Do we have a single fucking reason to hate Sony?
Spider-Man, Days Gone, God of War, Last of Us II, Yakuza 6, Wipeout Omega
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Sega was going to port the Yakuza series on pc, but Sony made them stop to keep it exclusive
I have a ps4 and I still can play it, but I also have a pc and I could play it in 4K if they weren't greedy
So fuck Sony
Five of those aren't out and the one that is is the worst in its series.
No, Sony are actually putting in the most effort when you think about it:
>Microsoft have fallen quite a bit and the XB1 is literately just a Halo and Forza machine now
>MS cancelled multiple new IPs that were unique
>Nintendo are desperately trying to remain relevant and rushed out a sub-par console
>Treat their fans like shit
>Sony are actually trying new ideas out and being rewarded for their hard effort
>Have the best exclusives now
They are a console company and are making games exclusive.
And clearly its paying off and gamers (like myself) are VERY happy with these games.
>Port an amazing game that cost hundreds of dollras to steam
>Sell 400k units in 2 years
>Mods make shit mods with cringe and dudebro shit
You can't just kill a good series like this. Let Steam have their GTA V and Ubisoft games because it doesn't matter if mods or piratefags destroy the series.
Yes goy, let's hate Sony for backing Sega to make Yakuza games and let's not be hyped about 5 new games. What's the problem with CoD every year? why do we need 6 brand new games? I mean wipeout was on PS1 and shit!
You can't blame Sony for wanting to keep a series that has been theirs since ps2 Era.
>that cost hundreds of dollras to steam
*hundred million dollars
>white nose
>comfy guitar in the background
>wood wall
>not nigger voice
Honorary aryan
It's hard to say. They're really content to just lie back and let the AAA companies fuck their ass. It's good money, so whatever, props, but also it means that the shitty AAA companies can do whatever they want and ruin video games for the rest of us.
Say what you want about Nintendo, at least they don't suck every last drop of rancid jizz out of EA's cock to get a shot at FIFA.
>I own PlayStation systems
>I mainly like PS exclusives
>I get to play great games
...What's the problem here?
>Say what you want about Nintendo, at least they don't suck every last drop of rancid jizz out of EA's cock to get a shot at FIFA.
No, instead, they make their fans do that to them.
>Spider-Man games
I can't fucking wait dude. I don't care how shit it is.
Saying that Sony is shit because they have exclusives just reeks of neckband entitlement, look how the xboner did without them.
I'm just glad Sony is winning this Gen and not MS.
>at least they don't suck every last drop of rancid jizz out of EA's cock to get a shot at FIFA.
>They are better than Sony because they don't want Fifa in their console
That's because it can't run. And by the way the BIG 2017 EA release for Switch is a port of Fifa 17 for PS3.
>Saying that Sony is shit because they have exclusives just reeks of neckband entitlement, look how the xboner did without them.
It makes sense too, anyway. Why would Japanese companies these days release games on MS hardware when it's irrelevant in Japan and not even that relevant in the west?
Uhh have you seen the Switch, buddy?
>putting in the most effort
By going the safest route and rehashing, remastering and putting out cinematic experiences?
Uhh, you know that Yakuza 1+2 is on Wii-U right?
As opposed to what?
>MS are just a sequel machine now and cancelled innovative IPs
>Nintendo made games like Zelda appeal to gamers that love current industry trends like open worlds
>Other than that, its just Mario with a new hat and another Pokemon game
>Do we have a single fucking reason to hate Sony?
No, the real question is are any of those games good reason to get PS4?
The answer is no.
>god of war movie
>safest route
Like spending 5 years developing Horizon when they could just go Halo 4 and Halo 5 mode and release a sequel to Killzone since everyone is tired of CoD.
Like porting Gravity Rush 1 and making Gravity Rush 2 which didn't sold 300k copies in USA.
Like backing FF7 remake which will take 5 years to develop or more.
Look at Microsoft and Nintendo taking risks...
Nintendo is so scared they are releasing the Wii all over again because at least it will sell more than Wii U and they desperately need the casual audience back
I hate Sony right now because PSN been down
Constantly failing to protect their online service.
Pushing shit movies like God of War, Uncharted, and Horizon onto people when they have actual games to advertise.
They haven't had a worth a shit game on they PS+ service in over a year.
Probably because the new update is being launched soon.
It's fanbase
>Lego Batman
>Mad Max
>Mega Man
>Pay Day 2
>Barely any of those games are exclusives
I'm glad I've never been an XBOX gamer.
>Days Gone
The studio is SIE Bend Studio.
Guess what they made?
Probably PCFAGS were going to pirate it as usual so they did the right thing ,I hate to be a fan boy but get mad PCFAGS you don't deserve shit.
>movies like God of War
Give us Ishin and then we'll talk.
I hate to be that guy too, but I'd only accept Yakuza on PC if it had impossible to crack DRM. Games like that deserve to be paid for.
People change, user. Although, I'm not fully sold on it either. I like Sam Witwer though.
