Will anything ever top the PS2?
Launch PS3 played PS1 and PS2 games, checkmate. But will anything surpass the PS3?
nothing from sorny ever will
The original playstation
Post games
PC will always be the eternal champion. Still, the PS2 fucking rules
My PS2 collects dust.
My PS4 is on fire since 2017.
That's because it's in the oven and you're next
What a stupid fucking post
Hey, fuck you
PS2, like the Wii, was a shovelware machine. Fucking outrageous to think about the piles of shovelware games my extended family used to purchase for my younger cousins. I remember a shovelware barbie or movie game like Shrek every week.
Joke trial. Explain this punchline, user.
It's already been surpassed
b-b-but these don't c-count you fucking s-sonybro !!!!
>Worse than the horrible PS3
>Only thing it's doing is selling systems
Lol, no.
No games 3 at least tried to experiment with the games it was releasing, to bring something new to the table. Sony is rehashing harder than Nintendo with the PS4. Even with hardware
>movie game like Shrek
Fucking bullshit bait. The Shrek games were legit, and didnt even release PS2. Consider suicide for your feeble attempt at trolling you sub-human scum.
>and didn't even release PS2
Nigger you what? My cousins only had a PS2. I only played shitty Shrek/Scoobydoo/barbie games with my cousins. Funny enough, you just outted how underage you are. Didn't even own a PS2, little worthless troglodyte.
Probably nothing.
The amount of games will never be surpassed, thanks to industry that revolve around AAA titles, we will never have another experimental/creative games done by proper team of developer who actually try.
Name 10 PS2 games that aren;t trash
>tfw MAG never ever again
Nigger I can name 50
Katamari Damacy
Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
We Love Katamari
Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
Katamari Damacy
Spiderman 2
I hated MAG. Got into the beta. It was a clunky shooter, looked ugly, had subpar designs. Controlling vehicles was a pain in the ass. The only reason to play the game was that 258(?) player count gimmick.
Guess it wasn't for you then. I really enjoyed it.
>Guess it wasn't for you
But the controls were horrible. Aiming was almost Killzone 2 levels of bad. Not to mention I remember the game having one shade of color, brown.
that entire gen was godlike not just the PS2.
I played towards the end of its life before Russians invaded the dead servers and I didn't experience anything like that.
I really liked the chain of command based system and the incentives for team work. The graphics were probably shit though. You might be right about that.
But the XBOX was better in every way. The only reason why the PS2 won that generation was because it was a DVD player.
>Will anything ever top the PS2
The Dreamcast that sits on top.