you get anything? If you do it right, you hold L to make a circle appear, then when you hold the amiibo against the right stick epona should appear in the circle.

Christ where do i get diamonds?

waaaaaaaay south of hyrule field, across lake hylia

Where do I get one of those?



I wanted to make a slightly better version of this, so I did.

can you kick her

haha thats funny. zelda sure is a goty contender. but when it comes to open world, the new Ghost Recon takes the cake. Ubisoft quality all over.

>stun him with an arrow
>get up in his business
>mfw you have the option to mount him

>beat water ganon first try with 3 hearts
>pretty easy
>Fuck I forgot to take his picture
>dont mind to restart because its a fun fight

I beat it with 3 and all my weapons broke by the end. It was just constant backflip into rush.

The guards can't tell the difference so they err on the side of caution and let them all in.

"Whether skyward bound, adrift in time or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight the sacred blade is always bound to the soul of the hero."

Literally referencing those three games.

Child timeline confirmed.

get a blunt weapon and start breaking rocks
they're really rare

i though they let him in because he had tits a ponytail but i guess your way makes more sense

There was one at a lizard camp on the way to Zora's Domain. I lost it almost instantly, but then I got another I think in a shrine that I've managed to keep for a while now.

Are you like some kind of new breed of Barney-fag?

I consistently get a chest and a random assortment of fruits and shit. I wonder if the location matters.

Better savor it. In one month it will be Undertale tier on Sup Forums.

post lonely arrow girl talking about cuccos and her journal entry
shit get hot in hyrule

>Steal a skeleton horse
>take it to stables
>"You can't stable that horse, it will eat the others"
>Sun rises, horse explodes

Disappointed desu

Purah is lewd as fuck and it makes me uncomfortable.

a zelda thread, obviously, with a lot of exploration-sharing going on, something you don't see a lot of nowadays compared to the past when the internet hadn't ruined quite everything yet

the hell did YOU think I thought it was?

You can't take a real hit either way, honestly. At 5 I would survive the initial hit with half a heart, but die rolling down the hill.

But yeah, beating the Lynel felt about as good as it felt bad to realize I was wasting all my arrows shooting the ice blocks away.

That's normal for the second use onwards. Makes me wonder if the game thinks you already spawned her and you're fucked.

Alright thanks, boomerangs are by far my favorite weapon type in this game.

Near Death Mountain, there's a lot of mining spots. Got one from the islands on the far east of the map.
Also, you can get some with quests, and I think one quest in the zora domain can be repeated, rewarding you with a diamond eah time, but i'm not sure about that one.

>Is anyone actually planning on collecting all the korok seeds?
Maybe when I get the guide, otherwise it would drive me insane. I feel like I've already done most of the korok seed in the ~80% of the map I've explored and I only have like 60. I can't imagine how there could be over 800 more.

Well, I'll have beaten the game by then, so it probably won't matter so much. Too bad for the people who don't have it already though.

There's a quest to trade 55 rushrooms for a diamond, not exactly the most efficient way, but you can do it repeatedly. Questgiver is at the stable in the gerudo section of the map.

Sony and PC fanboys have already been underway shitposting it to hell and back.

I actually think the opinion of the game on Sup Forums will get way better after CEMU can run it because PCfags will actually be able to play the game and see how awesome it is instead of shitposting.


What's the plot reason for the master sword being able to break and then repairing itself?

>zora town basically gives you free diamonds
Now I'm diamonds too. Best town. Though I've only been there the Gerudo one of the race capitals.

just a hardcore gamer and super Sup Forums addict who loves great games like zelda and nioh. But right now, its all about Ghost Recon. Its immersive and awesome. few bugs here and there, but all in all, one of the best shooter you will ever play.

I went to that collisium ruin place beat the Lynel made my way to the top and all I found was a chest with some bomb arrow. Am I missing something? Or is that it?

Get in the van onii-chan

This one is so fucking satisfying. He holds it with two hands and whips it and of course has a huge hitbox. I wish I had an infinite supply of them.


>There are 900
Holy shit, I thought there were 120 or something. That's ridiculous. I've only found ~50

There's a quest in Zora's domain to trade 10 luminous stones for a diamond. You can keep coming back as well.

Should I trade in TP for BOTW on WII U?

I only beat the first real dungeon and it was pretty great, but these wolf parts are extremely grating. I feel like I could drop the game now and not feel bad. BOTW actually looks fun, and I actually have spring break now to play it. I'd only get it after trading this game in, but I wouldn't finish the game within the week. Is this game worth sticking out for? Or should I just trade it in now for BOTW?

There isnt any, nintendo is always gameplay first, story/lore later.

>how do I get the ocarina the ocarina to actually do something?
>take it to the old man at the bar
>i did! he was asleep!
>you have to talk to him twice to wake him
Blew my 8 year old mind.

There is a dude that trades 10 luminous stones for a diamond. Rupee-wise, its a terrible trade, but its good for getting diamonds when you need them.

Alternatively, just find the valuable ore deposits that are scattered around.

Just so we're clear. There are three kinds of ore deposits in this game, luminous ones that glow at night and drop primarily luminous stones, rgular ones, and valuable ones that have a golden shimmer instead of a silver/blue one and they're more lumpy. The valuable ones drop things like ruby, diamonds, and sapphires and are typically hidden in more out of the way places.

I think Talus might occasionally drop diamonds too.

you need their horns to upgrade the barbarian armor which is one of the best in the game

>Ubisoft shill roleplay is a thing

You can buy compendium pictures fyi. It's random but it only gives you ones you don't already have. 100 rupees each at the Hateno lab.

Isn't it better to sell the luminous stones? You only get 500 for a diamond.

You're only supposed to use it against enemies you "need" it against (Calamity-related) and thus it temporarily loses its power when you use it against regular foes.

Thats no fun I want to take a pic myself
I even redid the pic a few times to get a good one.

Holy shit, I was blown away that Nintendo actually put that in the game.

Shits not even innuendo, she's straight up asking for it.

TP is a weird game. Some people love it and some people fucking hate it.
If you just want a game that drops you straight into the action without all the exposition and hand holdy bullshit then yes I would trade it in.

What are some good ways to make money?
I wanna buy that house but I need more dosh.

Try taking a picture of ore to add it to the Compendium. Set your scanner for it on Death Mountain and start mining.

I really hope that's not it. In any case, is there a way to "reset" the amiibo or something? Or have the game think it's new without actually starting a new game?

BOTW is instantly engaging whereas i wasn't 'into' TP until a good 3 or 4 hours in IIRC

very different games though

Ordered a 20 bucks amiibo emulating nfc tag thing that can be rewritten to any amiibo you want (future ones too) with your NFC enabled android phone

Can't wait to get all the amiibo exclusive weapons and outfits

Loading times better in many cases on WiiU than on switch.

cant play it because the switch is a low quality piece of shit

I wish the story DLC went back to Link's time at the knight academy. that was the coolest part of Skyward Sword and I wish there was a game all about that, getting in trouble and sneaking out from your dorm and working your way up to princess protector.

Don't even reply to him.
He thinks he's being so hilarious and unique by being "ironic" without realising he's fooling and entertaining nobody.