>Guess what they made?
This series?
I think what he is saying is that the western Sony devs are bunch of failed hollywood hacks who make movies masquerading as games.
They are not a 10/10 studio but the Syphon Filter games on PS1 were top quality.
Talking specifically about Last of Us and Uncharted. That shit sells. If Uncharted is needed they have money to bank more projects like Gravity Rush I hope the next Uncharted sell even more.
a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.
"every gamer has suffered from small-screen videos"
>overpriced Vita accessories
>that one time they tried to install a fucking rootkit in their costumers' computers
>Sony pictures as a whole
I mean I don't *hate* them but I do dislike them.
I don't know, I feeling like these movies games are having very negative effect on gaming.
>Yakuza 6, Wipeout Omega
The only two games worth on that list.
Also, first time I see someone mention Days Gone in Sup Forums
>I think what he is saying is that the western Sony devs are bunch of failed hollywood hacks who make movies masquerading as games.
What about Ratchet and Clank?
don't worry you'll see a lot more of it whenever it's close to launch
people will somehow spin "Sons of Anarchy with zombies" into a pro-SJW, anti-Trump narrative that isn't there
>no Ape Escape
It's a shame they fell for the zombie cancer.
Would be nice if they finally tried making a biker GTA game, like what Ride to Hell was supposed to be.
Yakuza 6 isn't a Sony title. Its a SEGA title you chucklefuck
>killing Studio Liverpool
One damn good reason right there.
You don't get to choose how to play your third party games
It's an honorary exclusive. Even SEGA sees it that way. Kiryu uses a Sony phone in Y6.
I don't judge games until I've actually played them.
I think Days Gone is interesting but we don't know enough about it yet to say anything definite.
>paid online
I'm sure people thought Yakuza 1 and 2 were "honorary exclusives" at one point too
There is no other option. Either that or be happy with using the money of 300k Gravity Rush sales to back more projects like Yakuza, Spider-Man and God of War
What do you even mean? Even if they weren't exclusive, I'd choose to play them on my PS4.
I hate paid online and don't pay for it, but at least it's not like Nintendo's joke of paid online. Even Microsoft does that better (and funnily enough better than Sony).
How the fuck is Horizon a movie? It's gamey as hell with its open world/RPG-lite/shoot-the-weakpoints/elemental weapons/fetch quest stuff, and even self-aware about it to an extent.
good thing 3, 4, 5, 6, 0, Dead Souls, Ishin, and Kenzan are
I don't understand what you're getting at.
Yakuza isn't and has never been a Sony series. It is a SEGA series, owned by and controlled by SEGA. Its disrespectful to SEGA to act as if Sony has any say in the Yakuza series
>Sup Forums keeps claiming Uncharted and games like it are movies
>Make some popcorn and get a drink
>Start playing Uncharted 4
>Put the controller down
>Nathan doesn't do anything
Well yeah and look how badly those bombed on the Wii U. Clearly people prefer it on Sony hardware.
And by the way, Sony helped Sega with the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku series multiple times and even gave Sega an exception to release Y2 with Japanese audio only in the west when that wasn't accepted by Sony in the PS2 days. It's not their franchise, but Sony sees the value in it and Sega sees the value in Sony.
I'm saying regardless of what your actual choices are, the fact that you don't have a choice is a bad thing
Spider-Man and Yakuza are the only potentially good games you listed.
>b-but Nintendo
Their's will also be less than half the price. Both are shit, but one at least has a better price point.
>Yakuza isn't and has never been a Sony series
>Its disrespectful to SEGA
user it's pretty much a Sony/Sega franchise. Stop with Sega worshipping.
How bout the fact that the PS4 took about 3 steps back compared to the PS3 when it comes to entertainment features and UI?
Shit bugs me, how can the PS3 read music, video, and picture files but the PS4 is regulated to an external USB.
clearly it's not disrespectful to SEGA it's disrespectful to secondaries who claim 1 and 2 are the only good games in the series because those are the only ones they can emulate
>elemental weapons
You mean weapon. And an "open" world with absurd amounts of invisible walls.
The morons who bought Xbox One and Switch can only blame themselves.
Joke's on you
I own a PS3 since 2009 and a PS4 since early 2014. All that time I paid 3 months of online.
if you want online experience console is not the best choice unless you are extreme poor and are desperate to play with 13 year old brazilian kids with tons of lag.
>God of War
thats not a strong point though
They meant to say visual novels, I am sure.
>boss fight ensues
>just press the buttons when we say to, no need to have any skill, put any thought into it, or have any fun
>13 year old brazilian kids with lots of lag
so MOBAs on PC?
Uh NO it isn't
Stop with the Sony worshiping. You're essentially citing development and artistic thought to a company that has no involvement in such
I'm not seeing any evidence that Sony helped fund or develop the Yakuza series or had any involvement in their creation whatsoever.
