Gamer cringe thread

gamer cringe thread

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these look dope tho


t. dudebro teenager

Do you wear tapout shirts by any chance?

I might ironically buy a motherboard like this whenever I build my next computer.

i can appreciate something that looks sick. stay salty, console kids.



So what kind of gun do ya'll think Jesus would own?

>All that razer shit
>one monitor
>TWO headphones

Like, come on.

>keeping the box on display
Why the FUCK do people do this and why is it so common?

The most American gun of them all: the AK-47.

you're either 12 years old, russian or saudi arabian

that's some tacky shit

>How come your mom lets you have two headsets

>has enough disposable income as to go ahead and acquire every Razer product ever produced
>doesn't have a camera to show it off properly

You should kys ironically

razer products could break at any time and he might have to return the keyboards

And how.

just your average blatant advertisement

i keep boxes for everything I buy

partly hoarding, partly in case I need to make a return, partly because if i ever resell it retains greater value

I get that reference, and you have good taste.

razer dont make a camera afaik
>then requires a mirror to show off the razer camera

Those look like golden crayons


>Europeans need toy guns on their pc because they cant have real ones

What exactly is wrong with Tapout, though? As far as tacky graphic normie shirts go, they're fine.

It's neckbeard metalhead apparel

are you serious?

One of my army buddies only ever wore Tapout t-shirts, but he was seriously into Brazilian jiu-jitsu so he probably got them as prizes at mma tourneys or something. That guy was legit fighting in tourneys once a month for as long as I knew him, and we were in the same unit for like 3 years together.

>I'll have you know i am a gamer, i am certified gold on reddit and am also an gaming™ youtuber, like, share, subscribe.

Jesus Christ.

if He had owned one He wouldn't have been up on that cross


All of this is low tier



wut the fuck

a party popper

Your sense of aesthetic needs to mature, even if you should be an adult.

how do those people even sleep at night

I am not an angry person, but never in my life have I wanted to set fire to someone. Those god damn squeaker toys are so fucking obnoxious.

Fucking Christ...

Humanity is doomed.

My parents got me one of those for christmas, to be fair my other chair was broken and it was hell on my posture.

wtf i love an armed populace now

I'll save myself from bursting a blood vessel by imagining he won a contest

Looks fine though

Is it at least comfortable?
I would take it if they sell in full black.



What's that magazine doing in that mobo?

Top kek

Friends and parents gave one for birthday a month ago.

It's actually pretty good. My old office chair back was awful

>LeeL cooling

I got a very similar model in black and it's pretty comfortable.



Gaomon, what are you doing back there?

That's a galil magazine mate.

MKBHD get out

I am a gamer, and this is my manifesto.


>asks question regarding a magazine about a picture of a clip
>pic related is not an m4 mag filenamed m4 clip


>cooling on a motherboard
What? Why? They dont get hot. They don't even generate heat.

>TWO headphones


Check out the channel. It gets so much worse.


I don't think this is Sup Forums related mate.

>copying The Mentor's manifesto and changing the words
I shouldn't feel as offended as i feel
but i do

Dafuq. The comments are hilarious

>They don't even generate heat.

I think that would violate the second law of thermodynamics.

Chris didnt know it was an interview for furries. There are tons of fury fags in sc tho.

But can't most of euroland own guns in some form?
Even fucking Nipland?

You Can't Make Me.


>white people

The genocide can't happen too quickly.

Chris literally stopped giving interviews to no names after this one for a few years. He definitely does not want a repeat of that.


>Guy fawkes mask

Spurdoland here. It's actually really easy for a sane non-criminal to get a big gun such as a hunting rifle or a semi-auto shotgun, but it's nearly impossible to get anything concealable such as a handgun. A friend of mine has been hunting for 15 years and just last year he finally got a permission to get a .22 revolver and it took a lot of connections and convincing.


>Big Bang

>Buying beats TWO FUCKING TIMES.
That's the real crime on this pic.

Black people are all furries.


>€ 418.83

>They don't even generate heat
I hope you are saying this ironicly user. kys if not.

>Mac fag
>Has a mirror on the floor to fap looking at self


> Only 12.4 suicide rate vs up to 31.4 in other countries

I'd rather kill someone trying to kill me with a gun than want to kill myself because I don't have a gun.

that's not how you do this, you're not suppose to put so damn much, just a little bit in the middle about the size of an uncooked rice grain. and you should really only use miracle whip

>Everything in life most look boring
I bet the case sitting next to you is either plain black or white

Just like I violated your mom last night.

Now compare white US murder rate to European murder rates. I'll give you a hint, US murder rate for whites is ~1.1 per 100K, similar to what you find in basically any ~80% white Euro country, keeping in mind FBI statistics until very recently included nonwhite hispanics and Arabs in their "white" crime stats.

Does anybody have the picture where someone lifted the heat sink/fan off the chip in the nintendo switch and it was just fucking swimming in thermal paste?

>gank drone
what a name

I'm actually triggered on how badly this fucker drive, jesus christ

When its done nice yes. but these look like they got cheep plastic water gun parts and duck taped them to a motherboard.

who are you going to impress with your sick PC case bro? Your mom? because that's the only woman who'll ever enter your bedroom

A nailgun.

>That fucking Suicune