It's because they haven't actually played Uncharted. Honestly, I couldn't give a shit if they're too "cinematic" anyway. I don't play Uncharted for the gameplay, I play it for it's fun stories and great character interactions/chemistry.
What choice do you speak of? I own a PS Pro, so for some games, I do have a choice. If I cared about choice that much, I'd be a PC gamer.
I'd still take PS+ over Nintendo's idea. More games, an actual online community and games that are actually relevant online are a better choice.
>b-but Nintendo
I own a Wii U and two 3DS consoles, I'm not biased.
It's like if Bayonetta 3 happens and it's a Switch exclusive. Nintendo put the effort and time in to help, so I'm sure Sega/PG would see it as an honorary exclusive.
>I own a PS3 since 2009 and a PS4 since early 2014. All that time I paid 3 months of online.
I don't blame you. I let my sub run out and have no plans to sub again.
>if you want online experience console is not the best choice
Honestly, when I build a new PC, my online gaming will be done on that instead.
>I'm not seeing any evidence that Sony helped fund or develop the Yakuza series or had any involvement in their creation whatsoever.
They helped with bringing Yakuza 5 over.
>now Sup Forums hates god of war because it's 3rd person view
The old formula was dead since the third game came out. Then Sony released 2 more games. 5 fucking God of War games. The series reached its limit, either move on and try something new or never make a God of War game again.
That's the thing. Only gaming is cancer 99% of the time. I don't play on PC and I rarely played something on PS3, I think maybe 2 hours in total since 2009. If I had to play I would play on PC.
They handed Spider-man to a shovelware studio.
>God of War, Last of Us II
They keep funding shovelware studios while talented studios are left to rot.
Sony can fuck off.
Hopefully the new spider man game comes this year. I'm having a blast with horizon so far. Not interested in nier and will wait for it to hit $30 in 3 or 6 months. Can't wait for the crash trilogy remakes and kingdom hearts HD collections to be released.
>They helped with bringing Yakuza 5 over
I stand corrected
Though that doesn't show any evidence of it being a Sony series so much as they helped bring a single game over, which, considering they aren't even listed as publisher, doesn't say a whole lot about Sony's involvement. They certainly don't help develop or fund the development of the series. They don't publish the games in the West. Its a SEGA series.
>wipeout omega
FFS user, it's a shitty remaster collection. The devs are gone.
>It's like if Bayonetta 3 happens and it's a Switch exclusive
Except Nintendo actually funded the development of Bayonetta 2 as well as published it themselves. Sony did no such thing for Yakuza
>Sega was going to port the Yakuza series on pc
>Sega ports PC
>no one buys the games until they can get the complete bundle for 13 cents
Also fuck you, Sega wasn't doing shit.
but that one brazilian website that claimed 0 was coming to PC was totally a trustworthy source
We have to analyse each case individually. Yakuza has more than 7 games on Sony consoles. It's normal for people to talk it like it's a Sony franchise.
Bayonetta had 1 game on Wii U because according to Platinum the other companies weren't interested.
I don't see a copy of Toukiden there.
There is no evidence that Sony has been doing anything with Yakuza other than what the user mentioned about Yakuza 5. Calm down
>They handed Spider-man to a shovelware studio.
>Insomniac Games
What DO you actually consider a non-shoveware studio?
>They don't publish the games in the West. Its a SEGA series.
SEGA chose it that way with Yakuza 0 and future titles. Also, even the live-action TV show of Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku lists Sony in the credits when they don't need to.
>brazilian website
The shovelware studio comment is bait.
>They handed Spider-man to a shovelware studio.
What? People want Spyro revived more then Crash here.
>remasters and cinematic experiences
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza 6
>Persona 5
>Gravity Rush 2
>Tales of Berseria
>Ni No Kuni II
>Shenmue III
idk user they're doing a pretty good job keeping legit games out of MS and Nintendo hands. A lot aren't even coming to PC.
Look at the brightside, Skylanders might actually be cancelled soon. Hopefully Sony does a Spyro collection too.
The Switch will probably be a blunder like the Wii U and the XB1 is irrelevant to many fans of those series. It's understandable really.
You listed Horizon twice, and the only games there that Sony has any involvement in whatsoever are Nioh and Horizon, and Sony only published Nioh in the West.
You're giving a company credit for doing literally nothing but making Horizon happen and selling you boxes of Nioh outside of Japan
They still haven't showed any more Spiderman footage yet. Also their entire film division was a fucking mistake.
>muh remaster and cinematic experience meme
>when most of the shit announced for the switch is some sort of remaster, port, or reboot
Spyro was good 20 years ago. The people who made it are long gone.
And GR2. GR2 was developed by Sony
>You're giving a company credit for doing literally nothing but making Horizon happen and selling you boxes of Nioh outside of Japan
Then why would they choose Sony as their only console to release on? Clearly, Sony are doing it right.
>>when most of the shit announced for the switch is some sort of remaster, port, or reboot
Don't forget that Nintendo is the worst for porting and the Wii U's lineup started feeling like a port machine.